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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Save thecodewarrior/638d7da7608dc21eee86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Guides are just XML files, but with special tags.

Guide format:

<title>[insert title here]</title>
  <image src="image/path" />
Some text about the thing in quiestion here, oh here is a link to a related <guide href="modid:guide_name">thing</guide>, and here is an image: <image src="image/path" height="16" align="right" />

Here is some formatted text,
<b>even <i>combined <u>together with</u> <guide href="modid:guide_name">links</guide></i></b>.

Also some

There are a number of different tags available (anything surrounded by {} is optional):

  • Links: <guide href="modid:guide_name">[actual text]</guide>
  • Images: <image src="path/to/image" {width="[max width]"} {height="[max height]"} {align="[left, right, center]"} />
  • Formatting:
    • Bold: <b>[anything]</b>
    • Italics: <i>[anything]</i>
    • Underline: <u>[anything]</u>
    • Strikethrough: <strike>[anything]</strike>
    • Obfuscated (randomly changing text): <obf>[anything]</obf>
  • Indent: <indent>[anything]</indent>

Upcoming tags:

  • Scale: <scale fac="[scaling factor]">[anything]</scale>
  • List:
  • Table: (colWidths="col1,col2,...,colN" values are either a number for a fixed width, or a * for unchanged width)
<table {colWidths="*,25,*,*"}>
  • Collapsible area (spoiler): <spoiler title="Text for button">[anything]</spoiler>
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