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Created April 5, 2020 03:04
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# Tuesday Stretch Problem 5.2
## Longest Word In String
### Instructions
- Write a function that takes a string and returns the biggest word in that string.
- Make sure to remove punctuation and whitespace.
longestWord("This string, has a gigantic! word in it...") // returns "gigantic"
longestWord("one, two, three") // returns "three"
- Note: Look up `NSCharacterSet` methods to remove whitespace and punctuation. Create the charSets as `NSMutableCharset` objects so you can combine the two CharSets. Call the `componentsSeperatedByCharacterInSet` method on the parameter string to get an array of strings after separating them by the charSets. Loop through the array to check against your return string length.
### Black Diamond 💎💎💎
- Do this in an Objective-C project.
import Foundation
extension Dictionary {
public init(keys: [Key], values: [Value]) {
precondition(keys.count == values.count)
for (index, key) in keys.enumerated() {
self[key] = values[index]
extension String {
var lettersOnly: String {
return self.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted).joined()
func longestWord(in string: String) -> String {
// Break the string into words
let words = string.components(separatedBy: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
// Sanitize the words of punctuation
let cleanWords = { $0.lettersOnly }
// Map those words into letter counts
let letterCounts = cleanWords.compactMap{ $0.count } //{ $0.starts(with: "#")
// insert those things into Dictionary to have key-value pairs
let wordDictionary: [String: Int] = Dictionary(keys: cleanWords, values: letterCounts)
let longestWord = wordDictionary.max { a, b in a.value < b.value }
// Return the word with the largest count
return longestWord?.key ?? "sorry, couldn't find longest word. blame the programmer."
print(longestWord(in: "one, two, three")) // "three"
print(longestWord(in: "This string, has a gigantic! word in it...")) // "gigantic"
print(longestWord(in: "Don't trip and fall")) // could be any of the 4 letter words
print(longestWord(in: "Hello there! Come here my little friend. Don't be afraid. Don't worry, he'll be all right. What happened? Rest easy, son, you've had a busy day. You're fortunate you're still in one piece. Ben? Ben Kenobi! Boy, am I glad to see you! The Jundland wastes are not to be traveled lightly.")) // fortunate
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