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Last active May 14, 2019 17:17
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import System.Environment
import System.IO
(isreading, readby) = (">", "<")
get_friends_resp user mg = do
let fname = "friends_" ++ user ++ ".txt"
cached <- doesFileExist fname
if cached then readFile fname
else do
let request = setRequestManager mg . parseRequest_ $ ""++user
body <- L8.unpack . getResponseBody <$> httpLBS request
writeFile fname body
return body
get_friends user marker mg =
map (drop 2) . filter ((== marker) . take 1) . lines <$> get_friends_resp user mg
process_friend mg n marker (mp, k) user = do
putStr $ "\r" ++ (show k) ++ "/" ++ (show n)
hFlush stdout
readers <- get_friends user marker mg
return $ (foldl (\m u -> M.insertWith (+) u 1 m) mp readers, k+1)
collect friends mg marker = do
(m,_) <- foldM (process_friend mg (length friends) marker) (M.empty, 1) friends
let lst = filter (\(u,k) -> k > 1) $ M.toList m
return $ map (\(u,k) -> (u,k, elem u friends)) $ sortBy (\(_,k1) (_,k2) -> compare k2 k1) lst
mkline include_friends (u,k,f) =
let line = (show k) ++ " <a href=\"https://" ++ u ++ "\">" ++ u ++ "</a> "
in if include_friends
then line ++ (if f then "*" else "") ++ "<br>\n"
else if f then "" else line ++ "<br>\n"
get_cothinkers username = do
manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
friends <- get_friends username isreading manager
cothinkers <- concat . map (mkline False) <$> collect friends manager readby
influencers <- concat . map (mkline True) <$> collect friends manager isreading
let answer = "<table border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign=\"top\"><h3>Cothinkers</h3>" ++
"<i>who read your friends</i><p>" ++ cothinkers ++
"</td><td valign=\"top\"><h3>Influencers</h3> <i>who your friends read</i><p>"
++ influencers ++ "</td></tr></table>"
writeFile "cothinkers.html" answer
putStrLn "\ndone!\n"
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> putStrLn "usage: cothinkers username"
username : _ -> get_cothinkers username
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