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Last active August 27, 2017 22:17
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  • Save theburningmonk/5289368 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save theburningmonk/5289368 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collection of common sorting algorithms implemented in F#
// in-place swap
let swap i j (arr : 'a []) =
let tmp = arr.[i]
arr.[i] <- arr.[j]
arr.[j] <- tmp
let bubbleSort arr =
let rec loop (arr : 'a []) =
let mutable swaps = 0
for i = 0 to arr.Length - 2 do
if arr.[i] > arr.[i+1] then
swap i (i+1) arr
swaps <- swaps + 1
if swaps > 0 then loop arr else arr
loop arr
let insertionSort (arr : 'a []) =
for i = 1 to arr.Length - 1 do
let mutable j = i
while j >= 1 && arr.[j] < arr.[j-1] do
swap j (j-1) arr
j <- j - 1
let selectionSort (arr : 'a []) =
let rec loop n (arr : 'a []) =
if n >= arr.Length - 1 then arr
let mutable x, mini = arr.[n], n
for i = n+1 to arr.Length - 1 do
if arr.[i] < x then
x <- arr.[i]
mini <- i
if n <> mini then swap n (mini) arr
loop (n+1) arr
loop 0 arr
let rec mergeSort (arr : 'a []) =
let split (arr : _ array) =
let n = arr.Length
arr.[0..n/2-1], arr.[n/2..n-1]
let rec merge (l : 'a array) (r : 'a array) =
let n = l.Length + r.Length
let res = Array.zeroCreate<'a> n
let mutable i, j = 0, 0
for k = 0 to n-1 do
if i >= l.Length then res.[k] <- r.[j]; j <- j + 1
elif j >= r.Length then res.[k] <- l.[i]; i <- i + 1
elif l.[i] < r.[j] then res.[k] <- l.[i]; i <- i + 1
else res.[k] <- r.[j]; j <- j + 1
match arr with
| [||] | [| _ |] -> arr
| _ -> let (x, y) = split arr
merge (mergeSort x) (mergeSort y)
let rec quickSort (arr : 'a []) =
match arr with
| [||] | [| _ |] -> arr
| _ -> let l, (r, pivots) = Array.partition (fun n -> n < arr.[0]) arr
|> (fun (l, r) -> l, r |> Array.partition (fun n -> n <> arr.[0]))
Array.concat <| seq { yield (quickSort l); yield pivots; yield (quickSort r) }
/// left is the index of the leftmost element of the subarray
/// right is the inde of the rightmost element of the subarray
/// number of elements in subarray = right - left + 1
let inline partition(arr : 'a [], left, right, pivotIdx) =
let pivot = arr.[pivotIdx]
swap pivotIdx right arr // move pivot to the end
let mutable storeIdx = left
for i = left to right - 1 do // left <= i < right
if arr.[i] <= pivot then
swap i storeIdx arr
storeIdx <- storeIdx + 1
swap storeIdx right arr // move pivot to its final place
/// in-place version of quick sort
let inline quickSortInPlace (arr : 'a []) =
let rec loop (arr : 'a [], left, right) =
// if the array has 2 or more items
if left < right then
// use the middle element, and sort the elements according to the value of the pivot
// and return the new idx of the pivot
let pivotIdx = (left + right) / 2
let pivotNewIdx = partition(arr, left, right, pivotIdx)
// recursively sort elements either side of the new pivot
loop(arr, left, pivotNewIdx - 1)
loop(arr, pivotNewIdx + 1, right)
loop(arr, 0, arr.Length - 1)
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