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Created September 7, 2011 10:35
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ProjectEuler - Problem 81 Solution
open System
open System.IO
let dimension = 80
// load the original matrix
let matrix = array2D (File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\temp\matrix.txt")
|> (fun l -> l.Split(',') |> int32))
// init the shortes sum matrix
let sumMatrix =
Array2D.init dimension dimension (fun i j -> if i = 0 && j = 0 then matrix.[i, j] else 0)
let fromTop i j = sumMatrix.[i - 1, j] + matrix.[i, j]
let fromLeft i j = sumMatrix.[i, j - 1] + matrix.[i, j]
// for each position (i, j) find the shortest sum leading to this point by moving down or
// right from the previous point in the path
for i = 0 to dimension - 1 do
for j = 0 to dimension - 1 do
match (i, j) with
| (0, 0) -> ()
| (_, 0) -> sumMatrix.[i, j] <- fromTop i j
| (0, _) -> sumMatrix.[i, j] <- fromLeft i j
| (_, _) -> sumMatrix.[i, j] <- Math.Min((fromTop i j), (fromLeft i j))
let answer = sumMatrix.[dimension - 1, dimension - 1]
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