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Created September 23, 2018 21:15
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/* Copyright 2014 Jan Wolter */
#include "stack.h"
#include "tableau.h"
#include "found.h"
#include "bouquet.h"
#include "solve.h"
#include "game.h"
char *gamename= "Canfield";
char *gameopt= "OF";
Stack *gathered= NULL;
Stack *temp= NULL;
int reservei;
int nplayed= 0;
int nwon= 0;
int nabandoned= 0;
int cardsleft= 0;
int maxoff;
int baserank;
int dealchunk= 3;
int autofill= 1;
void setopt(char c)
switch (c)
case 'O': dealchunk= 1; break; /* Deal one-by-one, infinite redeals */
case 'F': autofill= 0; break; /* Turn off autofills */
/* Given the pip value of a card, what is it's foundation rank, where the
* basecard's baserank is 0, the next card is 1, and so on.
int basepip(int n)
return (n - baserank + npip)%npip;
/* This is the main program for setting up the current game */
void exec(int gather, int arif, int over, int cut)
/* Could set things like ndeck, nsuit here */
/* Shuffle the deck */
Stack *shuf= mixcards(arif, over, cut);
/* The first card will be the base card for our foundations */
Card *basecard= popStack(shuf);
baserank= basecard->n;
/* Create the foundations */
superfound= sf_constbase;
for (int s= 0; s < nsuit; s++)
makeFound(baserank, s, +1, 13);
/* If the suit of this foundation matches our basecard put it on */
if (s == basecard->s)
pushStack(stacks+foundation[nfound-1].id, basecard);
/* Create the reserve - part of the tableau really */
makeTableau(13, FLIP_ALL, shuf, S_NONE, 0, S_NONE, 0, 0, F_NONE, BREAK_ANYWHERE, 0);
reservei= ntableau-1;
/* Create the tableau */
for (int i= 1; i <= 4; i++)
makeTableau(1, FLIP_NONE, shuf,
S_DIFFCOLOR, -1, S_DIFFCOLOR, -1, baserank, F_ANYTHING, 0, reservei+1);
/* Create the stock/waste - really a bouquet with chunksize 3 */
makeBouquet(shuf, dealchunk, 1);
/* Print initial state */
if (verbose > 1) printState(stdout, stacks);
maxoff= 0;
int win= solve(gather,0);
if (verbose > 0) printf("maxoff=%d\n",maxoff);
cardsleft+= maxoff;
if (win == 1)
else if (win == 2)
/* Gather up the cards into the global 'gathered' stack. This has to be
* non-destructive, since we may not be done solving when it is called.
void gatherAll()
if (gathered == NULL)
gathered= allocStack(ncard);
gathered->n= 0;
if (gathered->n != ncard)
printf("Gather Failed - found %d cards\n",gathered->n);
/* How good is a move?
* Returns 0 if the move is completely safe or manditory. Such moves will not
* be marked as choice points for backtracking.
* For other moves, positive values are returned with lower values for better
* moves.
* Negative values mean the move should not be done at all.
* So for Canfield:
* 0 = Actual safe moves to foundation that don't mess up bouquet,
* and auto fills of tableau spaces from reserve.
* 1 = moves from reserve to tableau, except last card in reserve.
* moves that empty a tableau pile.
* 2-10 = moves from waste that build toward connecting tableau piles or
* lifting reserve pile. Rating is 1 + distance from moved card toward
* card we are building toward.
* 2-10 = moves to foundation that build toward lifting top card of reserve
* or bottom card of a tableau pile.
* 20 = moves from mid-waste to safe foundation spaces
* 21 = moves to unsafe foundation spaces
* 22 = tableau to tableau moves that open no empty spaces, but expose a card
* that could be moved to the foundation.
* 23 = moves from waste to tableau that build toward nothing
* -1 = tableau to tableau moves that open no empty spaces and don't expose
* any card that could be moved to the foundation.
int rateMove(Stack *src, int index1, int len, Stack *dst)
Card *mc= src->c[index1];
if (dst->type == FOUND)
FoundStack *f= foundation + dst->tid;
/* Moving Aces and Twos to the foundation is generally safish, except
* that they aren't necessarily aces and two in Canfield. */
int safe= (mc->n == f->baserank || mc->n == (f->baserank%npip) + 1);
if (!safe)
/* Find the two foundation stacks with different colors */
/* Here we assume suitcolor[] contains alternate ones and zeros */
int f1= (dst->tid + 1)%nsuit;
int f2= (dst->tid + 3)%nsuit;
/* We want to make sure our pile doesn't get more than two cards
* ahead of the piles of the opposite suit.
int safe= (dst->n - 1 <= stacks[f1].n &&
dst->n - 1 <= stacks[f2].n);
/* Actually, these "safe" moves aren't really safe if the card comes
* from the middle of the Bouquet, because then it might mess up
* accessibility of other cards we need. If it is from a tableau pile
* or if it is one of the last two cards on the bouquet, then it is
* really safe. Still, any "safe" foundation move is a good thing to
* try.
int bestrc;
if (safe)
if (dealchunk == 1 || src->type != BOUQUET || index1 >= src->n - 2)
return 0;
bestrc= 20;
bestrc= 21;
/* Now we are left with unsafe foundation moves. This are high priority
* if they build toward lifting the top reserve pile or an only card on
* a tableau, otherwise they are low priority.
