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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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play() ->
game_loop(get_int(), 666).
intro() ->
io:format("Welcome to this 'game'.~n"),
io:format("Enter numbers to narrow down onto what I am hard coded for~n"),
io:format("Enter one mumber at a time (integers),~n"),
io:format(" I will tell you if you need to go higher or lower.~n~n").
game_loop(Target, Target) ->
io:format("Well done, you got it right!~n");
game_loop(Guess, Target) when Guess > Target ->
io:format("Woah there nelly, back it down a spot!~n"),
game_loop(get_int(), Target);
game_loop(_Guess, Target) ->
io:format("Nope, need to go higher!~n"),
game_loop(get_int(), Target).
get_int() ->
Input = io:get_line("Enter a number: "),
case string:to_integer(Input) of
{error, Reason} ->
{Int, _} ->
shout_at_user(no_integer) ->
io:format("I said a number!~n");
shout_at_user(Reason) ->
io:format("You did something funky: ~p~n", [Reason]).
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