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Last active February 28, 2018 18:34
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Maven setup for integration testing with DynamoDB
[INFO] --- download-maven-plugin:1.2.1:wget (install-dynamodb_local) @ app ---
[INFO] Got from cache: /home/carl/.m2/repository/.cache/maven-download-plugin/
[INFO] --- process-exec-maven-plugin:0.7:start (dynamodb_local) @ app ---
[INFO] arg: java
[INFO] arg: -Djava.library.path=dynamodb/DynamoDBLocal_lib
[INFO] arg: -jar
[INFO] arg: dynamodb/DynamoDBLocal.jar
[INFO] arg: -port
[INFO] arg: 53351
[INFO] arg: -sharedDb
[INFO] arg: -inMemory
[INFO] Full command line: java -Djava.library.path=dynamodb/DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar dynamodb/DynamoDBLocal.jar -port 53351 -sharedDb -inMemory
[INFO] Starting process: dynamodb_local
[INFO] Using working directory for this process: /home/carl/src/app/target
[INFO] Initializing DynamoDB Local with the following configuration:
[INFO] Port: 53351
[INFO] InMemory: true
[INFO] DbPath: null
[INFO] SharedDb: true
[INFO] shouldDelayTransientStatuses: false
[INFO] CorsParams: *
[INFO] Started process: dynamodb_local
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.18.1:integration-test (integration-test) @ app ---
[INFO] Failsafe report directory: /home/carl/src/app/target/failsafe-reports
<!-- ... -->
Choose the region that is closest to you for fastest download.
Step 1: Downlaod the DynamoDB Local artifact.
This will download to a Maven cache on disk and is kept until
the cache is cleared. The artifact is unpacked to the target
directory of the build.
Step 2: Reserve a local port for Dynamo to start on.
DynamoDB_Local normally runs on port 8000. Rather than hoping
that port is open, have this plugin reserve an available port
and set it as a property in the Maven build.
Step 3: Start DynamoDB_Local just before integration tests are run.
This plugin will also cleanup the process during the
post-integration-test phase.
We need to let DynamoDB finish starting, but don't have
a good semamore. It's pretty quick to start, so 1 second
should suffice.
Use the port that was reserved in step 2
You run your tests in parallel, right?
Remove this to keep data between restarts of the process.
Step 4: Use the failsafe plugin to run integration tests.
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins </groupId>
Set a system property for the test clients to use when connecting.
Something like Apache's commons-configuration can pick this up
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