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Created November 8, 2010 15:43
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Fairly Simple Simon - an Arduino memory game for 4 LEDs and 4 switches

Fairly Simple Simon – an Arduino memory game for 4 LEDs and 4 switches

The FSS is a simple board with 4 leds and 4 normally-closed switches
(each led goes via a 150Ohm resistor, and each switch has a 10KOhm
pull-resistor connecting between the output and ground).

See breadoard (made with fritzing):
Fairly Simple Simon on an imaginary bread... on Twitpic

In real life it ain’t that pretty :)
Fairly Simple Simon OMG. I&#03... on Twitpic

There’s also simon_check_wiring.pde – a tool to help you sort out which jumper is which.

How to play:

After reset, all LEDs flash several times, then they cycle a few times and you start playing a game at level 4.

Playing a game at level N:
  1. Simon picks a random sequence of N LED flashes.
  2. Simon waits for you to press any button when ready.
  3. Simon “says” the sequence. Memorize it.
  4. You should then repeat Simon’s sequence on the buttons.
  • If you’re right, LEDs cycle several times, and you start a level N+1 game at step 1.
  • If you push a wrong button, all buttons flash, and you go back to step 2.


/* Fairly Simple Simon - an Arduino memory game for 4 LEDs and 4 switches
The FSS is a simple board with 4 leds and 4 normally-closed switches
(each led goes via a 150Ohm resistor, and each switch has a 10KOhm
pull-resistor connecting between the output and ground).
After reset, all LEDs flash several times, then they cycle a few times
and you start playing a game at level 4.
Playing a game at level N:
1) Simon picks a random sequence of N LED flashes.
2) Simon waits for you to press any button when ready.
3) Simon "says" the sequence. Memorize it.
4) You should then repeat the sequence on the buttons.
* If you're right, LEDs cycle several times, and you start
a level N+1 game at step 1.
* If you push a wrong button, all buttons flash, and you
go back to step 2.
created by @TheRealDod,
Nov 8, 2010
const int NLEDS = 4;
const int LEDPINS[NLEDS] = {
const int SWITCHPINS[NLEDS] = {
const int SEQDELAY = 200; // Millis between led flashes. Shorter is harder.
const int PAUSEB4SEQ = 1000; // Millis before starting the sequence.
const int MINLEVEL = 4;
const int MAXLEVEL = 16;
int gameLevel;
int simonSez[MAXLEVEL]; // sequence of 0..NLEDS-1
void setup() {
// Analog in 0 should *not* be connected.
// It's mama's little PRNG :)
for (byte l=0; l<NLEDS; l++) {
pinMode(LEDPINS[l], OUTPUT);
// Visual feedback after reset. Also good as a cable check :)
void loop() {
int done;
done = 0;
while (!done) {
if (playerGuess(gameLevel)) {
done = 1;
if (gameLevel<MAXLEVEL) {
else {
void initSequence(int gameLevel) {
// assertion: gameLevel<=MAXLEVEL
for (int i=0; i<gameLevel; i++) {
void playSequence(int gameLevel) {
for (int i=0; i<gameLevel; i++) {
setLed(simonSez[i]); // Flash the LED in the sequence
setLed(-1); // turn all LEDs off
void setLed(int theLed) {
// if not 0<=theLed<NLEDS (e.g. -1), turn all off
for (int l=0; l<NLEDS; l++) {
int playerGuess(int gameLevel) {
for (int i=0 ; i<gameLevel ; i++) {
int guess=getSwitchStroke();
// player feedback
if (guess!=simonSez[i]) {
return 0;
return 1;
int playWinSequence() {
for (int i=0; i<4*NLEDS; i++) {
setLed(i%NLEDS); // Flash the LED in the sequence
setLed(-1); // turn all LEDs off
int playLoseSequence() {
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
for (int l=0; l<NLEDS; l++) {
setLed(-1); // turn all LEDs off
int getSwitchStroke() {
while (get1stLowSwitch()>=0) {
// flush everything until no switch is pressed
while (get1stLowSwitch()<0) {
// wait for next press
return get1stLowSwitch();
int get1stLowSwitch() {
for (int i=0; i<NLEDS; i++) {
if (!digitalRead(SWITCHPINS[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
/* Fairly Simple Simon wiring checker
The FSS is a simple board with 4 leds and 4 normally-closed switches
(each led goes via a 150Ohm resistor, and each switch has a 10KOhm
pull-resistor connecting between the output and ground).
The following jumpers come out of it: +5V, Ground, 4 switch jumpers and
4 LED jumpers. This tool helps you check that all is connected correctly,
and sort out between the jumpers (it's easy to tell between LED and switch
jumpers because they come from different parts of the board, but this tool
can help you tell which LED/switch is which)
With the Arduino running this:
* Connect the switch jumpers to SWITCHPINS (otherwise, LEDs will act funny).
* Take a LED jumper and connect to one of the LEDPINS. Now that you know which
LED is on, connect the jumper to the corresponding LEDPIN. Repeat with all LEDPINS
* Push a switch. One of the LEDs will blink. If it's not the one associated with the
button, replace LEDPINS between where the button's jumper is and where it should be.
Fault detection tips:
* If a LED is constantly off, there's a problem with the wiring of the LED+resistor
* If a LED sometimes blinks and sometimes doesn't, there's a problem with the wiring of
the corresponding switch+pull-resistor
* If all LEDs blink, check the +5V jumper :)
Created by @TheRealDod
Nov 8, 2010
const int NLEDS = 4;
const int LEDPINS[NLEDS] = {
const int SWITCHPINS[NLEDS] = {
const int DELAY = 100;
int blinkState = HIGH;
void setup() {
for (int i=0 ; i<NLEDS ; i++) {
void loop() {
blinkState = !blinkState;
for (int i=0; i<NLEDS ; i++) {
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