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Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool
# Features:
# - Unpack/repack .cfg files generated from the backup and restore functionnality
# in order to modify the full router configuration
# - Decrypt/encrypt the passwords/secret values present in the configuration
# Blog post:
# Released under the MIT License (
# Copyright (c) Sami Alaoui Kendil (thedroidgeek)
import sys
import zlib
import struct
import base64
import binascii
import datetime
big_endian = True
encrypted_cfg = False
def u32(val):
return struct.unpack('>I' if big_endian else '<I', val)[0]
def p32(val):
return struct.pack('>I' if big_endian else '<I', val)
def checkendian(cfg):
if (cfg[0:4] == b'\x00\x12\x31\x23'):
return True
elif (cfg[0:4] == b'\x23\x31\x12\x00'):
return False
return None
class RouterCrypto:
def __init__(self):
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# key and IV for AES
key = '3D A3 73 D7 DC 82 2E 2A 47 0D EC 37 89 6E 80 D7 2C 49 B3 16 29 DD C9 97 35 4B 84 03 91 77 9E A4'
iv = 'D0 E6 DC CD A7 4A 00 DF 76 0F C0 85 11 CB 05 EA'
# create AES-128-CBC cipher
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, bytes(bytearray.fromhex(iv)))
def decrypt(self, data):
output = self.cipher.decrypt(data)
# remove PKCS#7 padding
return output[:-ord(output[-1:])]
def encrypt(self, data):
# add PKCS#7 padding for 128-bit AES
pad_num = (16 - (len(data) % 16))
data += chr(pad_num).encode() * pad_num
return self.cipher.encrypt(data)
# unpack xml from cfg
if (len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-u'):
# line feed
# read the cfg file
cf = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
cfg_data =
# check cfg file magic (0x123123) and determine endianness
big_endian = checkendian(cfg_data)
if big_endian == None:
# check if config is encrypted
decrypted = None
# decrypt and check validity
decrypted = RouterCrypto().decrypt(cfg_data)
big_endian = checkendian(decrypted)
except ValueError:
# if decryption failed, or still invalid, bail out
if big_endian == None:
print('invalid cfg file/magic :(\n')
# set decrypted cfg buffer and encryption flag
print('-> encrypted cfg detected')
cfg_data = decrypted
encrypted_cfg = True
# log endianness
if big_endian:
print('-> big endian CPU detected')
print('-> little endian CPU detected')
# get fw_magic (unknown, could be fw version/compile time, hw serial number, etc.)
fw_magic = u32(cfg_data[0x10:0x14])
print('-> fw_magic = ' + hex(fw_magic))
# get the size of the compressed data
data_size = u32(cfg_data[4:8])
# get the compressed data
compressed = cfg_data[0x14 : 0x14 + data_size]
# get the checksum of the compressed data
checksum = u32(cfg_data[8:12])
# verify the checksum
if (binascii.crc32(compressed) & 0xFFFFFFFF != checksum):
print('\nCRC32 checksum failed :(\n')
# unpack the config
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
# output the xml file
out_filename = 'config-%s.xml' %'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
of = open(out_filename, 'wb')
print('\nunpacked as: ' + out_filename)
print('\n# repack with:')
print('%s %s %s %s\n' % (sys.argv[0], ('-pb' if big_endian else '-pl') + ('e' if encrypted_cfg else ''), out_filename, hex(fw_magic)))
# generate cfg from xml
elif (len(sys.argv) == 4 and (sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pb' or sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pl')):
fw_magic = 0
# parse hex string
fw_magic = int(sys.argv[3], 16)
# 32-bit check
print('\ninvalid magic value specified (32-bit hex)\n')
big_endian = sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pb'
encrypted_cfg = sys.argv[1][3:] == 'e'
out_filename = 'config-%s.cfg' %'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
# read the xml file
xf = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
xml_data =
# compress using default zlib compression
compressed = zlib.compress(xml_data)
## construct the header ##
# magic
cfg_data = p32(0x123123)
# size of compressed data
cfg_data += p32(len(compressed))
# crc32 checksum
cfg_data += p32(binascii.crc32(compressed) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
# size of xml file
cfg_data += p32(len(xml_data) + 1)
# fw_magic
cfg_data += p32(fw_magic)
# add the compressed xml
cfg_data += compressed
# encrypt if necessary
if encrypted_cfg:
cfg_data = RouterCrypto().encrypt(cfg_data)
# write the cfg file
of = open(out_filename, 'wb')
print('\npacked as: ' + out_filename + '\n')
# decrypt/encrypt secret value
elif (len(sys.argv) == 3 and (sys.argv[1] == '-d' or sys.argv[1] == '-e')):
decrypt_mode = sys.argv[1] == '-d'
if decrypt_mode:
# base64 decode + AES decrypt
print('\ndecrypted: ' + RouterCrypto().decrypt(base64.b64decode(sys.argv[2])).decode('UTF-8') + '\n')
# AES encrypt + base64 encode
print('\nencrypted: ' + base64.b64encode(RouterCrypto().encrypt(sys.argv[2].encode())).decode('UTF-8') + '\n')
print('\n#\n# Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool\n#\n')
print('# unpack (cfg to xml)\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -u config.cfg\n')
print('# pack (xml to cfg)\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pb config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, no encryption, fw_magic = 0x13377331')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pl config.xml 0x13377331 # little endian, ...')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pbe config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, with encryption, ...')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -ple config.xml 0x13377331 # ...\n')
print('# decrypt/encrypt secret values within xml (ealgo="ab")\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -d OYdLWUVDdKQTPaCIeTqniA==')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -e admin\n')
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I am unable to use the python script on 3FE49362JJIJ50
when I run the commands as per your instructions I get the below mentioned error

