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I am using Apache Curator Recipes v2.10.0, with Scala 2.11.8. I want to be notified whenever there is a change (addition, deletion, and updation) in the Node I am watching. Following is the code I have,
curatorClient = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient("proper Connection String"),
new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3))
treeCache = new TreeCache(curatorClient, "/a")
treeCache.getListenable.addListener(new TreeCacheListener {
override def childEvent(client: CuratorFramework, event: TreeCacheEvent): Unit = {
event.getType match {
case TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_ADDED => ERROR("TreeNode added: "
+ ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(event.getData.getPath) + ", value: "
+ new String(event.getData.getData))
case TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_UPDATED => ERROR("TreeNode Updated: "
+ ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(event.getData.getPath) + ", value: "
+ new String(event.getData.getData))
case TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_REMOVED => ERROR("TreeNode Removed: "
+ ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(event.getData.getPath) + ", value: "
+ new String(event.getData.getData));
case ex: TreeCacheEvent.Type => ERROR(s"Received Event [$ex]")
Now, the only message I get from this is
Received Event [INITIALIZED]
Nothing else. I tried adding nodes to /a through zkCli and also through the program (I use util-zk library for inserting). What am I missing?
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