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Rewired Glyph Mappings
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "new-controller-icon-mapping", menuName = "Controller Icon Mapping")]
public class ControllerIconMapDefinition : ScriptableObject
private InputIconMapDefinition gamepadMap = null;
private InputIconMapDefinition keyboardMap = null;
private InputIconMapDefinition mouseMap = null;
private List<Rewired.ControllerTemplateElementTarget> _elementTargets = new List<Rewired.ControllerTemplateElementTarget>();
public bool GetIconsForAction(int actionId, Rewired.Player player, List<InputIcon> inputIcons)
Rewired.Controller lastController = player.controllers.GetLastActiveController();
if (lastController.type == Rewired.ControllerType.Joystick)
FillInputIcons(inputIcons, gamepadMap, player, lastController, actionId);
FillInputIcons(inputIcons, keyboardMap, player, Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Keyboard, actionId);
FillInputIcons(inputIcons, mouseMap, player, Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Mouse, actionId);
return inputIcons.Count > 0;
private void FillInputIcons(List<InputIcon> inputIcons, InputIconMapDefinition iconMap, Rewired.Player player, Rewired.Controller controller, int actionId)
foreach (var elementMap in player.controllers.maps.ElementMapsWithAction(controller, actionId, skipDisabledMaps: false))
int inputId = elementMap.elementIdentifierId;
if (controller.templateCount > 0)
controller.Templates[0].GetElementTargets(elementMap, _elementTargets);
if (_elementTargets.Count > 0)
inputId = _elementTargets[0];
var inputIcon = iconMap.GetInputIcon(inputId);
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public struct InputIcon
// A comment to identify this input icon in inspector
public string Comment;
// The input ID that this icon represents, maps to Rewired's 'elementIdentifierId'
public int InputId;
// The sprite for this icon
public Sprite IconSprite;
// An optional label to display on the sprite
public string IconLabel;
// Offset from icon center for the label
public Vector3 IconLabelOffset;
// Whether to flip the icon horizontally
public bool FlipX;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "new-input-icon-mapping", menuName = "Input Icon Mapping")]
public class InputIconMapDefinition : ScriptableObject
private InputIcon[] inputIcons = null;
public InputIcon GetInputIcon(int inputId)
foreach (InputIcon inputIcon in inputIcons)
if (inputIcon.InputId == inputId)
return inputIcon;
return default(InputIcon);
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