D:\nokia router>python

Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool

unpack (cfg to xml) -u config.cfg

pack (xml to cfg) -pb config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, no encryption, fw_magic = 0x13377331 -pl config.xml 0x13377331 # little endian, ... -pbe config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, with encryption, ... -ple config.xml 0x13377331 # ...

decrypt/encrypt secret values within xml (ealgo="ab") -d OYdLWUVDdKQTPaCIeTqniA== -e admin

D:\nokia router>python -d OYdLWUVDdKQTPaCIeTqniA==

decrypted: admin

D:\nokia router>python -u config.cfg

-> little endian CPU detected
-> fw_magic = 0xffffffff
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\nokia router\", line 138, in
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check

not sure what can I do next?

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serial_number=ALCLFC0F3CE2 model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1 model_number=3FE49236EAAA

NT_TYPE=beacon1_1 PON_MODE=ETHERNET SOFTWAREVERSION=HJI.I87p02 PRODUCTCLASS=beacon1_1 RELEASE=0.0.0 BUILDSTAMP= BUILDDATE=20210402_2046 COPYRIGHT=ASB WHOBUILD=buildmgr IMAGEVERSION=3FE49474HJII87 NODE=754bb9d584dc1e1dcd3b48a72a6e30800aaa69b5

ONTUSER:$1$gN5WP2Fo$6B.xGzm6kfpDOpYlY89Wp. wlinkuser:$1$IqXCkA2G$tD4LETpI3JuGqyMaxR5SH1 ONTUSER:$1$bgSEInSR$9mz9d01z5KeEqWCQDIXsw0 superadmin:$1$V2wemcad$2B/LkUQZ104dYCsTrdc5/1 ONTUSER:$1$bXtpwU3/$Qmlta87ByJOEnX0AllVJK1 superadmin:$1$JA/Lupt4$z9IvJy2VgUGL8n86.0dLx. ONTUSER:$1$4FG1vq0m$sbBHlJ44Nmoz0ADg6KKle1 superadmin:$1$8hB6r2PN$Zkl7rydE7syXwnC/V.rZc. superadmin:$1$MrZrEVDK$YqxsGcD7cYVz3.9wh2lzM1 ONTUSER:$1$Tyn/Cgvs$RdQuR6PUyfiwkwO167pDn. superadmin:$1$sfCosGGu$LKd9MUE6aJmpPy7vTHMdN1 root:$1$GTMUOzhf$mjhy6wET5re92IB4KHqXz.

web username :admin Password for this device only :KQ5bthrLZD i have dumped the firmware and shared to you

Could you share the firmware here?

