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WindowsForms ad hoc module and an example script
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions required to create PowerShell GUI using System.Windows.Forms
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#region load assemblies
try {
catch {
Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to load required assemblies'
#endregion load assemblies
#region New-WindowsForm
function New-WindowsForm {
try {
$WindowsForm = [System.Windows.Forms.Form]::new()
$WindowsForm.Name = ($Name -Replace '[^a-zA-Z]','') + 'WindowsForm'
$WindowsForm.Text = $Name
$WindowsForm.ClientSize = [System.Drawing.Size]::new($Width,$Height)
$WindowsForm.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
#$WindowsForm.AutoSize = $true
$WindowsForm.AutoSizeMode = 'GrowAndShrink'
$WindowsForm.AutoScroll = $true
$WindowsForm.Margin = 5
$WindowsForm.WindowState = [System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState]::new()
if ($NoIcon) {
$WindowsForm.ShowIcon = $false
catch {
#endregion New-WindowsForm
#region New-DrawingFont
function New-DrawingFont {
try {
catch {
#endregion New-DrawingFont
#region New-DrawingColor
function New-DrawingColor {
try {
catch {
#endregion New-DrawingColor
#region New-FormLabel
function New-FormLabel {
try {
$FormLabel = [System.Windows.Forms.Label]::new()
$FormLabel.Name = ($Name -Replace '[^a-zA-Z]','') + 'FormLabel'
$FormLabel.Text = $Name
$FormLabel.TabIndex = $Index
$FormLabel.Size = [System.Drawing.Size]::new($Width,$Height)
$FormLabel.Location = [System.Drawing.Point]::new($DrawX,$DrawY)
$FormLabel.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
catch {
#endregion New-FormLabel
#region New-FormButton
function New-FormButton {
try {
$FormButton = [System.Windows.Forms.Button]::new()
$FormButton.TabIndex = $Index
$FormButton.Name = ($Name -Replace '[^a-zA-Z]','') + 'FormButton'
$FormButton.Text = $Name
$FormButton.Size = [System.Drawing.Size]::new($Width,$Height)
$FormButton.Location = [System.Drawing.Point]::new($DrawX,$DrawY)
$FormButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
$FormButton.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0
if ($Anchor) {
$FormButton.Anchor = $Anchor
catch {
#endregion New-FormButton
#region New-DataGridView
function New-DataGridView {
try {
$DataGridView = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView]::new()
$DataGridView.TabIndex = $Index
$DataGridView.Name = $Name.Replace('[^a-zA-Z]','') + 'DataGridView'
$DataGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = 'AllCells'
$DataGridView.Size = [System.Drawing.Size]::new($Width,$Height)
$DataGridView.Location = [System.Drawing.Point]::new($DrawX,$DrawY)
$DataGridView.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 'OnValidation'
$DataGridView.DataMember = ""
if ($Anchor) {
$DataGridView.Anchor = $Anchor
catch {
#endregion New-DataGridView
#region Update-DataGridView
function Update-DataGridView {
try {
$GridData = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$DataGridView.DataSource = $GridData
if ($RowHighlight) {
$Cell = $RowHighlight['Cell']
foreach ($Row in $DataGridView.Rows) {
[string]$CellValue = $Row.Cells[$Cell].Value
Write-Verbose ($CellValue.Gettype())
if ($RowHighlight['Values'].ContainsKey($CellValue)) {
Write-Verbose "Setting row based on $Cell cell of $CellValue to $($RowHighlight['Values'][$CellValue]) color"
$Row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = $RowHighlight['Values'][$CellValue]
} elseif ($RowHighlight['Values'].ContainsKey('Default')) {
Write-Verbose "Setting $Cell cell for $CellValue to $($RowHighlight['Values'].Default) color"
$Row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = $RowHighlight['Values']['Default']
catch {
#endregion Update-DataGridView
#region New-StatusStrip
function New-StatusStrip {
try {
$StatusStrip = [System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip]::new()
$StatusStrip.Name = 'StatusStrip'
$StatusStrip.AutoSize = $true
$StatusStrip.Left = 0
$StatusStrip.Visible = $true
$StatusStrip.Enabled = $true
$StatusStrip.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Bottom
$StatusStrip.Anchor = [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Top -bor [System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles]::Left
$StatusStrip.LayoutStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripLayoutStyle]::Table
$Operation = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripLabel]::new()
$Operation.Name = 'Operation'
$Operation.Text = $null
$Operation.Width = 50
$Operation.Visible = $true
$Progress = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripLabel]::new()
$Progress.Name = 'Progress'
$Progress.Text = $null
$Progress.Width = 50
$Progress.Visible = $true
$ProgressBar = [System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripProgressBar]::new()
$ProgressBar.Name = 'ProgressBar'
$ProgressBar.Width = 50
$ProgressBar.Visible = $false
catch {
#endregion New-StatusStrip
#region Set-StatusStrip
function Set-StatusStrip {
[string]$Operation = $null,
[string]$Progress = $null,
[int]$ProgressBarMinimum = 0,
[int]$ProgressBarMaximum = 0,
[int]$ProgressBarValue = 0
try {
if ($null -ne $Operation) {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('Operation',$true)[0].Text = $Operation
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('Operation',$true)[0].Width = 200
