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PSChangeLogTools script module which uses local git log, GitHub release, and GitHub issues to generate changelog updates
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#Requires -Module PowerShellforGitHub | |
#Requires -Version 5.1 | |
# GitLog Class | |
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 3/31/2021 9:47:01 PM for object type PSCustomObject | |
class PSGitLog { | |
[String]$CommitId | |
[String]$ShortCommitId | |
[DateTime]$AuthorDate | |
[String]$AuthorName | |
[String]$AuthorEmail | |
[DateTime]$CommitterDate | |
[String]$CommitterName | |
[String]$ComitterEmail | |
[String]$CommitterSignature | |
[String]$CommitMessage | |
[String]$SafeCommitMessage | |
PSGitLog () { } | |
PSGitLog ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) { | |
$this.CommitId = $InputObject.CommitId | |
$this.ShortCommitId = $InputObject.ShortCommitId | |
$this.AuthorDate = [datetime]::Parse($InputObject.AuthorDate,(Get-Culture)) | |
$this.AuthorName = $InputObject.AuthorName | |
$this.AuthorEmail = $InputObject.AuthorEmail | |
$this.CommitterDate = [datetime]::Parse($InputObject.CommitterDate,(Get-Culture)) | |
$this.CommitterName = $InputObject.CommitterName | |
$this.ComitterEmail = $InputObject.ComitterEmail | |
$this.CommitMessage = $InputObject.CommitMessage | |
$this.SafeCommitMessage = $InputObject.SafeCommitMessage | |
$this.CommitterSignature = switch ($InputObject.CommitterSignature) { | |
'G' { 'Valid'} | |
'B' { 'BadSignature'} | |
'U' { 'GoodSignatureUnknownValidity'} | |
'X' { 'GoodSignatureExpired'} | |
'Y' { 'GoodSignatureExpiredKey'} | |
'R' { 'GoodSignatureRevokedKey'} | |
'E' { 'MissingKey'} | |
'N' { 'NoSignature'} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
# converts local git log into PSGitLog object | |
function Get-GitLog { | |
[CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Default')] | |
param ( | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',ValueFromPipeline)] | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='SourceTarget',ValueFromPipeline)] | |
[ValidateScript({Resolve-Path -Path $_ | Test-Path})] | |
[string]$GitFolder='.', | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='SourceTarget',Mandatory)] | |
[string]$StartCommitId, | |
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='SourceTarget')] | |
[string]$EndCommitId='HEAD' | |
) | |
Push-Location | |
try { | |
$GitPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $GitFolder).Path | |
$GitCommand = Get-Command -Name git -ErrorAction Stop | |
if ((Get-Location).Path -ne $GitPath) { | |
Set-Location -Path $GitFolder | |
} | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Folder - $GitPath" | |
} | |
catch { | |
$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) | |
} | |
if ($StartCommitId) { | |
$GitLogCommand = '"{0}" log --oneline --format="%H`t%h`t%ai`t%an`t%ae`t%ci`t%cn`t%ce`t%G?`t%s`t%f" {1}...{2} 2>&1' -f $GitCommand.Source,$StartCommitId,$EndCommitId | |
} else { | |
$GitLogCommand = '"{0}" log --oneline --format="%H`t%h`t%ai`t%an`t%ae`t%ci`t%cn`t%ce`t%G?`t%s`t%f" 2>&1' -f $GitCommand.Source | |
} | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Command - $GitLogCommand" | |
$GitLog = Invoke-Expression -Command "& $GitLogCommand" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | |
if ((Get-Location).Path -ne $GitPath) { | |
Pop-Location | |
} | |
try { | |
if ($GitLog[0] -notmatch 'fatal:') { | |
$GitLog | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Header $([PSGitLog]::new().psobject.Properties.Name) | ForEach-Object { [PSGitLog]::new($_) } | |
} else { | |
if ($GitLog[0] -like "fatal: ambiguous argument '*...*'*") { | |
Write-Warning -Message 'Unknown revision. Please check the values for StartCommitId or EndCommitId; omit the parameters to retrieve the entire log.' | |
} else { | |
Write-Error -Category InvalidArgument -Message ($GitLog -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) -ErrorAction Stop | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
