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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save thedod/6db8c3c4d9a5cfc964f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. popup dialog popup dialog

See it live at Please Put it [or a better version of it :)] on your site (don't worry. Close button sets a "don't show again" cookie). This is urgent.

A Pen by The Dod on CodePen.

License: use this code for good purposes only :)

/* Code/demo at */
var url = '';
function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays){
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value + "; path=/";
function getCookie(c_name){
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
if (x==c_name)
return unescape(y);
if(getCookie('_dp_b4tn')){ return; };
(function(window, document, version, callback) {
var j, d;
var loaded = false;
if (!(j = window.jQuery) || version > j.fn.jquery || callback(j, loaded)) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "//";
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (!loaded && (!(d = this.readyState) || d == "loaded" || d == "complete")) {
callback((j = window.jQuery).noConflict(1), loaded = true);
})(window, document, "1.7", function($, jquery_loaded) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var speed = 300;
var over = $('<div>').css({
zIndex : 9998,
position : 'fixed',
top : 0,
left : 0,
width: '100%',
height: 480
}).attr('id','b4tn').html('<iframe src=""'+
' frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true"'+
' style="width: 100%; height: 480px;"></iframe>');
var close = $('<a>').css({
background : "url(",
width: 30,
height: 30,
top: 0,
left : $('#b4tn').width()/2-260,
cursor : 'pointer'
setCookie('_dp_b4tn', '1', 1000);
<h1>Quick and dirty <a href=""></a> popup</h1>
Credits: I "stole this code" (Abbie Hoffman style) from an old <a href=""></a> campaign, then cut away half of it.
Note that I take close.png from and it's probably more sanitary to serve it locally ;)
See this "on a real site" at <a href=""></a>.<br>
If you click the close button and want to see the dialog again, clear the <em>_dp_b4tn</em> cookie.
Please let me know if you make it better.
<p align="right">
The Dod
<script src="battle4net.js"></script>
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