int mn= basepip(mc->n);
for (int k= 0; k < ntableau; k++)
/* Skip empty stacks */
if (stacks[tableau[k].id].n == 0 ||
(k != reservei && stacks[tableau[k].id].n != 1)) continue;
Card *gc;
if (k == reservei)
/* For Reserve, want to build to top card */
gc= topStack(stacks + tableau[k].id);
/* For Tableau, want to build to bottom card */
gc= stacks[tableau[k].id].c[0];
/* This is a possible target to build to if it is the same
* suit and of lower rank */
int gn= basepip(gc->n);
if (gn > mn && gc->s == mc->s)
int rc= gn - mn + 1;
if (rc < bestrc) bestrc= rc;
return bestrc;
/* Moving to tableau */
if (src->type == TABLEAU)
if (src->tid == reservei)
/* Moving from reserve */
/* Moving a reserve card into an empty space is not only safe,
* it's manditory.
if (dst->n == 0 && autofill) return 0;
/* Generally moving cards out of the reserve is a very high
* priority, except that there is no particular rush to remove
* the last one.
if (src->n > 1) return 1;
/* otherwise drop through */
/* Moving from another tableau pile */
/* If this move empties a tableau pile, even if the reserve is
* already empty, then it is a fine idea.
if (index1 == 0) return 1;
/* Other tableau to tableau moves must necessarily be breaking
* up an already built sequence. These moves are useful only
* if they expose a card that can be moved to a foundation
* pile. Don't even consider them otherwise.
Card *expcard= src->c[index1 - 1];
for (int k= 0; k < nfound; k++)
if (found_mayInsert(stacks+foundation[k].id,expcard,1,src))
return 22;
return -1;
/* Here we are moving either a waste card or the last reserve card
* to the tableau. This is more useful if it builds toward joining
* two tableau piles, or lifting the top reserve card.
int bestrc= 23; /* return code for building toward nothing */
/* All cards fit either in red-odd sequences or black-odd sequences.
* Where does this one fit? */
int blackodd= (mc->n + suitcolor[mc->s]) % 2;
/* Loop through the tableaus and reserve, looking for things we might
* be building toward
int mn= basepip(mc->n);
for (int k= 0; k < ntableau; k++)
/* Skip empty stacks */
if (stacks[tableau[k].id].n == 0) continue;
Card *gc;
if (k == reservei)
/* For Reserve, want to build to top card */
gc= topStack(stacks + tableau[k].id);
/* For Tableau, want to build to bottom card */
gc= stacks[tableau[k].id].c[0];
/* This is a possible target to build to if it is also
* red-odd/black-odd and if it has a lower pip value than
* the moved card. */
int gn= basepip(gc->n);
if (gn < mn && blackodd == (gc->n + suitcolor[gc->s]) % 2)
int rc= mn - gn + 1;
if (rc < bestrc) bestrc= rc;
return bestrc;
void printState(FILE *f, Stack *stks)
printFound(f, stks);
printTableau(f, stks);
printBouquet(f, stks);
int victory()
int off= nOff();
if (off > maxoff) maxoff= off;
return (off == ncard);
/* Return a quality rating for the current solution. Bigger is better. Usually
* it's just cards off. This is used to decide which solution to report in
* cases where we never win.
int quality()
return nOff();
void summary()
printf("Played: %d games\n",nplayed);
printf("Won: %d games (%.2f%)\n",nwon,(float)nwon*100/nplayed);
printf("Abandoned: %d games (%.2f%)\n",nabandoned,(float)nabandoned*100/nplayed);
printf("Cards Off: %.2f\n",(float)cardsleft/nplayed);
/* Return a string that uniquely describes the current state. */
char *currstate()
/* ncards for all the cards on things, 4 for tableaus, 1 for reserve,
* 4 for list terminators.
char buf[ncard+20], *p= buf;
/* Numbers of cards in each foundation pile */
/* We add one to each count because we don't want any zeros */
for (int k= 0; k < nfound; k++)
*(p++)= stacks[foundation[k].id].n + 1;
/* Count of cards on the reserve */
*(p++)= stacks[tableau[reservei].id].n + 1;
/* List of cards on each tableau pile - probably we should normalize
* the order of tableau piles, sorting them by the first card on them,
* but that is unlikely to be a bit deal in Canfield. Also the flippedness
* of cards may need to matter, but again, that doesn't matter in Canfield.
for (int k= 0; k < ntableau; k++)
if (k == reservei) continue;
Stack *s= stacks + tableau[k].id;
for (int i= 0; i < s->n; i++)
*(p++)= (s->c[i] - deck) + 1;
*(p++)= ncard + 1; /* The card list terminator */
/* List of cards on bouquet */
/* We don't need this. For any given deal, the other state variables
* give us enough information to tell what cards are in the bouquet, and
* their order never changes, so this is redundant.
Stack *bs= stacks + bouquet[0].id;
for (int i= 0; i < bs->n; i++)
*(p++)= (bs->c[i] - deck) + 1;
/* We do need to know the top card of the bouquet though, as different
* values mean different cards are playable.
*(p++)= bouquet[0].top;
*p= '\0';
return strdup(buf);
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