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Created October 12, 2018 05:42
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An idiom (not practical) to emulate __restrict

The code below emulates "restrict", the function argument attribute that indicates the ranges of the pointers do not overlap. It explains its limitations:

struct Aligned {
    alignas(1024) double d;

using u = unsigned;
constexpr u count = 1 << 10;
using ul = unsigned long;

void max(double *r, const double *left, const double *right) {
    for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
        r[i] = left[i] < right[i] ? right[i] : left[i];
// The following code shows it is currently possible
// for Clang to deduce overlapping does not occur
// However, other rules of the standard language
// prevents programmers from using a generalization
// of the idiom shown below
// The idiom is very brittle,
// it relies on Clang realizing that
// count <= count + long(o1)
// count <= count + long(o2)
// because o1, o2 are 32 bit numbers
// thus, it is barely able to prove
// count <= (left - r)
// and count <= (right - left)
// that is, there is no overlap.
// We don't need "restrict", what we need are
// ways to tell the compiler general assertions
void max(Aligned *a, u o1, u o2) {
    auto r = &a->d;
    auto left = r + (count + long(o1));
    auto right = left + (count + long(o2));
    max(r, left, right);

#include <assert.h>

// one annoyance with the current standard:
void call_max(double *r, double *s1, double *s2) {
    // suppose the program makes it so that these
    // assertions are always true here
    assert(count <= (s1 - r));
    assert((s1 - r) < (1 << 32));
    assert(count <= (s2 - s1));
    assert((s2 - s2) < (1 << 32));
    // and all of them are aligned to at least 1024
    auto diff1 = (s1 - r);
    auto diff2 = (s2 - s1);
        reinterpret_cast<Aligned *>(r), //<- undefined behavior
            // there is no way to say
            // "I know what I am doing, you can now treat r as an Aligned *
            // This is a case in which the type system forces rules
            // on the programmers without recourse, not the C++ way
            // that otherwise let's you hurt yourself with all sorts
            // of "nuclear powered foot machine guns"

For that code, Clang is able to leverage that the ranges do not overlap to enable vectorization, if allowed to work on AVX512, it is able to operate on 8 double at a time see code in the Compiler Explorer.

For brevity, let us look at "call_max":

call_max(double*, double*, double*): # @call_max(double*, double*, double*)
  sub rdx, rsi
  sub rsi, rdi
  shr rdx, 3
  movabs rax, 34359738360
  and rax, rsi
  add rax, rdi
  add rax, 8192
  mov ecx, edx
  xor edx, edx
.LBB2_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
  vmovupd zmm0, zmmword ptr [rax + 8*rcx + 8192]
  vmaxpd zmm0, zmm0, zmmword ptr [rax]
  vmovupd zmmword ptr [rdi + 8*rdx], zmm0
  add rdx, 8
  add rax, 64
  cmp rdx, 1024
  jne .LBB2_1

There is only one conditional, to loop back.

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