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Created September 27, 2021 19:19
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Benchmarking pure JS + top three templating engines on NPM
import { Event, Suite } from "benchmark";
import * as ejs from "ejs";
import * as handlebars from "handlebars";
import * as nunjucks from "nunjucks";
const DATA = {
greeting: "Hello",
things: [
{ name: "Test", color: "red" },
{ name: "Boat", color: "blue" },
{ name: "Car", color: "yellow" },
const NUNJUCKS_TEMPLATE = nunjucks.compile(`
{% for thing in things %}
{{ greeting }}, {{ }} 👋
Your color is: {{ thing.color }}
{% endfor %}
const TEMPLATES = {
"js concat": (data: any) => {
let result = "\n";
for (const thing of data.things) {
result += `${data.greeting}, ${} 👋\n`;
result += `Your color is: ${thing.color};\n`;
return result;
"js join": (data: any) => {
const result = [];
for (const thing of data.things) {
result.push(`${data.greeting}, ${} 👋\n`);
result.push(`Your color is: ${thing.color};\n`);
return result.join("");
ejs: ejs.compile(`
<% for(const thing of things) { %>
<%- greeting %>, <%- %> 👋
Your color is: <%- thing.color %>
<% } %>
handlebars: handlebars.compile(`
{{#each things}}
{{ @root.greeting }}, {{ }} 👋
Your color is: {{ this.color }}
nunjucks: (data: any) => NUNJUCKS_TEMPLATE.render(data),
var suite = new Suite("template engines", { initCount: 1_000_000 });
for (const [name, template] of Object.entries(TEMPLATES)) {`--- ${name} ---\n`, template(DATA));
suite.add(name, () => template(DATA));
}"Starting benchmark...");
.on("cycle", (event: Event) => {
if (! {
throw new Error(`no stats for ${}`);
const toMicro = (x: number) => {
const v = (x * 1_000_000).toPrecision(2);
return `${v}μs`;
console.log(`${}: ${toMicro(} ± ${toMicro(}`);
.on("complete", function (this: Suite, _event: Event) {
console.log("\nFastest is " + this.filter("fastest").map("name"));
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