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Last active June 24, 2020 20:27
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Dynamic Form
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import io.reactivex.Observable
interface Input {
val mandatory : Boolean
val focusIds : Array<Int>
fun buildView(context : Context) : View
val completeSignal : Observable<Boolean>
val layoutParams : LinearLayout.LayoutParams
class InputForeman(private val schema : List<Input>) {
fun build(context: Context) : LinearLayout {
TODO("buildView into vertical LinearLayout based on it's layoutParams")
fun observeCompletion() : Observable<Boolean> {
TODO("join all schema completeSignal")
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import io.reactivex.Observable
interface Input {
val mandatory : Boolean
fun buildView(context : Context) : View
val completeSignal : Observable<Boolean>
val layoutParams : LinearLayout.LayoutParams
* Then I realize that every [Input] needs id so you can set value to it
typealias ID = String
class InputForeman(private val schema : Map<ID, Input>) {
private lateinit var inputViews : Map<ID, View>
fun build(context: Context) : LinearLayout {
TODO("buildView into vertical LinearLayout based on it's layoutParams")
fun observeCompletion() : Observable<Boolean> {
TODO("join all input completeSignal")
fun getValue() : Map<ID, Any?> {
fun setValue(values : Map<ID, Any?>){
* But this is still bad since it turns out, every implementation of [Input] i made, also made schema holds [View] instance unintentionally
* @sample
* class EditInput(override mandatory : Boolean) : Input {
* private lateinit var editText : EditText
* override fun buildView(context : Context) : EditText {
* editText = EditText(context)
* return editText
* }
* override val completeSignal : Observable<Boolean>
* get() {
* return Observable.create { emit ->
* if(mandatory){
* it.onNext(true)
* editText.addOnTextChanged {
* emit.onNext(it.toString().isNotEmpty())
* }
* }else{
* it.onNext(true)
* }
* }
* }
* override val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(-1, -2)
* }
* So, i can't do this, [Input] is better if it is immutable, so that i can save schema to storage
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import io.reactivex.Observable
interface Input {
val mandatory : Boolean
fun buildView(context : Context) : InputHolder
val layoutParams : LinearLayout.LayoutParams
* Now this is better
class InputHolder(
val view : View,
val completeSignal : Observable<Boolean>,
* imagine if i have Composite Input where it buildView based on it's child input
* and imagine if this Composite Input somehow compose all EditText in horizontal manner
* Turns out i need view focusesId too. you can use [View.generateViewId] when you build the view
val focusedIds : Array<Int>
typealias ID = String
class InputForeman(private val schema : Map<ID, Input>) {
private lateinit var inputHolders : Map<ID, InputHolder>
fun build(context: Context) : LinearLayout {
TODO("buildView into vertical LinearLayout based on it's layoutParams")
fun observeCompletion() : Observable<Boolean> {
TODO("join all input completeSignal")
* Turns out by making value [Any] is something you should not do.
* since you will lose the benefit of knowing what type the input value should be cast with
fun getValue() : Map<ID, Any?> {
fun setValue(values : Map<ID, Any?>){
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import io.reactivex.Observable
* i want to made Input<T> with generic T so i can enforce the value for InputHolder
* is it good ? hmm.. i dunno.. if you do this. you might have need class<T> TOO!!
* but let's try it..
interface Input<T> {
val cls : Class<T>
val mandatory : Boolean
fun buildView(context : Context) : InputHolder<T>
val layoutParams : LinearLayout.LayoutParams
abstract class InputHolder<T>(
val view : View,
val completeSignal : Observable<Boolean>,
val focusedIds : Array<Int>
abstract fun setValue(value : T)
abstract fun getValue() : T
* But this is BAD TOO!!
* T will be an invariant!!
typealias ID = String
class InputForeman(private val schema : Map<ID, Input<*>>) {
private lateinit var inputHolders : Map<ID, InputHolder<*>>
fun build(context: Context) : LinearLayout {
TODO("buildView into vertical LinearLayout based on it's layoutParams")
fun observeCompletion() : Observable<Boolean> {
TODO("join all input completeSignal")
fun getValue() : Map<ID, Any?> {
fun setValue(values : Map<ID, Any?>){
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import io.reactivex.Observable
* Enter my inspiration, JsonWriter and JsonReader
typealias ID = String
interface Input<T> {
* But writer and reader needs ID!!
val id : ID
val cls : Class<T>
val mandatory : Boolean
fun buildView(context : Context) : InputHolder<T>
val layoutParams : LinearLayout.LayoutParams
class Writer(){
private val innerMap = mutableMapOf<ID, Any?>()
val map : Map<ID, Any?> get() = innerMap
fun <T> write(input : Input<T>, value : T){
innerMap[] = input.cls.cast(value)
class Reader(private val map : Map<ID, Any?>){
fun <T> read(input : Input<T>) : T?{
val value = map.getValue(
return input.cls.cast(value)
abstract class InputHolder<T>(
* Turns out you need input from input holder
val input : Input<T>,
val view : View,
val completeSignal : Observable<Boolean>,
val focusedIds : Array<Int>
abstract fun write(writer: Writer)
abstract fun read(reader: Reader)
class InputForeman(private val schema : List<Input<*>>) {
private lateinit var inputHolders : Map<ID, InputHolder<*>>
fun build(context: Context) : LinearLayout {
TODO("buildView into vertical LinearLayout based on it's layoutParams")
fun observeCompletion() : Observable<Boolean> {
TODO("join all input completeSignal")
* Turns out this is different than you think,
* [InputHolder.write] is used to get value from view
* and [] is used to set value from Values Map
fun getValue() : Map<ID, Any?> {
val writer = Writer()
for((id, inputHolder) in inputHolders){
fun setValue(values : Map<ID, Any?>){
val reader = Reader(values)
for((id, inputHolder) in inputHolders){
* Another idea i have tried is making T a subclass of Value object to made it easier
* to be converted to moshi
* To make it more complicated sometimes,
* sometimes you need [LiveData] object so that you can generate for example Dropdown options on REAL TIME
* where do you put it ?
* i don't code how to solve this yet. but better watch out for this kind of thing
* Oh, some advice. don't use recyclerView in this. JUST DON'T
* I have thinking a lot about how to abstract this into RecyclerView
* but it is too hard. you have to consider binding. ViewType.
* if you think about it, why do you need recyclerview at all ?
* the only benefit you get from recyclerView is reducing view.
* but all the cases that i found. you don't always get 10 views with the same input
* it is always at most 6 to 8 EditTextInput, 2 or 3 ImageInput. your ViewHolder isn't gonna save you from
* input variation
* that's the end of our journey. i hope this is helpful
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