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Created November 17, 2014 04:00
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A Python script to combine multiple g-code files from Line Grinder into a single PCB panel in a (hopefully) optimal layout.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# 13-Nov-2014 ShaneG
# Some slight changes to the code for consistancy with the output generated
# by 'linegrinder'. The origin is now in the lower left corner, x increments
# upwards, y increments to the right. The boards are now treated with the
# same origin location (this is what linegrinder generates).
# Rotations are in the counter clockwise direction with the working origin
# at the bottom left corner which moves the source origin to the bottom
# right.
# 11-Nov-2014 ShaneG
# Tool to pack multiple PCB g-code files into a single panel.
from os.path import exists, isfile, abspath
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from sys import argv
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# File name suffix (as generated by linegrinder)
# Program names
GRECODE = "grecode"
OPTIMISER = "opti"
# Default parameters
# Drill code prefix lines
"G20 (Use Inches)",
"G90 (Set Absolute Coordinates)",
"G17 (XY plane selection)",
"G00 Z0.25",
"G00 X0 Y0",
"M03 (Start spindle)",
"G04 P1 (Pause to let the spindle start)",
"M05 (Stop spindle)",
"M02 (Program End)",
# Helper functions
def runTool(tool, args, data, stderr = False):
""" Run a tool with the given args and input data.
cmdline = "%s %s" % (tool, args)
# print "Running command:\n %s" % cmdline
prog = Popen(cmdline, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = prog.communicate("".join(data))
if stderr and (len(err) > 0):
print err
# Turn the output into a list of lines, strip blanks and 'Program Stop' (M02)
lines = list()
for line in out.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if (len(line) > 0) and (not line.startswith("M02")):
lines.append(line + "\n")
# Done
return lines
def checkFiles(name):
""" Given a base name, verify that all files exist
for s in SUFFIX:
fullname = abspath(name + s)
if not isfile(fullname):
return False
return True
def getCodeFile(name, filetype):
""" Get the full name for a file
return abspath(name + SUFFIX[filetype])
def getBoardSize(name):
# Determine the size of the board (using the edge mill)
min_x = 1000
max_x = -1000
min_y = 1000
max_y = -1000
units = 1.0 # 1 = mm, 25.4 = inch
edge = open(getCodeFile(name, 2), "r")
for line in edge:
line = line.strip()
if (len(line) > 1) and (line[0] == 'G'):
parts = [ part.strip() for part in line.split(' ') ]
# Setting units ?
if parts[0] == "G20":
units = 25.4
elif parts[0] == "G21":
units = 1.00
elif parts[0][0] == 'G':
# Look for X/Y components
for part in parts:
if part[0] == 'X':
val = units * float(part[1:])
min_x = min(min_x, val)
max_x = max(max_x, val)
elif part[0] == 'Y':
val = units * float(part[1:])
min_y = min(min_y, val)
max_y = max(max_y, val)
return (min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
def generateDrillFile(name):
""" Generate the drill file from the pad touch downs in the isolation
routing file.
data = None
with open(getCodeFile(name, 0), "r") as f:
data = f.readlines()
inpads = False
points = list()
for line in data:
line = line.strip()
if line == "(... pad touchdown start ...)":
inpads = True
elif line == "(... pad touchdown end ...)":
inpads = False
elif inpads and line.startswith("G00 X"):
parts = [ part.strip() for part in line.split(' ') ]
x = None
y = None
for p in parts:
if p[0] == 'X':
x = p[1:]
elif p[0] == 'Y':
y = p[1:]
if (x is not None) and (y is not None):
points.append((x, y))
# Now generate the drill code
if len(points) == 0:
return None
data = list(DRILL_PREFIX)
for p in points:
data.append("G00 X%s Y%s" % p)
data.append("G01 Z-0.118 F5") # TODO: Should allow drill depth to be set
data.append("G00 Z0.25") # TODO: Same for safe distance
return list([ line + "\n" for line in data ])
# Class wrapper to manage boards
class Board:
""" Represents a board.
Each board has a fixed size (width and height), a mutable location and
a rotation flag.
