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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save thefish/9302625 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thefish/9302625 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Example usage:

        //Get all ids of available offers from a very big YML file 
        // see‎ for format details
        $file = 'yandex_market_1GB_size.yml';
        $offers = array();

        $parser = new Parser();
                function ($parser, $node) use (&$offers) {
                    if ((boolean)$node->attributes()['available']) {
                        $offers[] = $node->attributes()['id'];

        $parser->parse(fopen($file, 'r'));
* Stream XML parser, with closure and callbacks
* Warning - tags in path are case sensitive!
* @author thefish <>
class Parser {
* @var array An array of registered callbacks
private $callbacks = array();
* @var string The current node path being investigated
private $currentPath = '/';
* @var array An array path data for paths that require callbacks
private $pathData = array();
* @var boolean Whether or not the object is currently parsing
private $parse = FALSE;
* @var array A list of namespaces in this XML
private $namespaces = array();
* Parses the XML provided using streaming and callbacks
* @param mixed $data Either a stream resource or string containing XML
* @param int $chunkSize The size of data to read in at a time. Only
* relevant if $data is a stream
* @return Parser
* @throws \Exception
public function parse($data, $chunkSize = 1024) {
//Ensure that the $data var is of the right type
if (!is_string($data)
&& (!is_resource($data) || get_resource_type($data) !== 'stream')
) {
throw new \Exception('Data must be a string or a stream resource');
//Ensure $chunkSize is the right type
if (!is_int($chunkSize)) {
throw new \Exception('Chunk size must be an integer');
//Initialise the object
//Create the parser and set the parsing flag
$this->parse = TRUE;
$parser = xml_parser_create();
//Get real tag names
xml_parser_set_option( $parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0 );
//Set the parser up, ready to stream through the XML
xml_set_object($parser, $this);
//Set up the protected methods _start and _end to deal with the start
//and end tags respectively
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'start', 'end');
//Set up the _addCdata method to parse any CDATA tags
xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'addCdata');
//For general purpose data, use the _addData method
xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'addData');
//If the data is a resource then loop through it, otherwise just parse
//the string
if (is_resource($data)) {
//Not all resources support fseek. For those that don't, suppress
// /the error
@fseek($data, 0);
while ($this->parse && $chunk = fread($data, $chunkSize)) {
$this->parseString($parser, $chunk, feof($data));
} else {
$this->parseString($parser, $data, TRUE);
//Free up the parser
return $this;
* Registers a single callback for a specified XML path
* @param string $path The path that the callback is for
* @param callable $callback The callback mechanism to use
* @return Parser
* @throws \Exception
public function registerCallback($path, $callback) {
//Ensure the path is a string
if (!is_string($path)) {
throw new \Exception('Path must be a string');
//Ensure that the callback is callable
if (!is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \Exception('Callback must be callable');
if (substr($path, -1, 1) !== '/') {
$path .= '/';
//If this is the first callback for this path, initialise the variable
if (!isset($this->callbacks[$path])) {
$this->callback[$path] = array();
//Add the callback
$this->callbacks[$path][] = $callback;
return $this;
* Registers multiple callbacks for the specified paths, for example
* <code>
* $parser->registerCallbacks(array(
* array( '/path/to/element', 'callback' ),
* array( '/path/to/another/element', array($this, 'callback' ) ),
* ));
* </code>
* @param Array $pathCallbacks An array of paths and callbacks
* @return Parser
* @throws \Exception
public function registerCallbacks(Array $pathCallbacks) {
foreach ($pathCallbacks as $row) {
if (count($row) != 2) {
throw new \Exception(
'Each array element in $pathCallbacks must be an array of'
. ' 2 elements (the path and the callback)'
list($path, $callback) = $row;
$this->registerCallback($path, $callback);
return $this;