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please make a code for "3FE49362JJIJ54"

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Hi @Padke9 , I have Nokia Airtel G-2425G-A router with Software Version
3FE49362JJIJ50 . Can you please provide the Python script for this software version? Thanks.

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anyone know how to do this for Fastmile 3.2 wifi 6 version?

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cantonalex commented Oct 8, 2023

serial_number=ALCLFC0F3CE2 model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1 model_number=3FE49236EAAA


can I pay you to do this @Padke9 Prakesh, do you have twitter?

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Padke9 commented Oct 10, 2023

This is Locked to carrier
I dont have this hardware with me to reverse

Fastmile 3.2 wifi 6 version

But here is some thing you can see on other version

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Banaune commented Oct 12, 2023

serial_number=ALCLFC0F3CE2 model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1 model_number=3FE49236EAAA

NT_TYPE=beacon1_1 PON_MODE=ETHERNET SOFTWAREVERSION=HJI.I87p02 PRODUCTCLASS=beacon1_1 RELEASE=0.0.0 BUILDSTAMP= BUILDDATE=20210402_2046 COPYRIGHT=ASB WHOBUILD=buildmgr IMAGEVERSION=3FE49474HJII87 NODE=754bb9d584dc1e1dcd3b48a72a6e30800aaa69b5

ONTUSER:$1$gN5WP2Fo$6B.xGzm6kfpDOpYlY89Wp. wlinkuser:$1$IqXCkA2G$tD4LETpI3JuGqyMaxR5SH1 ONTUSER:$1$bgSEInSR$9mz9d01z5KeEqWCQDIXsw0 superadmin:$1$V2wemcad$2B/LkUQZ104dYCsTrdc5/1 ONTUSER:$1$bXtpwU3/$Qmlta87ByJOEnX0AllVJK1 superadmin:$1$JA/Lupt4$z9IvJy2VgUGL8n86.0dLx. ONTUSER:$1$4FG1vq0m$sbBHlJ44Nmoz0ADg6KKle1 superadmin:$1$8hB6r2PN$Zkl7rydE7syXwnC/V.rZc. superadmin:$1$MrZrEVDK$YqxsGcD7cYVz3.9wh2lzM1 ONTUSER:$1$Tyn/Cgvs$RdQuR6PUyfiwkwO167pDn. superadmin:$1$sfCosGGu$LKd9MUE6aJmpPy7vTHMdN1 root:$1$GTMUOzhf$mjhy6wET5re92IB4KHqXz.

web username :admin Password for this device only :KQ5bthrLZD i have dumped the firmware and shared to you

Very happy to see someone from our country doing these stuff. Keep it up bro.

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Banaune commented Oct 18, 2023

@Padke9 Did you succeed to extract the squashfs filesystem. Or if any new update?

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krausar791 commented Oct 19, 2023

This is Locked to carrier I dont have this hardware with me to reverse

Fastmile 3.2 wifi 6 version

But here is some thing you can see on other version

This is Locked to carrier I dont have this hardware with me to reverse

Fastmile 3.2 wifi 6 version

But here is some thing you can see on other version
Bro do you know shell password of Nokia G-120W-F or have clean firmware for it?

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Padke9 commented Oct 19, 2023

the password should be

or (username will be given by isp)pass =ALC#FGU

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@krausar791 the password should be username:ONTUSER Password:SUGAR2A041

or (username will be given by isp)pass =ALC#FGU

@Padke9 do you have clean firmware of this ont?

