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Created February 16, 2012 04:38
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Simple Java IRC bawt
package irc;
public class IRC {
public static String host = ""; // IRC server to connect to.
public static int port = 6667; // Port to connect to it on (probably 6667)
public static String nick = "FinnTestBawt"; // Nick to use
public static String channel = "#css161"; // Channel to join initially. Only one channel supported currently
public static String owner = "thefinn93"; // the nickname of the owner. Will only accept administrative commands from this nick
public static String quitmsg = "Thank you for using FinnBawt9000"; // What to say when we disconnect.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try{ // For when shit goes wrong
Socket socket = new Socket(host, port); // Open a socket to the server
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
out.println("NICK " + nick); // tell them our nickname
out.println("USER " + nick + " " + nick + " " + host + " :" + nick); // ...and our idnet (which is basically our nickname a bunch
String line;
while((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // While there is still data coming in
System.out.println(line); // Print the data to the console for debugging purpose
String[] parsedline = line.split(" ",4); // Split it by the first four spaces. After that is the actual message (except for some cases, see next two lines).
if(parsedline[0].equals("PING")) { // If the message starts with PING.
out.println("PONG " + parsedline[1]); // Send back "PONG" followed by the ID thing they send us.
} else if(parsedline[1].equals("PRIVMSG")) {// If we get a message (Confusing thing about IRC: the PRIVMSG just means a message, could be a channel message or a private message)
String from = parsedline[0].split("!")[0].split(":")[1]; // Do some crazy
String msg = parsedline[3].split(":",2)[1];
System.out.println(from + ": " + msg );
if(parsedline[2].toLowerCase().equals(nick.toLowerCase())) { //Private Message
process(parsedline[3].substring(1), from, from, line, out);
} else { //Channel message
String chan = parsedline[2];
// out.println("PRIVMSG " + parsedline[2] + " " + parsedline[3]);
if(msg.toLowerCase().contains(nick.toLowerCase())) {
String cmd = msg.split(nick,2)[1].trim();
process(cmd, chan, from, line, out);
} else if(parsedline[1].equals("NOTICE")) {
System.out.println("NOTICE: " + line.split(":")[1]);
} else if(parsedline[1].equals("376")) {
out.println("JOIN " + channel);
out.println("PRIVMSG " + owner + " :hai");
else {
System.out.println("Recevied " + parsedline[1] + ", not sure what to do about it.");
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
System.out.println("Unknown host: " + host);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("No I/O");
public static void process(String fullcmd, String chan, String from, String in, PrintWriter out) {
if(fullcmd.charAt(0) == ',' || fullcmd.charAt(0) == ':') {
fullcmd = fullcmd.substring(1).trim();
String cmd = fullcmd;
String args = "";
if(fullcmd.contains(" ")) {
cmd = fullcmd.split(" ",2)[0];
args = fullcmd.split(" ",2)[1];
if(cmd.equals("quit")) {
if(isAdmin(from)) {
out.println("QUIT :" + quitmsg);
} else {
out.println("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :I'm sorry " + from + ", I'm afraid I can't do that. fuck off.");
} else if(cmd.equals("join")) {
if(isAdmin(from)) {
if(!args.isEmpty()) {
out.println("JOIN " + args);
} else
out.println("PRIVMSG " + from + " :Usage: \u0002" + nick + " join <#channel>\u0002");
} else {
out.println("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :I'm sorry " + from + ", I'm afraid I can't do that. \u0002fuck off\u0002.");
} else if(cmd.equals("colors")) {
// The following have been blatantly stolen from
String black = "\u000301";
String blue = "\u000312";
String bold = "\u0002";
String brown = "\u000305";
String cyan = "\u000311";
String dark_blue = "\u000302";
String dark_grey = "\u000314";
String dark_green = "\u000303";
String green = "\u000309";
String light_grey = "\u000315";
String magenta = "\u000313";
String normal = "\u000f";
String olice = "\u000307";
String purple = "\u000306";
String red = "\u000304";
String reverse = "\u0016";
String teal = "\u000310";
String underline = "\u001f";
String white = "\u000300";
String yellow = "\u000308";
out.println("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :" + dark_blue + "R" + blue + "A" + dark_green + "I" + green + "NBOW!" + normal + " lol");
} else {
out.println("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :\u0002I has no idea what " + from + " is talking about...\u0002");
public static boolean isAdmin(String user) {
if(user.toLowerCase().equals(owner.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
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