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Forked from JoshCheek/
Created January 10, 2013 05:26
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Solving an algorithm for a friend to be able to tell his emacs what window he wants to replace his current window when he closes it.

def borderless(string)
string.gsub(/^[-+|]/ , '')
.gsub(/[-+|]$/ , '')
.sub(/\A[-+|]*\n/ , '')
.sub(/^[-+|]*\Z/ , '')
def leaf?(string)
string !~ /[-+|]/
def split_cols(raw_cols)
.select { |index| raw_cols.each_line.all? { |line| '|+'.include? line[index] } }
.map { |left, right| { |line| line[left+1..right-1].chomp } }
.map { |lines| lines.join "\n" }
def rows_for(raw_rows)
.map { |raw_cols| leaf?(raw_cols) ? raw_cols.strip : cols_for(raw_cols) }
def cols_for(raw_cols)
split_cols(raw_cols).map { |raw_rows| leaf?(raw_rows) ? raw_rows.strip : rows_for(raw_rows) }
def read_layout(string)
rows_for borderless string
When 'I read the window layout:' do |s|
@layout = read_layout(s.to_s)
Then 'the layout should be $struct' do |structure|
structure.gsub!('(', '[')
structure.gsub!(')', ']')
structure.gsub!('] ', '], ')
structure.gsub!(/(rows|cols) /, ':\1, ')
structure.gsub!('" ', '", ')
@layout.should == eval(structure)
Feature: Reading window layouts
Scenario: one window
When I read the window layout:
| A |
Then the layout should be (rows "A")
Scenario: A|B
When I read the window layout:
| A | B |
Then the layout should be (rows (cols "A" "B"))
Scenario: A|B--C
When I read the window layout:
| A | B |
| C |
Then the layout should be (rows (cols "A" "B") "C")
Scenario: A|B--C|D
When I read the window layout:
| A | B |
| C | D |
Then the layout should be (rows (cols "A" "B") (cols "C" "D"))
Scenario: 3 rows
When I read the window layout:
| A |
| B |
| C |
Then the layout should be (rows "A" "B" "C")
Scenario: Inner horizontal split
When I read the window layout:
| A | |
+---+ B |
| F | |
| C |
| D | E |
Then the layout should be (rows (cols (rows "A" "F") "B") "C" (cols "D" "E"))
Scenario: Inner vertical split
When I read the window layout:
| | B | C |
| A +---+---+
| | D |
| E |
Then the layout should be (rows (cols "A" (rows (cols "B" "C") "D")) "E")
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