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Created February 22, 2017 10:58
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Hello Docker World in 69 bytes
org 0x05000000
db 0x7F, "ELF"
dd 1
dd 0
dd $$
dw 2
dw 3
dd 0x0500001B
dd 0x0500001B
dd 4
mov dl, 19
mov ecx, msg
int 0x80
db 0x25
dw 0x20
dw 0x01
inc eax
int 0x80
msg db 'Hello Docker world!', 10
$ nasm -f bin -o hello <above_asm>.asm
$ chmod +x hello
$ ./hello
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Lines 3 - 12 are a static ELF header format, which identifies it to the OS as a binary it understands. Lines 13-15 point to the data and perform a sys call to write to stdout. Lines 19-20 set the exit function and call it.

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pcaro commented Feb 22, 2017

So great!

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