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Last active May 29, 2021 12:59
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Twitter API Error Mapping
function Get-ErrorCategory {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'APIV1.1')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'APIV1.1')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'APIV1.1')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'APIV2')]
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'APIV2') {
switch ($ErrorType) {
'about:blank' { return 'NotSpecified' }
'' { return 'PermissionDenied' }
'' { return 'PermissionDenied' }
'' { return 'InvalidArgument' }
'' { return 'PermissionDenied' }
'' { return 'PermissionDenied' }
'' { return 'AuthenticationError' }
'' { return 'QuotaExceeded' }
'' { return 'ConnectionError' }
'' { return 'ConnectionError' }
'' { return 'ResourceUnavailable' }
'' { return 'QuotaExceeded' }
'' { return 'InvalidArgument' }
'' { return 'InvalidOperation' }
'' { return 'ObjectNotFound' }
} else {
switch ($StatusCode) {
400 {
switch ($ErrorCode) {
324 { return 'OperationStopped' }
325 { return 'ObjectNotFound' }
{ $_ -in 323, 110 } { return 'InvalidOperation' }
215 { return 'AuthenticationError' }
{ $_ -in 3, 7, 8, 44 } { return 'InvalidArgument' }
407 { return 'ResourceUnavailable' }
401 {
if ($ErrorCode -in 417, 135, 32, 416) {
return 'InvalidOperation'
403 {
switch ($ErrorCode) {
326 { return 'SecurityError' }
{ $_ -in 200, 272, 160, 203, 431 } { return 'InvalidOperation' }
{ $_ -in 386, 205, 226, 327 } { return 'QuotaExceeded' }
{ $_ -in 99, 89 } { return 'AuthenticationError' }
{ $_ -in 195, 92 } { return 'ConnectionError' }
{ $_ -in 354, 186, 38, 120, 163 } { return 'InvalidArgument' }
{ $_ -in 214, 220, 261, 187, 349,
385, 415, 271, 185, 36, 63, 64,
87, 179, 93, 433, 139, 150, 151,
161, 425 } { return 'PermissionDenied' }
404 {
if ($ErrorCode -in 34, 108, 109, 422, 421, 13, 17, 144, 34, 50) {
return 'InvalidOperation'
} elseif ($ErrorCode -eq 25) {
return 'InvalidArgument'
406 {
return 'InvalidData'
409 {
if ($ErrorCode -eq 355) {
return 'InvalidOperation'
410 {
if ($ErrorCode -eq 68) {
return 'ConnectionError'
} elseif ($ErrorCode -eq 251) {
return 'NotImplemented'
415 {
return 'LimitsExceeded'
420 {
return 'QuotaExceeded'
422 {
if ($ErrorCode -eq 404) {
return 'InvalidOperation'
} else {
return 'InvalidArgument'
429 {
if ($ErrorCode -eq 88) {
return 'QuotaExceeded'
500 {
if ($ErrorCode -eq 131) {
return 'ResourceUnavailable'
503 {
if ($ErrorCode -eq 130) {
return 'ResourceBusy'
return 'NotSpecified'
function Get-ExceptionType {
switch ($ErrorCategory) {
'AuthenticationError' { return 'AuthenticationException' }
{$_ -in 'InvalidOperation','OperationStopped',
'NotImplemented' } { return 'InvalidOperationException' }
{$_ -in 'InvalidArgument','InvalidData' } { return 'InvalidArgumentException' }
{$_ -in 'LimitsExceeded','QuotaExceeded' } { return 'LimitsExceededException' }
{$_ -in 'PermissionDenied','ResourceBusy',
'ResourceUnavailable' } { return 'ResourceViolationException' }
'ObjectNotFound' { return 'ResourceNotFoundException' }
'SecurityError' { return 'SecurityException' }
'ConnectionError' { return 'ConnectionException' }
default { return 'UnspecifiedException'}
'1.1' = @{
'400' = @{
OperationStopped = 324
ObjectNotFound = 325
InvalidOperation = 323, 110
AuthenticationError = 215
InvalidArgument = 3, 7, 8, 44
ResourceUnavailable = 407
'401' = @{
AuthenticationError = 417, 135, 32, 416
'403' = @{
SecurityError = 326
InvalidOperation = 200, 272, 160, 203, 431
QuotaExceeded = 386, 205, 226, 327
AuthenticationError = 99, 89
ConnectionError = 195, 92
InvalidArgument = 354, 186, 38, 120, 163
PermissionDenied = 214, 220, 261, 187, 349, 385, 415, 271, 185, 36, 63, 64, 87, 179, 93, 433, 139, 150, 151, 161, 425
'404' = @{
ObjectNotFound = 34, 108, 109, 422, 421, 13, 17, 144, 34, 50
InvalidArgument = 25
'406' = @{
InvalidData = $null
'409' = @{
InvalidOperation = 355
'410' = @{
ConnectionError = 68
NotImplemented = 251
'415' = @{
LimitsExceeded = $null
Message = 'Message size exceeds limits of 10000 characters.'
'420' = @{
QuotaExceeded = $null
'422' = @{
InvalidArgument = $null
InvalidOperation = 404
'429' = @{
QuotaExceeded = 88
'500' = @{
ResourceUnavailable = 131
'503' = @{
ResourceBusy = 130
'2' = @{
'about:blank' = 'NotSpecified'
'' = 'PermissionDenied'
'' = 'PermissionDenied'
'' = 'InvalidArgument'
'' = 'PermissionDenied'
'' = 'PermissionDenied'
'' = 'AuthenticationError'
'' = 'QuotaExceeded'
'' = 'ConnectionError'
'' = 'ConnectionError'
'' = 'ResourceUnavailable'
'' = 'QuotaExceeded'
'' = 'InvalidArgument'
'' = 'InvalidOperation'
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Originally, I was going to use the file TwitterErrorMapping.psd1 to map the returned errors. I soon realized that using the switch statement as I did in Get-ErrorCategory.ps1 was much simpler.

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