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Last active July 6, 2016 00:04
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trying to implement an parser, stack and evaluator
(define stack
(let ((stk '()))
(lambda (msg . args)
(case msg
((peek) (car stk))
((push) (set! stk (cons (car args) stk)))
((pop) (let ((result (car stk))
(popped (cdr stk)))
(set! stk popped)
((all) stk)
((empty?) (null? stk))
(else 'BAD-MESSAGE)))))
(define operands
'(("+" . "+")
("-" . "-")
("*" . "*")
("/" . "/")
("^" . "expt")
("%" . "mod")))
(define (operand? item)
(or (eqv? item "+")
(eqv? item "-")
(eqv? item "*")
(eqv? item "/")
(eqv? item "^")
(eqv? item "%")))
(define (space? item)
(eqv? item #\space))
(define (char->string c)
(make-string 1 c))
(define (string-split str)
(let loop ((ls (string->list str))
(result '())
(word '()))
(cond ((null? ls)
(reverse (cons (list->string (reverse word))
((eqv? (car ls) #\space)
(loop (cdr ls)
(cons (list->string (reverse word)) result)
(else (loop (cdr ls) result (cons (car ls) word))))))
(define (force-string num)
(if (string? num) num
(number->string num)))
(define (parse str) ;; might be having problems with
(let loop ((x-stack stack) ;; execution order
(tree (if (string? str) ;; TODO: Implement rpn s-exps
(string-split str)
((null? tree) (if (number? (car (x-stack 'all)))
(car (x-stack 'all))
(string->number (car (x-stack 'all)))))
((operand? (car tree))
(let ((oper (car tree))
(oprd1 (x-stack 'pop))
(oprd2 (x-stack 'pop)))
(x-stack 'push
(eval (list (string->symbol (cdr (assoc oper operands)))
(if (number? oprd1) oprd1
(string->number oprd1))
(if (number? oprd2) oprd2
(string->number oprd2)))))
(loop x-stack (cdr tree)))))
(else (begin
(x-stack 'push (car tree))
(print (x-stack 'all))
(loop x-stack
(cdr tree)))))))
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