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Last active May 6, 2019 09:55
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Draft of implementation of variant

To do:

  1. Correct noexcept of swap
  2. Confirm the move-operations preserve the value category
  3. Deduce the return type of visit
  4. Deduce the noexceptness of visit
  5. Comple the set of constructors (not just by index, but also by type)
  6. Refactor components to the rest of the library -- Maxer, Largest, ...
  7. Rename BadVariant
  8. Refactor implementations into their namespace
  9. Make typeSwitch_ private and provide a sensible public interface for it
  10. Decide on whether visit should be a friend
#include <tuple>
    // provides std::tuple_element to be able to index a pack of types,
    // indirectly includes type traits and utility
#include <new>

namespace zoo {

template<typename T>
void swap(T &t1, T &t2) {
    T temporary{std::move(t1)};
    t1 = std::move(t2);
    t2 = std::move(temporary);

struct Maxer {
    int v_;
    constexpr Maxer(int v): v_{v} {}
    constexpr operator int() const { return v_; }
    constexpr Maxer operator*(Maxer o) const { return v_ < o.v_ ? o.v_ : v_; }

template<int... Ints>
constexpr auto Largest = int{(Maxer{0} * ... * Maxer(Ints))};

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto LargestSize = Largest<sizeof(Ts)...>;

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto LargestAlignment = Largest<alignof(Ts)...>;

static_assert(sizeof(void *) == LargestSize<int, float, char, void *>, "");
static_assert(alignof(short) == LargestAlignment<short, char, char[4]>, "");

struct BadVariant {};

template<int Index, typename... Ts>
using TypeAtIndex =
    typename std::tuple_element<Index, std::tuple<Ts..., BadVariant>>::type;

template<typename R, typename Visitor, typename Var>
R visit(Visitor &&visitor, Var &&value);

template<typename... Ts>
struct Variant {
    constexpr static auto Count = sizeof...(Ts);
    constexpr static auto Size = LargestSize<Ts...>;
    constexpr static auto Alignment = LargestAlignment<Ts...>;
    constexpr static auto NTMC =

    alignas(Alignment) char space_[Size];
    int typeSwitch_ = Count;

    Variant() {}

    Variant(const Variant &v): typeSwitch_{v.typeSwitch_} {
            [&](const auto &c) {
                using Source = std::decay_t<decltype(c)>;
                new(as<Source>()) Source{c};

    Variant(Variant &&v) noexcept(NTMC): typeSwitch_{v.typeSwitch_} {
            [&](auto &&m) {
                using Source = std::decay_t<decltype(m)>;
                new(as<Source>()) Source{std::move(m)};
        v.typeSwitch_ = Count;

    template<std::size_t Ndx, typename... Args>
    Variant(std::in_place_index_t<Ndx>, Args &&...args): typeSwitch_{Ndx} {
        using Held = TypeAtIndex<Ndx, Ts...>;
        new(as<Held>()) Held{std::forward<Args>(args)...};

    Variant &operator=(const Variant &model) {
        Variant copy{model};
        swap(*this, copy);
        return *this;

    Variant &operator=(Variant &&other) noexcept(NTMC) {
        new(this) Variant{std::move(other)};
        return *this;

    ~Variant() { destroy(); }

    void reset() {
        typeSwitch_ = Count;

    template<typename T>
    T *as() noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(space_); }

    template<typename T>
    const T *as() const noexcept {
        return const_cast<Variant *>(this)->as<T>();

    void destroy() {
            [](auto &who) {
                using Type = std::decay_t<decltype(who)>;


template<int Index, typename... Ts>
auto get(Variant<Ts...> &v) ->
    TypeAtIndex<Index, std::tuple<Ts..., BadVariant>> &
    return<TypeAtIndex<Index, std::tuple<Ts..., BadVariant>>();

    typename R, typename Visitor, typename V,
    int Current, typename Head, typename... Tail
struct Visit_impl {
    static R execute(Visitor &&visitor, V &&v, int typeSwitch) {
        switch(typeSwitch) {
            case Current: return visitor(*v.template as<Head>());
                        R, Visitor, V, Current + 1, Tail...

