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Created January 6, 2021 03:39
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Converting Google Sheets to Markdown Files
# Takes in a file CSV file and outputs each row as a Markdown file with YAML front matter named after first column.
# Data in the first row of the CSV is assumed to be the column heading.
# Original work borrowed from:
# Adapted from
# Import the python libraries.
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from pathlib import Path
import os
import json
#Path to your credentials.json, downloaded from Google. JSON_DATA was the name of my Netlify environment variable.
# Alternatively, you can use line 21 to link the file locally.
jsondict = json.loads(os.environ['JSON_DATA'])
# Use creds to create a client to interact with the Google Drive API
scope = ['','']
# add credentials to the account
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_dict(jsondict, scope)
# creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('D:/Downloads/credentials.json', scope)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
# Open the Google Sheet by ID. Remember to set the visibility to Public!
sheet1 = client.open_by_key("ID_OF_YOUR_SHEET").sheet1
# Extract all of the records for each row.
sheetdata1 = sheet1.get_all_records()
# Set location to write new files to.
outputpath = Path(__file__).parent("/content/submission/")
# Loop through each row...
for row_index, row in enumerate(sheetdata1):
# Open a new file with filename based on the first column
filename = str(row.get("title")).lower() + '.md'
outputfile = outputpath / filename
new_yaml = open(outputfile, 'w')
print("File Converted")
# Empty string that we will fill with YAML formatted text based on data extracted from our CSV.
yaml_text = ""
yaml_text += "---\n"
# Set the Page title value.
yaml_text += "title: " + row.get("title") + ".\n"
# Loop through each cell in this row...
for key,val in row.items():
# Compile a line of YAML text from our spreadsheet keys and the value of the current value, followed by a linebreak. I've listed all my column headings, which correspond to the necessay frontmatter.
if key == "author" or key == "description" or key == "major" or key == "tools" or key == "link" or key == "contact":
cell_heading = str(key)
cell_text = cell_heading + ': "' + str(val) + '"\n'
# Add this line of text to the current YAML string.
yaml_text += cell_text
yaml_text = yaml_text.replace('"', '')
# Write our YAML string to the new text file and close it.
new_yaml.write(yaml_text + "---\n")
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