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Last active September 16, 2015 18:42
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Terraform stack layout
// Directory layout
|__ us-east-1
|__ test
|__ vpc
|__ services
|__ apps
|__ foo
|__ bar
We have REMOTE files in every directory that's a stack, and a Makefile that finds directories
with a REMOTE file to initialize their remote state appropriately.
// If a module needs a VPC output
resource "terraform_remote_state" "vpc" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "terraform"
// these vars propagate from the stack to every module
key = "${var.region}/${var.environment}/vpc"
// If a module needs to know about the NAT or jump hosts
resource "terraform_remote_state" "services" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "terraform"
// these vars propagate from the stack to every module
key = "${var.region}/${var.environment}/services"
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