template<typename R, typename Visitor, typename V, int Current>
struct Visit_impl<R, Visitor, V, Current, BadVariant> {
    static R execute(Visitor &&visitor, V &&v, int) {
        return visitor(*v.template as<BadVariant>());

template<typename R, typename Visitor, typename Var, typename... Types>
R visit_injected(Visitor &&visitor, Var &&v, const Variant<Types...> *) {
    return Visit_impl<R, Visitor, Var, 0, Types..., BadVariant>::execute(

template<typename R, typename Visitor, typename Var>
R visit(Visitor &&visitor, Var &&value) {
    return visit_injected<R>(
        std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), std::forward<Var>(value), &value

template<typename R, typename Visitor, typename Var, typename... Ts>
R GCC_visit_injected(Visitor &&visitor, Var &&value, const Variant<Ts...> *) {
    using Vi = decltype(visitor);
    using Va = decltype(value);
    constexpr static R (*visits[1 + sizeof...(Ts)])(Vi, Va) = {
        [](Vi vi, Va va) { return vi(*va.template as<Ts>()); }...,
        [](Vi vi, Va va) { return vi(*va.template as<BadVariant>()); }
            std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), std::forward<Var>(value)

template<typename R, typename Visitor, typename Var>
R GCC_visit(Visitor &&visitor, Var &&value) {


Performance comments

As can be seen at an example at the compiler explorer, the "nested switch" implementation gets compiled into a jump table, and while compiling each entry in the jump table the control flow analysis preserves the execution context (each of the entries in the jump table "know" the value of global is 99. Using an array of function pointers, as in doGCCVisit, the compiler fails to realize global has been just set to 77.

The latest GCC available, 9.1, even with seven types in the variant, continues to implement the nested switch using nested if-then-elses, which continues to be an obvious performance pitfall


#include <catch2/catch.hpp>

struct HasDestructor {
    int *ip_;
    HasDestructor(int *ip): ip_{ip} { *ip_ = 1; }
    ~HasDestructor() { *ip_ = 0; }

struct IntReturns1 {
    template<typename T>
    int operator()(T) { return 0; }
    int operator()(int) { return 1; }

struct MoveThrows {
    MoveThrows() = default;
    MoveThrows(const MoveThrows &) = default;
    MoveThrows(MoveThrows &&) noexcept(false);

TEST_CASE("Variant", "[variant]") {
    int value = 4;
        std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<zoo::Variant<int, char>>::value,
            zoo::Variant<int, MoveThrows, char>
    using V = zoo::Variant<int, HasDestructor>;
    SECTION("Proper construction") {
        V var{std::in_place_index_t<0>{}, 77};
        REQUIRE(77 == *<int>());
    SECTION("Destructor Called") {
            V var{std::in_place_index_t<1>{}, &value};
            REQUIRE(1 == value);
        REQUIRE(0 == value);
    SECTION("visit") {
        V instance;
        auto result = zoo::visit<int>(IntReturns1{}, instance);
        REQUIRE(0 == result);
        instance = V{std::in_place_index_t<1>{}, &value};
        result = zoo::visit<int>(IntReturns1{}, instance);
        REQUIRE(0 == result);
        value = 5;
        instance = V{std::in_place_index_t<0>{}, 77};
        SECTION("Internally held object is destroyed on move assignment") {
            REQUIRE(0 == value);
        result = zoo::visit<int>(IntReturns1{}, instance);
        REQUIRE(1 == result);
    SECTION("GCC Visit") {
        V instance;
        REQUIRE(0 == zoo::GCC_visit<int>(IntReturns1{}, instance));
        instance = V{std::in_place_index_t<0>{}, 99};
        REQUIRE(1 == zoo::GCC_visit<int>(IntReturns1{}, instance));
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