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Last active October 4, 2016 12:59
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Sierra upgrade woes / things

Just a short list of things I had to do during my sierra upgrade to get back to ship shape.


Accept the new xcode license so you can use git etc:

sudo xcodebuild -license

Take control of /usr/local again. You may not need to do this if you have a more recent homebrew than I did. homebrew now lives in /usr/local/Homebrew:

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

And finally update / upgrade homebrew + packages:

brew update && brew upgrade

This time it was nice and easy, brew actually detected the permissions issue and everything! major shout out to the homebrew team.

Also: you may run into some weirdness with broken packages if this is the first time you've updated after the migration to /usr/local/Homebrew. I had to reinstall node for example.


tmux 2.2 merged a patch which doesn't turn off kqueue which is broken in osx (see here for details). This isn't 100% related to sierra, but this was recent enough that I figured it was worth a mention.

brew uninstall --force tmux && brew install --HEAD tmux


see here for the nitty gritty, but basically you may have to manually update tunnelblick if you see weird issues with their auto-updates. no big deal


date changed to bsd from gnu, which means some of your options may not work

pbcopy under tmux

pbcopy once again broken in tmux :(

see here but basically you'll need to once again use reattach-to-user-namespace with pbcopy which .. ugh

The short of it is you'll need to

brew install reattach-to-user-namespace

and add: set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash" to your .tmux.conf

Karabiner / KeyRemap4MacBook / Seil / etc

You'll have to migrate to Karabiner-Elements for the time being in sierra. From the main page updates are forthcoming, but not until elements is complete. I don't really use this anymore, so I don't have much more info.

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mateor commented Sep 28, 2016

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