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Created August 24, 2014 00:19
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Flux2 solver
import subprocess
#figure this stuff out automatically?
left,top = 58, 478
right,bottom = 1020, 1440
cell_size = 186
height = (bottom - top)
width = (right - left)
gap = (width % cell_size)/(width/cell_size - 1)
def getScreenshot():["adb", "shell", "screencap", "-p", "/sdcard/screen.png"])["adb", "pull", "/sdcard/screen.png"])["adb", "shell", "screencap", "-p", "/sdcard/screen.png"])
def gotoNext():['adb', 'shell', 'input', 'tap', '1000', '1500'])
def rotate(location, direction):
start = map(int,(
left + cell_size * (location[1] + .5),
top + cell_size * (location[0] + .5)))
end = (
start[0] + direction[1] * cell_size,
start[1] + direction[0] * cell_size
),['adb', 'shell', 'input', 'swipe', start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1],
def getField():
from PIL import Image
im ="screen.png")
field = im.crop((left,top,right,bottom))"field.png")
return field
def generateTiles():
field = getField();
tiles = []
tile_size = cell_size + gap
for y in range(0, height, tile_size):
row = []
for x in range(0, width, tile_size):
tile = field.crop((x,y,x+cell_size,y+cell_size))"%s-%s.png" % (y/tile_size, x/tile_size))
return tiles
def buildMap():
world = []
for row in generateTiles():
world_row = []
for tile in row:
tile_color = 'o'
s = sum(tile.getpixel((93,45)))
# 0 = red (orange)
# 1 = green
# 3 = blue
# 4 = purple
color = 0
char = s
if s == 714: # orange
color = 0
elif s == 631:
color = 3
elif s == 755:
color = 4
elif s == 671:
color = 1
raise "Unexpected color code:" + s
if sum(tile.getpixel((93,93-25))) == 1020: # detects up arrow
char = "^"
elif sum(tile.getpixel((93,93+25))) == 1020: # detects down arrow
char = "v"
elif sum(tile.getpixel((93-25,93))) == 1020: # detects left arrow
char = "<"
elif sum(tile.getpixel((93+25,93))) == 1020: # detects right arrow
char = ">"
elif sum(tile.getpixel((93,93))) == 1020: # detects X
char = "X"
else: # it's the goal.
char = 'O'
print "\033[0;" + str(31 +color%10 ) +"m",
print "%s" %char,
world_row.append((char, color))
print "\033[0;0m"
return world
def solve_path(world):
# find start/end
end = None
start = None
for row_num, row in enumerate(world):
for col_num, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell[1] == 4: # purple
if cell[0] == 'O':
end = (row_num, col_num)
start = (row_num, col_num)
print start, '-->', end
def at(row, col):
if row <0 or col < 0 or row > 4 or col > 4:
return ('X', 3)
return world[row][col]
def cost(ndir, nval):
#ndir = (drow, dcol)
#nval = arrow neighbor has
cost = {(0,1):{'>':2, '<':0},
(1,0):{'v':2, '^':0}}
if ndir in cost:
if nval in cost[ndir]:
return cost[ndir][nval]
ndir = -1*ndir[0], -1*ndir[1]
if nval in cost[ndir]:
return 2-cost[ndir][nval]
return 1
def check((dist, pos, _), direction):
nrow = pos[0] + direction[0]
ncol = pos[1] + direction[1]
down = at(nrow, ncol)
if down[0] in "XO":
c = cost(direction, down[0])
search.put((dist + c, (nrow, ncol), direction))
# bfs
from Queue import PriorityQueue as Queue
best = {}
search = Queue()
search.put((0, end, None))
while not search.empty():
node = search.get()
if node[1] in best:
best[node[1]] = node
pos = node[1]
cell = world[pos[0]][pos[1]]
if cell[1] == 4 and cell[0] != 'O':
check(node, (1,0))
check(node, (0,1))
check(node, (0,-1))
check(node, (-1,0))
path = []
cur = start
while cur != end:
choice = best[tuple(cur)]
r,c = cur
r -= choice[2][0]
c -= choice[2][1]
cur = (r,c)
return path
def solve():
world = buildMap()
path = solve_path(world)
def performMove(start, end):
cell = world[start[0]][start[1]]
neededDir = end[0]-start[0], end[1]-start[1]
curDir = {'^':(-1,0), 'v':(1,0), '<':(0,-1), '>':(0,1)}[cell[0]]
if curDir == neededDir:
if curDir[0]*-1 == neededDir[0] and curDir[1]*-1 == neededDir[1]:
rotate(start, (neededDir[1],neededDir[0]))
rotate(start, neededDir)
move_start = path[0]
for move_next in path[1:]:
performMove(move_start, move_next)
move_start= move_next
print world[path[0][0]][path[0][1]]
import time
while True:
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