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Last active April 28, 2020 23:44
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Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
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"Create a TypeScript Component": {
"prefix": "component--ts",
"body": [
"import React from 'react';",
"import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';",
"type Props = {$1} & typeof defaultProps;",
"const defaultProps = Object.freeze({$2});",
"const initialState = Object.freeze({$3});",
"export const ${4:ComponentName} = (props: Props) => {",
" return (",
" <View style={styles.container}>",
" $0",
" </View>",
" );",
"const styles = StyleSheet.create({",
" container: {",
" flex: 1,",
" },",
"${4:ComponentName}.defaultProps = defaultProps;",
"export default ${4:ComponentName};"
"description": "Creates a Typed Hooked Functional Component"
"Create a TypeScript Component w/ Styled-Components": {
"prefix": "component--ts-sc",
"body": [
"import React from 'react';",
"import {} from 'react-native';",
"import styled from 'styled-components/native';",
"type Props = {$1} & typeof defaultProps;",
"const defaultProps = Object.freeze({$2});",
"const initialState = Object.freeze({$3});",
"export const ${4:ComponentName} = (props: Props) => {",
" return (",
" <Container>",
" $0",
" </Container>",
" );",
"const Container = styled.View`",
" flex: 1;",
"${4:ComponentName}.defaultProps = defaultProps;",
"export default ${4:ComponentName};"
"description": "Creates a Typed Hooked Functional Component"
"Create a Typed Class Component": {
"prefix": "component-class-ts",
"body": [
"import React, { Component } from 'react';",
"import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';",
"type Props = {$1} & typeof defaultProps;",
"const defaultProps = Object.freeze({$2});",
"type State = typeof initialState;",
"const initialState = Object.freeze({$3});",
"export class ${4:ComponentName} extends Component<Props, State> {",
" public readonly state = initialState;",
" public static readonly defaultProps = defaultProps;",
" render() {",
" // const {} = this.props;",
" // const {} = this.state;",
" return (",
" <View style={styles.container}>",
" $0",
" </View>",
" );",
" }",
"const styles = StyleSheet.create({",
" container: {",
" flex: 1,",
" },",
"export default ${4:ComponentName};"
"description": "Creates a Typed Class Component"
"Create an arrow function": {
"prefix": "arrow",
"body": ["const ${1:functionName} = (${2:params}) => {"," $0","};"],
"description": "Creates an arrow function"
"Create useState hook": {
"prefix": "hook--state",
"body": ["const [${1:state}, ${2:setState}] = useState(${3:initialState});"],
"description": "Create useState hook"
"Create useEffect hook": {
"prefix": "hook-effect",
"body": ["useEffect((${1:params}) => {"," $0", " //return function cleanup(){};","}, [${1:params}]);"],
"description": "Create useEffect hook"
"Create Type": {
"prefix": "type",
"body": [
"type ${1:Element}Type = {"," $0","};",
"description": "Create a type"
"Create Props": {
"prefix": "props",
"body": [
"type Props = {"," $0", "} & typeof defaultProps;",
"const defaultProps = Object.freeze({});",
"$1.defaultProps = defaultProps;",
"description": "Creates a Props type and defaultProps"
"Add StyleSheet": {
"prefix": "stylesheet",
"body": [
"const styles = StyleSheet.create({",
" $0",
"description": "Adds a new StyleSheet",
"Import Debug": {
"prefix": "import-debug",
"body": [
"import Debug from 'debug';",
"const debug = Debug('${1:debug-identifier}');"],
"description": "Import and configure debug library"
"Create Debug": {
"prefix": "debug",
"body": [
"debug('$1', $0);",
"description": "Create a debug log"
"Map Over Object Entries": {
"prefix": "map-object-entries",
"body": [
"Object.entries(${1:ObjectName}).map(([${2:key}, ${3:value}]) => {", " $0", "})"
"description": "Map over an object's entries"
"Map Over Object Keys": {
"prefix": "map-object-keys",
"body": [
"Object.keys(${1:ObjectName}).map(${2:key} => {", " $0", "})"
"description": "Map over an object's keys"
"Map Over Object Values": {
"prefix": "map-object-values",
"body": [
"Object.values(${1:ObjectName}).map(${2:value} => {", " $0", "})"
"description": "Map over an object's values"
"Console Log": {
"prefix": "con",
"body": [
"description": "Console Log"
"Create Touchable Opacity Element": {
"prefix": "touch",
"body": [
"<TouchableOpacity style={${1}} onPress={() => ${2}}>${0}</TouchableOpacity>",
"description": "Create a TouchableOpacity element"
"TS Ignore Next Line": {
"prefix": "ts-ignore",
"body": [
"// @ts-ignore",
"description": "Disable TypeScript checking for the line that follows."
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