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('Operation',$true)[0].Visible = $true
if ($null -ne $Progress) {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('Progress',$true)[0].Text = $Progress
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('Progress',$true)[0].Width = 100
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('Progress',$true)[0].Visible = $true
if ($null -ne $StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)) {
if ($null -ne $ProgressBarMinimum) {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Minimum = $ProgressBarMinimum
if ($null -ne $ProgressBarMaximum) {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Maximum = $ProgressBarMaximum
if ($null -ne $ProgressBarValue) {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Value = $ProgressBarValue
if ($StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Minimum -eq $StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Maximum ) {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Visible = $false
} else {
$StatusStrip.Items.Find('ProgressBar',$true)[0].Visible = $true
catch {
#endregion Set-StatusStrip
#region Set-WindowsForm
function Set-WindowsForm {
try {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'FormLabel') {
foreach ($Label in $FormLabel) {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'FormButton') {
foreach ($Button in $FormButton) {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DataGridView') {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'StatusStrip') {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'OnLoad') {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'HeaderWidth') {
$WindowsForm.Width = $HeaderWidth + 5
$WindowsForm.StartPosition = 1
catch {
#endregion Set-WindowsForm
#region Get-OpenFileDialog
function Get-OpenFileDialog {
param (
[string]$StartingFolder = (Join-Path -Path $env:HOMEDRIVE -ChildPath $env:HOMEPATH),
[string]$Filter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*'
try {
$OpenFileDialog = [System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog]::new()
$OpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory = $StartingFolder
$OpenFileDialog.Filter = $Filter
catch {
#endregion Get-OpenFileDialog
#region Set-SaveFileDialog
function Set-SaveFileDialog {
param (
[string]$StartingFolder = (Join-Path -Path $env:HOMEDRIVE -ChildPath $env:HOMEPATH),
[string]$Filter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*'
try {
$SaveFileName = [System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog]::new()
$SaveFileName.InitialDirectory = $StartingFolder
$SaveFileName.Filter = $Filter
$SaveFileName.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $true
catch {
#endregion Set-SaveFileDialog
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-WindowsForm,Set-WindowsForm,New-FormLabel,New-FormButton,New-DataGridView,Update-DataGridView,New-StatusStrip,Set-StatusStrip,Get-OpenFileDialog,Set-SaveFileDialog
Import-Module D:\GitHub\Workshop\PowerShell\Scripts\WindowsForms.psm1
$RowHighlight = @{
'Cell' = 'ProcessName'
'Values' = @{
'powershell' = 'LightGreen'
'chrome' = 'Red'
'code' = 'LightBlue'
'Default' = 'White'
#region event scriptblocks
$CloseButton_OnClick = [scriptblock]::Create({
$RefreshButton_OnClick = [scriptblock]::Create({
if ($Script:WindowsFormData) {
$StatusStrip = Set-StatusStrip -StatusStrip $StatusStrip -Operation 'Process:' -Progress 'Refreshing process data'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$Script:WindowsFormData = Get-Process -Name powershell,pwsh,chrome,code | Select-Object -Property ProcessName,Id,Handles,CPU
$DataGridView = Update-DataGridView -Data $WindowsFormData -DataGridView $DataGridView -RowHighlight $RowHighlight
$StatusStrip = Set-StatusStrip -StatusStrip $StatusStrip -Operation 'Refresh completed'
$Form_OnLoad = [scriptblock]::Create({
$StatusStrip = Set-StatusStrip -StatusStrip $StatusStrip -Operation 'Process:' -Progress 'Loading process data'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$Script:WindowsFormData = Get-Process -Name powershell,pwsh,chrome,code | Select-Object -Property ProcessName,Id,Handles,CPU
$DataGridView = Update-DataGridView -Data $WindowsFormData -DataGridView $DataGridView -RowHighlight $RowHighlight
$StatusStrip = Set-StatusStrip -StatusStrip $StatusStrip -Operation 'Load completed'
#endregion event script blocks
# build form
$WindowsFormExample = New-WindowsForm -Name 'Windows Form Example' -Width 810 -Height 410 -NoIcon
# assign header label
$FormLabel = New-FormLabel -Name "My Grand Form" -Index 0 -Width 300 -Height 30 -DrawX 5 -DrawY 15
# add buttons
$Buttons = @()
$Buttons += New-FormButton -Name 'Refresh' -Index 1 -Width 100 -Height 25 -DrawX 5 -DrawY 50 -Action $RefreshButton_OnClick
$Buttons += New-FormButton -Name 'Close' -Index 3 -Width 100 -Height 25 -DrawX 700 -DrawY 50 -Action $CloseButton_OnClick -Anchor 'Right,Top'
# add data
$DataGridView = New-DataGridView -Name 'WindowsFormExample' -Index 2 -Width 800 -Height 300 -DrawX 5 -DrawY 80 -Anchor 'Left,Top,Right,Bottom'
# create status strip/bar
$StatusStrip = New-StatusStrip
# update form
$WindowsFormExampleParams = @{
WindowsForm = $WindowsFormExample
FormLabel = $FormLabel
FormButton = $Buttons
DataGridView = $DataGridView
StatusStrip = $StatusStrip
OnLoad = $Form_OnLoad
$WindowsFormExample = Set-WindowsForm @WindowsFormExampleParams
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