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IronScripter Challenge - November 15, 2019 - Beginner PowerShell Function
function ConvertTo-Celsius {
($Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
function ConvertTo-Fahrenheit {
($Celsius * 9/5) + 32
function ConvertTo-Celsius {
process {
Fahrenheit = $Fahrenheit
Celsius = ($Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
function ConvertTo-Fahrenheit {
process {
Celsius = $Celsius
Fahrenheit = ($Celsius * 9/5) + 32
function ConvertTo-Celsius {
[int]$Precision = 1
process {
foreach ($Temperature in $Fahrenheit) {
if ($Temperature -ge -459.67) {
Fahrenheit = $Temperature
Celsius = [math]::Round(($Temperature - 32) * 5/9,$Precision)
} else {
'{0} {1}F is below absolute zero. Please try again.' -f $Temperature,[char]176 | Write-Warning
function ConvertTo-Fahrenheit {
[int]$Precision = 1
process {
foreach ($Temperature in $Celsius) {
if ($Temperature -ge -273.15) {
Celsius = $Temperature
Fahrenheit = [math]::Round(($Temperature * 9/5) + 32,$Precision)
} else {
'{0} {1}F is below absolute zero. Please try again.' -f $Temperature,[char]176 | Write-Warning
class Temperature {
hidden [string]$Comment
Temperature () {}
Temperature ( $Value, $Unit) {
$BelowAbsoluteZero = switch ($Unit) {
'F' { if ($Value -lt -459.67) { $true } }
'C' { if ($Value -lt -273.15) { $true } }
'K' { if ($Value -lt 0) { $true } }
default { $false }
if ($BelowAbsoluteZero) {
if ($Unit -match 'F|C' ) {
throw ('{0} {1}{2} is below absolute zero. Please try again.' -f $Value,[char]176,$Unit)
} else {
throw ('{0} {1} is below absolute zero. Please try again.' -f $Value,$Unit)
$this.Unit = $Unit
$this.Value = $Value
$this.Comment = $this.GetStateChangeComment()
[string] ToString () {
if ($this.Unit -match 'F|C') {
return '{0} {1}{2}' -f $this.Value,[char]176,$this.Unit
} else {
return '{0} {1}' -f $this.Value,$this.Unit
[decimal] ToFahrenheit () {
$ToFahrenheit = switch ($this.Unit) {
'C' { ($this.Value * 9/5) + 32 }
'K' { ($this.Value - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 }
default { $this.Value }
return $ToFahrenheit
[decimal] ToFahrenheit ([int]$Precision) {
$ToFahrenheit = switch ($this.Unit) {
'C' { ($this.Value * 9/5) + 32 }
'K' { ($this.Value - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 }
default { $this.Value }
return [decimal]::Round($ToFahrenheit,$Precision)
[string] ToFahrenheitString () {
return '{0} {1}{2}' -f $this.ToFahrenheit(),[char]176,'F'
[string] ToFahrenheitString ([int]$Precision) {
return '{0} {1}{2}' -f $this.ToFahrenheit($Precision),[char]176,'F'
[decimal] ToCelsius () {
$ToCelsius = switch ($this.Unit) {
'F' { ($this.Value - 32) * 5/9 }
'K' { $this.Value - 273.15 }
default { $this.Value }
return $ToCelsius
[decimal] ToCelsius ([int]$Precision) {
$ToCelsius = switch ($this.Unit) {
'F' { ($this.Value - 32) * 5/9 }
'K' { $this.Value - 273.15 }
default { $this.Value }
return [decimal]::Round($ToCelsius,$Precision)
[string] ToCelsiusString () {
return '{0} {1}{2}' -f $this.ToCelsius(),[char]176,'C'
[string] ToCelsiusString ([int]$Precision) {
return '{0} {1}{2}' -f $this.ToCelsius($Precision),[char]176,'C'
[decimal] ToKelvin () {
$ToKelvin = switch ($this.Unit) {
'F' { ($this.Value - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15 }
'C' { $this.Value + 273.15 }
default { $this.Value }
return $ToKelvin
[decimal] ToKelvin ([int]$Precision) {
$ToKelvin = switch ($this.Unit) {
'F' { ($this.Value - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15 }
'C' { $this.Value + 273.15 }
default { $this.Value }
return [decimal]::Round($ToKelvin,$Precision)
[string] ToKelvinString () {
return '{0} {1}' -f $this.ToKelvin(),'K'
[string] ToKelvinString ([int]$Precision) {
return '{0} {1}' -f $this.ToKelvin($Precision),'K'
[object] Convert () {
return [PsCustomObject]@{
Fahrenheit = $this.ToFahrenheit()
Celsius = $this.ToCelsius()
Kelvin = $this.ToKelvin()
Comment = $this.Comment
[object] Convert ([int]$Precision) {
return [PsCustomObject]@{
Fahrenheit = $this.ToFahrenheit($Precision)
Celsius = $this.ToCelsius($Precision)
Kelvin = $this.ToKelvin($Precision)
Comment = $this.Comment
[object] ConvertWithString () {
return [PsCustomObject]@{
Fahrenheit = $this.ToFahrenheit()
FahrenheitString = $this.ToFahrenheitString()
Celsius = $this.ToCelsius()
CelsiusString = $this.ToCelsiusString()
Kelvin = $this.ToKelvin()
KelvinString = $this.ToKelvinString()
Comment = $this.Comment
[object] ConvertWithString ([int]$Precision) {
return [PsCustomObject]@{
Fahrenheit = $this.ToFahrenheit($Precision)
FahrenheitString = $this.ToFahrenheitString($Precision)
Celsius = $this.ToCelsius($Precision)
CelsiusString = $this.ToCelsiusString($Precision)
Kelvin = $this.ToKelvin($Precision)
KelvinString = $this.ToKelvinString($Precision)
Comment = $this.Comment
[string] GetStateChangeComment () {
if ($this.ToCelsius() -eq -273.15) {
$GetStateChangeComment = 'Absolute Zero'
} else {
$Celsius = $this.ToCelsius(0)
$GetStateChangeComment = switch ($Celsius) {
0 { 'Freezing Point' ; break }
3 { 'Near Freezing Point' ; break }
100 { 'Boiling Point' ; break }
233 { 'Fahrenheit 451 – the temperature at which book paper catches fire, and burns...' ; break }
5505 { 'Surface of the Sun' ; break }
return $GetStateChangeComment
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Catching a value below absolute zero is a great call. I wouldn't have thought of that.

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