catch { | |
$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) | |
} | |
Pop-Location | |
} | |
# uses Get-GitHubRelease and Get-GitHubIssue from PowerShellforGitHub to get the latest issues and releases | |
# ChangeLogEntryType is set to suggested type of changes from | |
function Get-ChangeLogUpdate { | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})] | |
[string]$ProjectPath, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[ValidateSet('Bugfix','Security','Feature','Maintenance')] | |
[string[]]$ReleaseType, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[ValidateSet('No Required','Recommended','Strongly Recommended')] | |
[string]$UpdateRequired, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[string]$ProjectOwner, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[version]$TargetRelease, | |
[uri]$ReleaseLink, | |
[string]$TargetReleaseDate='Unreleased' | |
) | |
try { | |
enum ChangeLogEntryType { | |
Security; Deprecated; Removed; Fixed; Changed; Added; Maintenance | |
} | |
$ProjectPath = Resolve-Path -Path $ProjectPath | |
$Project = Split-Path -Path $ProjectPath -Leaf | |
$LastReleaseCommit = Get-GitHubRelease -OwnerName $ProjectOwner -RepositoryName $Project | Sort-Object -Property created_at -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | |
if ($LastReleaseCommit) { | |
$GitLog = Get-GitLog -GitFolder $ProjectPath -StartCommitId $LastReleaseCommit.target_commitish | |
} else { | |
$GitLog = Get-GitLog -GitFolder $ProjectPath | |
} | |
} | |
catch { | |
$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) | |
} | |
$NewChangeLogEntry = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine() | |
if ($ReleaseLink) { | |
$TargetReleaseText = '## [{0}] - {1}' -f $TargetRelease.ToString(),$TargetReleaseDate | |
} else { | |
$TargetReleaseText = '## {0} - {1}' -f $TargetRelease.ToString(),$TargetReleaseDate | |
} | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine($TargetReleaseText) | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine() | |
switch ($ReleaseType.Count) { | |
1 { $ReleaseTags = $ReleaseType[0] } | |
2 { $ReleaseTags = '{0} and {1}' -f $ReleaseType[0],$ReleaseType[1] } | |
3 { $ReleaseTags = '{0}, {1}, and {2}' -f $ReleaseType[0],$ReleaseType[1],$ReleaseType[2] } | |
4 { $ReleaseTags = '{0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}' -f $ReleaseType[0],$ReleaseType[1],$ReleaseType[2],$ReleaseType[3] } | |
} | |
$ReleaseTypeText = '{0}; Update {1}' -f $ReleaseTags,$UpdateRequired | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine($ReleaseTypeText) | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine() | |
$ChangeLogCommits = foreach ($Commit in $GitLog) { | |
$IssueNumber = $GitHubIssue = $null | |
$Action,$Message = $Commit.CommitMessage -Split ' ' | |
if ([ChangeLogEntryType].GetEnumNames() -match "^$Action") { | |
$EntryType = [ChangeLogEntryType]$Action | |
} else { | |
$EntryType = 'Maintenance' | |
} | |
if ($Message -match '#') { | |
$Issue = $Message -match '#' | |
if ($Issue -is [boolean]) { | |
$IssueNumber = $Message.Replace('#','') | |
} else { | |
$IssueNumber = $Issue.Replace('#','') | |
} | |
$GitHubIssue = Get-GitHubIssue -OwnerName $ProjectOwner -RepositoryName $Project -Issue $IssueNumber | | |
Select-Object -Property number,html_url,title | | |
Sort-Object -Property number | |
} | |
[PSCustomObject]@{ | |
ShortCommitId = $Commit.ShortCommitId | |
CommitDate = $Commit.CommitDate | |
EntryType = $EntryType | |
CommitMessage = $Commit.CommitMessage | |
GitHubIssue = $GitHubIssue | |
} | |
} | |
$ChangeLogCommits | Out-String | Write-Verbose | |
foreach ($EntryType in [ChangeLogEntryType].GetEnumNames()) { | |
$SectionCommits = $ChangeLogCommits.Where({$_.EntryType -match $EntryType -and $_.GitHubIssue}) | Sort-Object -Property GitHubIssue.created_at,CommitterDate,CommitMessage | |
if ($SectionCommits) { | |
