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Created March 29, 2012 19:37
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variants stuff
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
import StringIO
import time
from itertools import product
s = """
<document ID="28173" Description="Variantenvorschau" Source_ID="9" Source_Type="3" Sort="3"
Parent_ID="28168" OT_ID="113777" OC_ID="71706" Status="0" ClientVersionText="ABS 11.5"
OT_SV_ClientVersion="25" SV_InternalVersion="17" ClientVersionCaption="ABS 11.5"
NodePath="|7496||28168||28173|" readonly="false">
<!-- asd-->
<selection variable="x" description="erste Auswahl über x">
<item value="1" description="x war 1" operator="=">
<p>Variante x war 1</p>
<item value="2" description="x war 2" operator="=">
<p>Variante x war 2</p>
<selection variable="y" description="erste Auswahl über y">
<item description="Variante 1" value="1" operator="=">
<p>Variante y war 1</p>
<item description="Variante 2" value="2" operator="=">
<p>Variante y war 2</p>
<selection variable="x" description="zweite Auswahl über x">
<item description="Variante 1" value="5" operator="=">
<p>Variante y war 2 und x war 5</p>
<item description="Variante 2" value="6" operator="=">
<p>Variante y war 2 und x war 6</p>
<selection variable="z"
description="erste Auswahl über
<item description="Variante 1" value="23" operator="=">
<p>Variante y war 2 und x war 6 und z war 23</p>
<p>Variante y war 2 und x war 6 und z war NICHT 23</p>
#~ s = open('t:/example.xml').read()
#~ s = open('t:/fhapolice.xml').read()
s = open('r:/reduced.xml').read()
cmltree = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(s))
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, parent=None, lines=None, level=None, sourceline=None, element=None):
self.children = [] # Node() instances
self.parent = parent
self.sourceline = sourceline
self.element = element
if level is None:
self.level = parent.level + 1 if parent is not None else 0
self.level = level
if parent is not None:
self.lines = lines if lines is not None else []
Node.COUNT += 1
def indent(self, i):
return ' ' * (self.level + (0 if i == 0 else 1)) * 4
def toCode(self, limit=None):
lines = []
# this one
for i, line in enumerate(self.lines[:limit]):
lines.append(self.indent(i) + line)
# the chilren
for node in self.children:
return '\n'.join(lines)
def __repr__(self):
return ': '.join([str(self.__class__.__name__)] + self.lines[:1])
def getUniqueVars(self):
uniqueVars = set()
def _traverse(node):
for child in node.children:
if isinstance(child, IfNode) and child.condname != 'else':
return uniqueVars
class IfNode(Node):
def __init__(self, condname, varname=None, operator=None, value=None, **kwargs):
IfNode.IFCOUNT += 1
_ = lambda s: (' %s' % s) if s else ''
lines = ['%s%s%s%s:' % (condname, _(varname), _(operator), _(value)),
'print "IF-NODE %s"' % IfNode.IFCOUNT]
super(IfNode, self).__init__(lines=lines, **kwargs)
self.condname = condname
self.varname = varname
self.operator = operator
self.value = value
class BranchNode(Node):
def indent(self, i):
return ' ' * (self.level + 1) * 4
def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
level = parent.level
#~ lines = ['print "BRANCH"']
lines = None
super(BranchNode, self).__init__(parent=parent, level=level, lines=lines, **kwargs)
#~ def getChoices(self):
#~ if self.children[-1].condname == 'else':
def construct(parent, node):
for child in parent.findall('*'):
if child.tag == 'selection':
branch_node = BranchNode(node, sourceline=child.sourceline, element=child)
varname = child.attrib['variable']
items = child.findall('item')
for i, item in enumerate(items):
operator = item.attrib['operator']
value = item.attrib.get('value', '')
condname = 'if' if i == 0 else 'elif'
operator = '==' if operator == '=' else operator
child_node = IfNode(condname, varname, operator, value, parent=branch_node, sourceline=item.sourceline, element=item)
construct(item, child_node)
default = child.find('default')
if default is not None:
child_node = IfNode(condname='else', parent=branch_node, sourceline=default.sourceline, element=default)
construct(item, child_node)
#~ else:
#~ IfNode(condname='else', parent=branch_node)
construct(child, node)
root_node = Node()
construct(cmltree.getroot(), root_node)
def checkFeasability(ifnodes):
res = True
conds = {}
for ifnode in ifnodes:
if ifnode.operator == '==':
if conds.get(ifnode.varname, ifnode.value) != ifnode.value:
res = False
conds[ifnode.varname] = ifnode.value
return res
CACHE = {}
def analyse(levelnode):
''' return list of variants, a single variant is a list of IfNodes '''
#~ print levelnode.level, levelnode, levelnode.sourceline
if len(levelnode.children) == 0:
assert isinstance(levelnode, IfNode)
# its an IfNode without sub branches
return [[levelnode]]
variants_on_level = []
childrenGroups = [branch.children for branch in levelnode.children]
#~ print childrenGroups
for children in product(*childrenGroups):
variants = []
# collect sub variants list for the current combination of ifnodes
for ifchild in children:
childvariants = CACHE.get(ifchild)
if childvariants is None:
CACHE[ifchild] = childvariants = analyse(ifchild)
#~ print len(childvariants)
j = 0
# build combinations of sub variants
# thats the or-releation between BranchNodes at the same level
for j, child_variant_combination in enumerate(product(*variants)):
flattened = [levelnode] if isinstance(levelnode, IfNode) else []
for ifnodes in child_variant_combination:
if checkFeasability(flattened):
return variants_on_level
print root_node
#~ for c in root_node.children[11:]:
#~ c.element.getparent().remove(c.element)
#~ open('r:/reduced.xml', 'w').write(etree.tostring(cmltree, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8', method='xml'))
#~ root_node.children = root_node.children[:12]
jj = 1
for bn in root_node.children:
print len(bn.children)
jj *= len(bn.children)
print jj
#~ import sys; sys.exit()
uniqueVars = root_node.getUniqueVars()
print 'Num Unique Vars: %s' % len(uniqueVars)
for uv in sorted(uniqueVars):
print uv
t = time.time()
#~ _vlsdebug()
variants = analyse(root_node)
print 'count unfiltered variants: %s\n' % len(variants)
print time.time() - t
#~ for i,v in enumerate(variants, 1):
#~ print i, v
#~ print 'Python Repr:'
#~ print root_node.toCode(2)
#~ print
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