def __init__(self, width, height, name = "", xoff = 0.0, yoff = 0.0):
""" Constructor with dimensions
""" = name
self._width = width
self._height = height
self._xoff = xoff
self._yoff = yoff
def __str__(self):
return "Board %0.2f x %0.2f @ %0.2f, %0.2f (Rot = %s)" % (self.width, self.height, self.x, self.y, self.rotated)
def width(self):
if self.rotated:
return self._height
return self._width
def width(self, value):
raise Exception("Cannot modify 'width' after creation")
def height(self):
if self.rotated:
return self._width
return self._height
def height(self, value):
raise Exception("Cannot modify 'height' after creation")
def reset(self):
""" Restore to original (unrotated, untranslated) state
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.rotated = False
def translate(self, dx, dy):
self.x = self.x + dx
self.y = self.y + dy
def overlaps(self, other):
""" Determine if this board overlaps another
return not (((self.x + self.width) <= other.x) or
((other.x + other.width) <= self.x) or
((self.y + self.height) <= other.y) or
((other.y + other.height) <= self.y))
def contains(self, other):
""" Determine if this board completely contains another
return ((self.x <= other.x) and
((self.x + self.width) >= (other.x + other.width)) and
(self.y <= other.y) and
((self.y + self.height) >= (other.y + other.height)))
def area(self):
""" Return the area of the board
return self.width * self.height
def clone(self, dw = 0, dh = 0):
return Board(self._width + dw, self._height + dh,, self._xoff, self._yoff)
def getAdjustedCode(self, filetype):
""" Apply the current translation to the code
data = None
if filetype <> 1:
with open(getCodeFile(, filetype), "r") as f:
data = f.readlines()
# Drill files get generated, not loaded
data = generateDrillFile(
# Determine the translation we need
source = ( self._xoff, self._yoff, self._xoff + self._width, self._yoff + self._height )
if self.rotated:
target = ( self.x + self.width, self.y, self.x, self.y + self.height )
target = ( self.x, self.y, self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height)
# Do the translation/rotation
data = runTool(GRECODE, "-overlay %s %s" % ("%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f" % source, "%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f" % target), data)
return data
def loadBoard(name):
""" Create a board instance from a file
if not checkFiles(name):
raise Exception("Missing required g-code file for board '%s'" %
# Get the board dimensions and create the instance
xoff, yoff, width, height = getBoardSize(name)
return Board(width + PANEL_SPACING, height + PANEL_SPACING, name, xoff, yoff)
# Generate an image of the layout
def createLayoutImage(panel, boards, filename):
img ="RGB", (int(panel.width * 2), int(panel.height * 2)), "white")
drw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
for board in boards:
drw.rectangle((int(board.x * 2), int(board.y * 2), int((board.x + board.width) * 2), int((board.y + board.height) * 2)), fill = "black")
# Layout operations
def getIteration(current, boards):
""" Generate an iteration.
We want to test every combination of rotation, this generates an iteration
using a bit mask.
results = list()
for bit in range(len(boards)):
board = boards[bit].clone()
if (1 << bit) & current:
board.rotated = True
return results
def overlaps(placed, board):
""" Determine if the board overlaps any previously placed board
for previous in placed:
if board.overlaps(previous):
return True
return False
def layout(panel, boards):
""" Layout the boards on the given panel
boards = sorted(boards, cmp = lambda x, y: cmp(x.height, y.height), reverse = True)
placed = list()
botright = None
for board in boards:
# Make sure the height is valid
if board.height > panel.height:
return False
# First board always goes at bottom left
if len(placed) == 0:
botright = board
# Will this board fit above any previously placed board ?
for previous in placed:
board.x = previous.x
board.y = previous.y + previous.height
if panel.contains(board) and not overlaps(placed, board):
board = None
# Did we manage to put it somewhere?
if board is None:
# Place it next to the rightmost board
board.x = botright.x + botright.width
board.y = 0
# A higher (in y) board may overlap, adjust for that
while overlaps(placed, board):
board.translate(1.0, 0)
# Make sure it fits
if not panel.contains(board):
return False
# If we make it here we are done for this layout
return True
def consumedArea(boards):
""" Determine the area taken by the boards in the current position
return max([ b.x + b.width for b in boards]) * max([ b.y + b.height for b in boards])
# Main program
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Process command line
boards = list()
index = 1
while index < len(argv):
if argv[index] == "--width":
index = index + 1
PANEL_WIDTH = float(argv[index])
elif argv[index] == "--height":
index = index + 1
PANEL_HEIGHT = float(argv[index])
elif argv[index] == "--space":
index = index + 1
PANEL_SPACING = float(argv[index])
elif argv[index] == "--noopt":
index = index + 1
# Make sure we have some boards to work with
if len(boards) == 0:
print "ERROR: No boards specified."
# Create the panel we want to put the boards in
# Make sure the boards will fit the panel
print "Checking dimensions ..."
failed = False
if sum([board.area() for board in boards]) > panel.area():
print " ERROR: This combination of boards will not fit the given panel"
failed = True
for board in boards:
if (board.width > panel.width) or (board.height > panel.width) or (board.width > panel.height) or (board.height > panel.height):
print " ERROR: Board '%s' is too large for the given panel." %
failed = True
if failed:
print " ERROR: Cannot continue with the current settings."
print " OK"
# Process each iteration in turn
print "Laying out boards ..."
best = None
for iteration in range(2 ** len(boards)):
candidate = getIteration(iteration, boards)
if layout(panel, candidate):
area = consumedArea(candidate)
if (best is None) or (area < consumedArea(best)):
best = candidate
print " Selecting iteration #%d with area %0.2f mm2" % (iteration, area)
# Did we get a usable layout?
if best is None:
print " ERROR: No suitable layout found."
# Adjust for spacing
boards = list()
for board in best:
adjust = board.clone(-PANEL_SPACING, -PANEL_SPACING)
adjust.rotated = board.rotated
adjust.translate(board.x + PANEL_SPACING, board.y + PANEL_SPACING)
# Show the results
print "Selected layout:"
for board in boards:
print " '%s' (%0.2f x %0.2f) @ %0.2f, %0.2f - rotated = %s" % (, board.width, board.height, board.x, board.y, board.rotated)
createLayoutImage(panel, boards, "pcbpack.png")
print "Layout image saved in 'pcbpack.png'"
print "Generating combined g-code ..."
for filetype in range(3):
lines = list()
for board in boards:
# Add a program stop
lines.append("M02 (Program stop)\n")
# Optimise if requested
print " Optimising .."
lines = runTool(OPTIMISER, "", lines)
lines.append("M02 (Program stop)\n")
# Save the file
filename = getCodeFile("pcbpack", filetype)
print " %s" % filename
with open(filename, "w") as gcode:
for line in lines:
print "Operation complete."
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