$SectionHeader = '### {0}' -f $EntryType | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine($SectionHeader) | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine() | |
foreach ($Entry in $SectionCommits) { | |
if ($Entry.GitHubIssue) { | |
$EntryText = '- [Issue #{0}]({1}) - {2}' -f $Entry.GitHubIssue.number,$Entry.GitHubIssue.html_url,$Entry.GitHubIssue.title | |
} | |
$EntryText | Write-Verbose | |
if (-Not $NewChangeLogEntry.ToString().Contains($EntryText)) { | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine($EntryText) | |
} | |
} | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine() | |
} | |
} | |
if ($ReleaseLink) { | |
$ReleaseLinkText = '[{0}]: {1}' -f $TargetRelease.ToString(),$ReleaseLink.AbsoluteUri | |
[void]$NewChangeLogEntry.AppendLine($ReleaseLinkText) | |
} | |
$NewChangeLogEntry.ToString() | |
} | |
# updates the actual changelog. | |
# note that if you have another changelog in your docs, you will need | |
# to copy the one in the root of your project over (or use the DocsPath parameter | |
# that I just added). | |
function Set-ChangeLog { | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param( | |
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] | |
[string]$ChangeLogPath, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] | |
[string]$ChangeLogUpdate, | |
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] | |
[string]$DocsPath | |
) | |
$ChangeLog = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() | |
$Lines = Get-Content -Path $ChangeLogPath | |
$Count = 0 | |
foreach ($Line in $Lines) { | |
if ($Line -match '^## \[\d\.|^## \d\.') { | |
if ($null -eq $LastReleaseBegin) { | |
$LastReleaseBegin = $Count | |
} elseif ($null -eq $LastReleaseEnd) { | |
$LastReleaseEnd = $Count - 1 | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
$Count++ | |
} | |
if ($Lines[$LastReleaseBegin] -ne $ChangeLogUpdate.Split([System.Environment]::NewLine)[2]) { | |
# use original heading | |
[void]$ChangeLog.Append($Lines[0..($LastReleaseBegin-1)] -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) | |
# add updated entry | |
[void]$ChangeLog.Append($ChangeLogUpdate) | |
# use original remainder | |
[void]$ChangeLog.Append($Lines[($LastReleaseBegin)..($Lines.Count)] -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) | |
Set-Content -Path $ChangeLogPath -Value $ChangeLog.ToString() -Force | |
if ($DocsPath) { | |
'Replacing {0} with contents from {1}' -f $DocsPath,$ChangeLogPath | Write-Verbose | |
Copy-Item -Path $ChangeLogPath -Destination $DocsPath -Force | Out-Null | |
} | |
} else { | |
' No changes made to {0}' -f $ChangeLogPath | Write-Warning | |
} | |
} | |
# gets the release notes, aka the last release in the changelog | |
# this would be used to updated the module's PrivateData.PSData.ReleaseNotes | |
# assumes only the last release info will be included | |
# also assumes the module has an online changelog | |
function Get-ReleaseNotes { | |
[CmdLetBinding()] | |
param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})] | |
[string]$ChangeLogPath, | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[uri]$ChangeLogUri | |
) | |
$FullChangeLogLocation = "For full CHANGELOG, see $ChangeLogUri" -f $ChangeLogUri.AbsoluteUri | |
$ChangeLog = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() | |
$Lines = Get-Content -Path $ChangeLogPath | |
$Count = 0 | |
foreach ($Line in $Lines) { | |
if ($Line -match '^## \[\d\.|^## \d\.') { | |
if ($null -eq $LastReleaseBegin) { | |
$LastReleaseBegin = $Count | |
} elseif ($null -eq $LastReleaseEnd) { | |
$LastReleaseEnd = $Count - 1 | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
$Count++ | |
} | |
[void]$ChangeLog.Append($Lines[$LastReleaseBegin..$LastReleaseEnd] -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) | |
[void]$ChangeLog.AppendLine() | |
[void]$ChangeLog.AppendLine($FullChangeLogLocation) | |
$ChangeLog.ToString() | |
} |
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