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Created March 29, 2012 11:56
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Save thechrisoshow/2236521 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to add validations to a specific instance of an active record object?
class Banana < ActiveRecord::Base; end
banana =
banana.valid? #=> true
banana.singleton_class.validates_presence_of :name
banana.valid? #=> true - why did the validation not work?
banana.class.validates_presence_of :name
banana.valid? #=> false - as we'd expect...but now...
new_banana =
new_banana.valid? #=> false - because the previous call soiled the Banana class with it's validation
# So how does one apply validations to the eigenclass of an ActiveRecord object?
# Or am I misunderstanding what .singleton_class is?
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mudge commented Mar 29, 2012

Trying to dig into this some more to see if @h-lame is right about the validations being defined on the class regardless of using singleton_class:

Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.12)
irb(main):001:0> class Feed < ActiveRecord::Base; end
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> f =
f.valid?=> #<Feed id: nil, url: nil, title: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):003:0> f.valid?
=> true

So without any validation whatsoever, the singleton class looks like so:

irb(main):004:0> f.singleton_class._validators
=> {}

When you add a validation however, this hash will be populated:

irb(main):005:0> f.singleton_class.validates_presence_of :title
=> [ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator]
irb(main):006:0> f.valid?
=> false
irb(main):007:0> f.singleton_class._validators
=> {:title=>[#<ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator:0x00000103bf3868 @attributes=[:title], @options={}>]}

Creating a new instance:

irb(main):008:0> f2 =
=> #<Feed id: nil, url: nil, title: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):009:0> f2.valid?
=> true

And let's see if the validator is there (it shouldn't be seeing as our new instance passed all validations):

irb(main):010:0> f2.singleton_class._validators
=> {:title=>[#<ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator:0x00000103bf3868 @attributes=[:title], @options={}>]}

This is a tad mind-boggling.

irb(main):017:0> f2.singleton_class._validators[:title].object_id
=> 2178915360
irb(main):018:0> f.singleton_class._validators[:title].object_id
=> 2178915360

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mudge commented Mar 29, 2012

Ah, here's the key difference (as @h-lame's teardown hinted at):

irb(main):033:0> f.singleton_class._validate_callbacks
=> [#<ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback:0x00000103bf35c0 @klass=#<Class:#<Feed:0x00000103cbef40>>(id: integer, url: string, title: string, updated_at: datetime), @kind=:before, @chain=[...], @per_key={:if=>[], :unless=>[]}, @options={:if=>[], :unless=>[]}, @raw_filter=#<ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator:0x00000103bf3868 @attributes=[:title], @options={}>, @filter="_callback_before_13", @compiled_options=[], @callback_id=14>]
irb(main):034:0> f2.singleton_class._validate_callbacks
=> []

Both have the validator, but only the first has the callback to use it.

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Woops! I thought I had posted a reply.

@mudge I should've mentioned, Rails 2.3.14, Ruby 1.8.7
Looks like you CAN do what I want in Rails 3 - sorry to send you off down a deprecated Rabbit Hole

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Is there a trick to accomplishing this in Rails 3.2?

(rdb:1) @nmp.singleton_class._validators
{:child_new_medical_profiles=>[#<Mongoid::Validations::AssociatedValidator:0x0000010443f378 @attributes=[:child_new_medical_profiles], @options={}>], :conditions=>[#<Mongoid::Validations::AssociatedValidator:0x00000105965b58 @attributes=[:conditions], @options={}>]}

(rdb:1) &:filter
["_callback_before_139", "_callback_before_141", :validate_not_more_than_one_condition, :inches, :feet]

(rdb:1) @nmp.singleton_class.validates_presence_of :number

(rdb:1) @nmp.singleton_class._validators
{:child_new_medical_profiles=>[#<Mongoid::Validations::AssociatedValidator:0x0000010443f378 @attributes=[:child_new_medical_profiles], @options={}>], :conditions=>[#<Mongoid::Validations::AssociatedValidator:0x00000105965b58 @attributes=[:conditions], @options={}>], :number=>[#<Mongoid::Validations::PresenceValidator:0x00000102bdbd68 @attributes=[:number], @options={}>]}

(rdb:1) &:filter
["_callback_before_139", "_callback_before_141", :validate_not_more_than_one_condition, :inches, :feet, "_callback_before_359"]

After calling validates_presence_of of the singleton_class I can see that it adds the validator and creates a new callback, "_callback_before_359". If I inspect that callback it is a huge long callback chain that does seem to include a callback with @raw_filter equal to my new PresenceValidator.

However, the validator is not called:

(rdb:1) @nmp.number = nil

(rdb:1) @nmp.valid?

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

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I would like to do the exact same thing. Any news on this?

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You may be better off just using #alias_method_chain

# Extending a User instance with this decorator will add a validation that the :old_password attribute is valid
class User
  module PasswordProtection

    def self.extended(user)
      class << user
        attr_writer :old_password
        alias_method_chain :valid?, :password_protection

    def valid_with_password_protection?


    def validate_old_password
      unless self.valid_password?(@old_password)
        errors.add :old_password, "is invalid"

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bilus commented Apr 16, 2014

Another solution would be using a Form Object and defining the validations depending on the context where they're used.

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class class User
  before_validation :add_instance_validations


    def add_instance_validations
      singleton_class.class_eval { validates :name, presence: true }

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DVG commented Mar 5, 2015

I actually just blogged bout this, if anyone is still in need of a solution

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wrote an article specially answering this topic: :)

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A method that is directly built into Rails:

       class Person
         include ActiveModel::Validations

         validate :instance_validations, on: :create

         def instance_validations
           validates_with MyValidator, MyOtherValidator

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A method that is directly built into Rails:

       class Person
         include ActiveModel::Validations

         validate :instance_validations, on: :create

         def instance_validations
           validates_with MyValidator, MyOtherValidator

This solution is not corresponding with the initial subdmision. What the author need is to be able to "inject" as ad-hoc a validator without affecting to the Base class.

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