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Created March 4, 2021 06:59
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import Foundation
* Complete the 'cardPackets' function below.
* The function is expected to return an INTEGER.
* The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY cardTypes as parameter.
func cardPackets(cardTypes: [Int]) -> Int {
// Write your code here
// 2 packets
var cardMinimums: [Int: Int] = [:]
for i in 2...5 {
let minimum = cardsNeeded(packets: i, cardTypes: cardTypes)
// print("@\(i) packets. total = \(minimum)")
cardMinimums[i] = minimum
let cardMinimum = cardMinimums.min { a, b in a.value < b.value }
return cardMinimum?.value ?? 0
func nextMod(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
let nextQuotient: Int = (a / b) + 1
let nextMod = (b * nextQuotient) - a
// print("\(a) %^ \(b) = \(nextMod)")
return nextMod
func cardsNeeded(packets: Int, cardTypes: [Int]) -> Int {
var cardCount = 0
for type in cardTypes {
if type % packets != 0 {
let remainder = nextMod(type, packets)
cardCount += remainder
return cardCount
func generateRandomArray() -> [Int] {
var arr: [Int] = []
for _ in 0...9 {
arr.append(Int.random(in: 1...9))
// print("random array =", arr)
return arr
//let stdout = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["OUTPUT_PATH"]!
let cards = [3,8,7,6,4]
cardPackets(cardTypes: cards) // 2
let cards2 = generateRandomArray()
cardPackets(cardTypes: cards2)
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