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r10p commented Oct 21, 2023

@Padke9 I was not able to extract all the contents of the firmware you provided. In particular the squashfs files are not being able to be extracted. I ran foremost, binwalk, unsquashfs with default flags to try to extract them. Nothing worked.

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Banaune commented Oct 21, 2023

@Padke9 I was not able to extract all the contents of the firmware you provided. In particular the squashfs files are not being able to be extracted. I ran foremost, binwalk, unsquashfs with default flags to try to extract them. Nothing worked.

Save this as

      import sys
      def split_file(input_file, output_prefix):
        with open(input_file, "rb") as file_in:
          with open(f"{output_prefix}_0", "wb") as file_out:
            buff =
            for x in range (0,len(buff),0x800 + 0x40):
      if __name__ == "__main__":
        input_file = sys.argv[1]
        output_prefix = sys.argv[2]
        split_file(input_file, output_prefix)

Then run python3 "Firmware.bin" "NewFilename"
NewFilename is the extractable firmware.

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r10p commented Oct 22, 2023

Thank you @Banaune . It worked.
By the way are you guys able to decrypt the newer router config? @Banaune @Padke9

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Padke9 commented Oct 25, 2023

I cannot fix from your script

Screenshot 2023-10-25 143427

is there any good passwordlist to attack this hash faster,it is taking me very long more than a month.

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Banaune commented Nov 1, 2023

@Padke9 You can use the script I gave above, in the firmware file. Regarding password cracking, I am not able to help as I am unknown about it.

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Banaune commented Nov 1, 2023

Thank you @Banaune . It worked. By the way are you guys able to decrypt the newer router config? @Banaune @Padke9

@r10p Yes,you can use this fork of this repo which is updated for latest configs: Updated Gist Link

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Padke9 commented Nov 8, 2023

@Banaune @r10p finally found password of super user

model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1


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r10p commented Nov 9, 2023


sai ho bro

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sodapng commented Nov 10, 2023

Help, please, find out the PPPoE password. Device name: G-1425G-B

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mehradraissi commented Dec 4, 2023

@Padke9 @Banaune @r10p @r10p @krausar791 Hi, Anyone has latest firmware for unlock factory Nokia FastMile 3.1 by any chance ?, thank you

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ETCHDEV commented Dec 25, 2023

I am getting this error -> little endian CPU detected
-> fw_magic = 0xffffffff
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/arjun/Downloads/", line 137, in
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check

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ETCHDEV commented Dec 25, 2023


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hhejkhalkfahjahsf commented Jan 7, 2024
Worked for XS-2426G-A 3FE49385HJJI85(1.2201.185)

Maybe someone will be able to update the script?

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Can anyone share stock firmware for 2425g-a , i borked by setting the operator id to 0000 and reset the router. i can't get anywhere from internet.

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Banaune commented Jan 20, 2024

@daemonlover7 You can refer here for the firmware : Firmware Link

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Hello @thedroidgeek Thankyou for the detailed instruction , although this is the first time ive used python and still able get to root user succesfully on G-140w-F & G-140w-C . now what i want is to Modify the default configuration of the ONT ( that means if we hard reset the ONT it will restore our modified configuration). Thanks Again for the Guide
below are the available cmds.

Hello how did you do to access ONTUSER my model G-140W-H and I believe it is different in some configuration. I already set LimitAccount_ONTUSER to false, but without success when logging via telnet. Can you help me. I can send the configuration file.

Hi... i want help on this one also... do you have the answers already?

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diwash5 commented Apr 22, 2024

Any Idea where i can Find the list of OperatorID in the router itself ?
Also for anyone Looking Info on Nokia G-1425-MA specially from Classictech :
Web Username : classicadmin
Web Password : Cr3d3nti@lofNok!aONT0061_P@SSW)RD

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Any Idea where i can Find the list of OperatorID in the router itself ? Also for anyone Looking Info on Nokia G-1425-MA specially from Classictech : Web Username : classicadmin Web Password : Cr3d3nti@lofNok!aONT0061_P@SSW)RD

Great bro

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