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Created August 15, 2013 17:50
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Profiling RavenDB with Nancy
public class RavenProfilerModule : NancyModule
private readonly IEnumerable<IDocumentStore> documentStores;
public RavenProfilerModule(IEnumerable<IDocumentStore> documentStores)
: base("/_raven-profiler")
this.documentStores = documentStores;
Get["/"] = p =>
var sessions = this.Bind<RequestedSessions>();
var viewModel = GetProfilingInformation(sessions.SessionId);
return Negotiate.WithModel(viewModel);
private RavenProfiledSessionViewModel GetProfilingInformation(IEnumerable<Guid> sessionIds)
var profilingInformations = from documentStore in documentStores.OfType<DocumentStore>()
from sessionId in sessionIds
select documentStore.GetProfilingInformationFor(sessionId);
return new RavenProfiledSessionViewModel(profilingInformations);
public class RequestedSessions
public Guid[] SessionId { get; set; }
public static class RavenProfiling
private const string ContextualSessionStorageKey = "###RavenProfilerSessions###";
private static readonly
<NancyContext, Tuple<Action<InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations>, Action<ProfilingInformation>>>
Operations =
new ConcurrentDictionary
<NancyContext, Tuple<Action<InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations>, Action<ProfilingInformation>>>();
public static void InitializeFor(IDocumentStore documentStore, IPipelines pipelines)
var store = documentStore as DocumentStore;
if (store == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Must be a Raven.Client.DocumentStore", "documentStore");
InitializeFor(store, pipelines);
private static void InitializeFor(DocumentStore documentStore, IPipelines pipelines)
documentStore.Conventions.DisableProfiling = false;
context =>
if (documentStore.WasDisposed)
return null;
Action<InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations> onSessionCreated =
operation => SessionCreated(operation, context);
Action<ProfilingInformation> onInformationCreated =
information => InformationCreated(information, context);
if (false == Operations.TryAdd(context, Tuple.Create(onSessionCreated, onInformationCreated)))
return null;
documentStore.SessionCreatedInternal += onSessionCreated;
return null;
context =>
if (documentStore.WasDisposed)
//do something here to get the session ids into the rendered view.
// I use cassette so I will add an inline script with a hook.
//var bundesHelper = context.Items[BundlesHelper.BUNDLES_HELPER] as IBundlesHelper;
// if (bundesHelper != null)
// TrackSessionsInBundles(bundesHelper, context);
Tuple<Action<InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations>, Action<ProfilingInformation>> operation;
if (false == Operations.TryGetValue(context, out operation))
documentStore.SessionCreatedInternal -= operation.Item1;
ProfilingInformation.OnContextCreated -= operation.Item2;
private static void InformationCreated(ProfilingInformation information, NancyContext context)
// add additional context
private static void SessionCreated(InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations operations, NancyContext context)
private static List<Guid> GetContextualSessionStorage(NancyContext context)
object trackedSessionsThing;
List<Guid> trackedSessions;
if (context.Items.TryGetValue(ContextualSessionStorageKey, out trackedSessionsThing)
&& (trackedSessions = trackedSessionsThing as List<Guid>) != null)
return trackedSessions;
trackedSessions = new List<Guid>();
context.Items[ContextualSessionStorageKey] = trackedSessions;
return trackedSessions;
public static void TrackSessionsInBundles(IBundlesHelper bundles, NancyContext context)
const string script = @"
(function(document, window){{
var profiler = new window.RavenProfiler('{0}', document, window);
}})(document, window);
var trackedSessions = GetContextualSessionStorage(context);
if (false == trackedSessions.Any())
var sessionIdsInJson = "[" + String.Join(
trackedSessions.Select(sessionId => "'" + sessionId + "'")) + "]";
String.Format(script, context.ToFullPath("~/_raven-profiler"), sessionIdsInJson),
references: new[] {"~/scripts/features/raven-profiler"});
public class RavenRemoteCallViewModel
private readonly string method;
private readonly Uri url;
public RavenRemoteCallViewModel(RequestResultArgs model)
At = model.At;
Duration = model.DurationMilliseconds + " ms";
method = model.Method;
Status = model.HttpResult + " " + (((HttpStatusCode) model.HttpResult).ToString().Titleize());
url = new Uri("http://ravendb" + model.Url);
public string Status { get; private set; }
public string Request
get { return method + " " + Endpoint; }
public string Endpoint
// should get rid of /databases/YourDatabaseName
return "/" + String.Join("/", url.AbsolutePath.Split('/').Skip(3));
public IEnumerable<string> Query
return url.Query.Length < 1
? new string[0]
: url.Query.Substring(1).Split('&')
public DateTime At { get; private set; }
public string Duration { get; private set; }
public class RavenProfiledSessionViewModel : IEnumerable<RavenRemoteCallViewModel>
private readonly IEnumerable<RavenRemoteCallViewModel> items;
public RavenProfiledSessionViewModel(IEnumerable<ProfilingInformation> profilingInformations)
items = from profilingInformation in profilingInformations
where profilingInformation != null
from result in profilingInformation.Requests
select new RavenRemoteCallViewModel(result);
#region IEnumerable<RavenRemoteCallViewModel> Members
public IEnumerator<RavenRemoteCallViewModel> GetEnumerator()
return items.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
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