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Created July 19, 2018 17:22
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@ durak > Also using Arch in an office sounds like an IT disaster.
> Just wait until pacman breaks something right before a major deadline.
> Also they can't make anyone set up Arch on their own time, can they?
> So they're just wasting company money.
> It'd be cheaper to buy everyone MacBooks than pay engineers for a week to get Arch all set up
@ Jay > yeah it actually would
> hell, windows 98 would be more safe than arch
> or any other linux distro
@ veksen > It's no mystery that companies just handout Macbooks
> shit just works
@ Greg > yh but mac os is shit
@ veksen > when you pay your engineers 50, 100, 150$/hr
> that's your opinion
> From somebody who spent more than a decade on Windows, about 2 years on Linux, and 2 years on Mac
> I can tell you that MacOS is the best of all worlds
> especially when you work and taking 10 hours setting up or fixing a computer means $$$$ lost
@ Tomes > why not handout an linux system with guest user only >:-)
@ veksen > because that would be retarded
> why not hand Chromebooks then?
> by your logic
@ Tomes > :wink:
@ veksen > MacOS has 99% of system access, unless you need to dive real deep, which you shouldn't do unless you want to end up with "works on my machine"
@ Tomes > but you shouldn't need it on linux either!
@ veksen > that still doesn't make Linux a stable work environment
@ Tomes > i have to admit that i encountered problems on my work machine (arch) aswell and my boss is thinking about handing out an mac for me aswell (im an student)
@ Greg > Won't deny that macos is more stable however I'd rather work in my own customized environement than something else
> 👍
> even if that means more work
@ veksen > that means money lost from your employer, yes
@ Greg > yh but if I work with my won environement I'm more productive
> = money gained
@ veksen > what do you want customized?
> your terminal?
@ Greg > Window manager + greeter
@ Tomes > keybindings, cobalt2
@ Greg > Terminal is I hope customizable on mac
@ veksen > yes <picture of iTerm2>
@ Greg > omz with default theme yay
@ veksen > that's not default theme
> that's iTerm2 with zsh
@ Greg > thats the default theme of oh my zsh
> rubbyrussel or smth like that
@ veksen > ya, I like the default theme
> you can install any theme
> bash is customizable, it's just UNIX.
> any dotfiles you have one linux works 99% on Mac
@ Greg > yh wasnt arguing about the terminal
@ veksen > ahh
@ Greg > last time I checked however there is no way to make i3 run smoothly on mac os
> there is some tiling managers which are not free on the app store lmao
> didnt try those tho
@ veksen > I use Magnet which cost me 1.39$
> it has all of the shortcuts customizable, moving sideways, one thirds, to the other screen... etc
@ Greg > afaik magnet is kinda a superset of mac's default wm so not the fastest and not as much features as another wm
> I should try it though
> maybe its not as bad as what I think it is
@ veksen > I don't think there are window managers that don't use Mac's...
> Mac's = native, so most likely the fastest here
> it's really instant, nothing to complain about here
> but I have a beasty computer, so hard to tell
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