* Stops the parser from parsing any more. Because of the nature of
* streaming there may be more data to read. If this is the case then no
* further callbacks will be called.
* @return Parser
public function stopParsing() {
$this->parse = FALSE;
return $this;
* Initialise the object variables
* @return NULL
private function init() {
$this->namespaces = array();
$this->currentPath = '/';
$this->pathData = array();
$this->parse = FALSE;
* Parse data using xml_parse
* @param resource $parser The XML parser
* @param string $data The data to parse
* @param boolean $isFinal Whether or not this is the final part to parse
* @return NULL
* @throws \Exception
protected function parseString($parser, $data, $isFinal) {
if (!xml_parse($parser, $data, $isFinal)) {
throw new \Exception(
. ' At line: ' .
* Parses the start tag
* @param resource $parser The XML parser
* @param string $tag The tag that's being started
* @param array $attributes The attributes on this tag
* @return NULL
protected function start($parser, $tag, $attributes) {
//Update the current path
$this->currentPath .= $tag . '/';
//Go through each callback and ensure that path data has been
//started for it
foreach ($this->callbacks as $path => $callbacks) {
if ($path === $this->currentPath) {
$this->pathData[$this->currentPath] = '';
//Generate the tag, with attributes
$data = '<' . $tag;
foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
$options = ENT_QUOTES;
if (defined('ENT_XML1')) {
$options |= ENT_XML1;
$data .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';
if (stripos($key, 'xmlns:') !== false) {
$key = str_replace('xmlns:', '', $key);
$this->namespaces[$key] = $val;
$data .= '>';
//Add the data to the path data required
$this->addData($parser, $data);
* Adds CDATA to any paths that require it
* @param resource $parser
* @param string $data
* @return NULL
protected function addCdata($parser, $data) {
$this->addData($parser, '<![CDATA[' . $data . ']]>');
* Adds data to any paths that require it
* @param resource $parser
* @param string $data
* @return NULL
protected function addData($parser, $data) {
//Having a path data entry means at least 1 callback is interested in
//the data. Loop through each path here and, if inside that path, add
//the data
foreach ($this->pathData as $key => $val) {
if (strpos($this->currentPath, $key) !== FALSE) {
$this->pathData[$key] .= $data;
* Parses the end of a tag
* @param resource $parser
* @param string $tag
* @return NULL
protected function end($parser, $tag) {
//Add the data to the paths that require it
$data = '</' . $tag . '>';
$this->addData($parser, $data);
//Loop through each callback and see if the path matches the
//current path
foreach ($this->callbacks as $path => $callbacks) {
//If parsing should continue, and the paths match, then a callback
//needs to be made
if ($this->parse && $this->currentPath === $path) {
if (!$this->fireCallbacks($path, $callbacks)) {
//Unset the path data for this path, as it's no longer needed
//Update the path with the new path (effectively moving up a directory)
$this->currentPath = substr(
strlen($this->currentPath) - (strlen($tag) + 1)
* Generates a SimpleXMLElement and passes it to each of the callbacks
* @param string $path The path to create the SimpleXMLElement from
* @param array $callbacks An array of callbacks to be fired.
* @return boolean
protected function fireCallbacks($path, array $callbacks) {
$namespaceStr = '';
$namespaces = $this->namespaces;
$matches = array();
$pathData = $this->pathData[$path];
$regex = '/xmlns:(?P<namespace>[^=]+)="[^\"]+"/sm';
// Make sure any namespaces already defined in this element are not
// defined again
if (preg_match_all($regex, $pathData, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches['namespace'] as $key => $value) {
// Define all remaining namespaces on the root element
foreach ($namespaces as $key => $val) {
$namespaceStr .= ' xmlns:' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';
//Build the SimpleXMLElement object. As this is a partial XML
//document suppress any warnings or errors that might arise
//from invalid namespaces
$data = new \SimpleXMLElement(
preg_replace('/^(<[^\s>]+)/', '$1' . $namespaceStr, $pathData),
//Loop through each callback. If one of them stops the parsing
//then cease operation immediately
foreach ($callbacks as $callback) {
call_user_func_array($callback, array($this, $data));
if (!$this->parse) {
return false;
return true;
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