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Last active July 9, 2021 14:17
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function Split-Array {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[String[]] $InputObject
[ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
[int] $Size = 10
begin { $items = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object] }
process { $items.AddRange($InputObject) }
end {
$chunkCount = [Math]::Floor($items.Count / $Size)
foreach ($chunkNdx in 0..($chunkCount-1)) {
, $items.GetRange($chunkNdx * $Size, $Size).ToArray()
if ($chunkCount * $Size -lt $items.Count) {
, $items.GetRange($chunkCount * $Size, $items.Count - $chunkCount * $Size).ToArray()
function Get-PSFollowFridayTweetText {
[int]$ActiveWithin = 7,
[string[]]$Exclude = 'Retweets'
$TweetTemplate = @'
Today's #PowerShell #PSFollowFriday list comes from @{0}'s Twitter List, {1}.
Set-BluebirdPSConfiguration -OutputType CustomClasses
try {
'Getting Twitter List for {0} with Slug of {1}' -f $UserName, $ListSlug | Write-Verbose
$PSFollowFridayListOwners = Get-TwitterList -Id 1400680326754615296
$PSFollowFridayUsers = Get-TwitterList -Id 1403723956373360641
$List = Get-TwitterList -Slug $ListSlug -OwnerUserName $UserName
if ($null -eq $List) {
Write-Warning -Message "Did not find Twitter List for $UserName with Slug of $ListSlug"
Write-Verbose -Message "Retrieving the list membership"
$ListMembers = $List | Get-TwitterListMember
'Found {0} members' -f $ListMembers.Count | Write-Verbose
if ($ListMembers.Count -gt 100) {
$ListMemberUsers = $ListMembers | Split-Array -Size 100 | ForEach-Object { Get-TwitterUser -User $_ }
} else {
$ListMemberUsers = $ListMembers | Get-TwitterUser
if ($ListMemberUsers.Protected -eq $true) {
$SkippingUsers = $ListMemberUsers | Where-Object Protected
'Skipping {0} protected users.' -f $SkippingUsers.Count | Write-Warning
$ListMemberUsers = $ListMemberUsers | Where-Object -Not Protected
$TimeLineParams = @{
StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$ActiveWithin)
Exclude = $Exclude
'Checking for user activitiy within the last {0} days' -f $ActiveWithin | Write-Verbose
$UserCount = 1
$Activity = $ListMemberUsers |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Progress -Activity 'Getting user timelines...' -Status $_.UserName -PercentComplete ($UserCount / $ListMemberUsers.Count * 100)
if ((Get-TwitterTimeline -User $_ @TimeLineParams).Count -gt 0) {
$FollowList = $Activity | Get-Random -Count 10
'Selected users: {0}' -f ($FollowList -join ', ') | Write-Verbose
'Adding selected users to {0} (Id: {1})' -f $PSFollowFridayUsers.Name,$PSFollowFridayUsers.Id | Write-Verbose
$PSFollowFridayUsers | Add-TwitterListMember -UserName $FollowList | Out-Null
'Adding list owner, {0}, to {1} (Id: {2})' -f $UserName,$PSFollowFridayListOwners.Name,$PSFollowFridayListOwners.Id | Write-Verbose
$PSFollowFridayListOwners | Add-TwitterListMember -UserName $UserName | Out-Null
$TweetFollowList = $FollowList | ForEach-Object { '@{0}' -f $_ }
$TweetTemplate -f $List.UserName,$List.Name,$List.Uri,($TweetFollowList -join ' ')
catch {
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Updated to work with v0.5.0 release.

The Get-TwitterListMember returns a string array of usernames. I need a [BluebirdPS.APIV2.UserInfo.User] for Get-TwitterTimeline so I needed to use Get-TwitterUser which has a limit of 100 usernames per call.

To easily chunk the returned members list into 100 (or less), I included Split-Array from a StackOverflow answer from @mklement0. Thanks! That's some awesome code.

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Updated. Only use Split-Array if the membership count is greater than 100.

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Updated. Added Out-Null to Add-TwitterListMember statements.

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Update. Added logic to skip protected users and to enforce CustomClasses output.

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