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Last active December 30, 2023 18:17
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Parsing with clojure.spec for the Advent of Code challenge
(ns net.thegeez.advent.spec-parsing
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen :as gen]
[clojure.test.check.generators :as tgen]))
;; Dependencies:
;; [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha14"]
;; [org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]
;; Advent of Code is a series of code challenges in the form of an advent
;; calender, counting down to Christmas. The challenges are given as a
;; list of inputs and the solution needs to be entered in a text box on
;; the website. So you can use any programming language you like!
(def fun "")
;; Clojure 1.9 includes clojure.spec which can do parsing with regular
;; expressions. This can be used to parse the input for the challenges
;; for Advent of Code!
;; The challenge for day 7 is to find valid ip addresses that are
;; defined by some property that make them proper ip addresses for the
;; Easter Bunny headquarters.
(def example-ips
;; The first 4 lines contain example ips, the last one is more like the
;; ones found in the actual input for the challenge. The challenge is
;; to find only the ips that have some property for the characters
;; outside the square brackets and the characters within the quare
;; brackets. So to solve this challenge it would be usefull to turn a
;; string like "abba[mnop]qrst" into
;; {:outers [[\a \b \b \a] [\q \r \s \t]] :inners [[\m \n \o \p]]}.
;; Clojure.spec can help with that.
;; Remember that strings is Clojure are also sequences of characters:
(= (seq "abcd") [\a \b \c \d]) ;;=> true
;; Some helpers:
(def alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
(def letter (set alphabet))
;; Parsing a string with clojure.spec:
(s/conform (s/* letter) "abcd")
;;=> :clojure.spec/invalid, because the regex spec works on sequences
(s/conform (s/* letter) (seq "abcd")) ;;=> [\a \b \c \d]
;; Or
(s/conform (s/and string?
(s/conformer seq)
(s/* letter))
"abcd") ;;=> [\a \b \c \d]
;; Note that because string? has been matched already, the conformer
;; `seq` will never fail here, so the conformer can never return
;; :clojure.spec/invalid
;; Lets first parse the input into an ip per line
(s/def ::ips (s/and string?
(s/conformer seq)
(s/+ (s/cat
:ip (s/+ (into letter "[]"))
:newline #{\newline}))))
(s/conform ::ips example-ips)
;; [{:ip [\a \b \b \a \[ \m \n \o \p \] \q \r \s \t], :newline \newline}
;; {:ip [\a \b \c \d \[ \b \d \d \b \] \x \y \y \x], :newline \newline}
;; .. etc ..]
;; Lets specify the definition of an ip a bit further
(s/def ::ips (s/and string?
(s/conformer seq)
(s/+ (s/cat
:ip ::ip
:newline #{\newline}))))
(s/def ::ip (s/cat :outer-first (s/+ letter)
:inner (s/cat
:openbracket #{\[}
:inner (s/+ letter)
:closebracket #{\]})
:outer-last (s/+ letter)))
(s/conform ::ips example-ips) ;;=> :clojure.spec/invalid
(s/explain-data ::ips example-ips)
;; => #:clojure.spec{:problems [{:path [:newline], :pred #{\newline}, :val \[, :via [:net.thegeez.advent.spec-parsing/ips], :in [92]}]}
(subs example-ips 92) ;;=> "[asdfgh]zxcvbn\n"
;; This shows that the ::ip spec works for the simple examples,
;; but fails to parse the second inner part from the last example,
;; which is more like the real input for the challenge
;; One attempt can be to look for a repeating pattern of outer
;; parts such as "abcd" followed by an inner part "[xyz]" where
;; the inner part is optional, because there is now inner part at
;; the end of an ip.
(s/def ::ip (s/* (s/cat :outer (s/+ letter)
:inner (s/?
:openbracket #{\[}
:inner (s/+ letter)
:closebracket #{\]})))))
;; (s/conform ::ips example-ips) ;; WARNING! running this will
;; be very very very slow!
;; This is not a good idea, because we run into a common
;; regular expression problem. Because the inner part is
;; defined as optional, there are many ways to parse an ip now.
;; We are looking for the first part to be parsed as
;; [{:outer [\a \b \c \d] :inner ..etc..}]. Because the inner
;; part is optional, it can also be parsed as
;; [{:outer [\a]} {:outer [\b]} .. etc ..]. The regular
;; expression can use some help with the parsing.
(s/def ::ip (s/cat :beginning
(s/* (s/cat :outer (s/+ letter)
:inner (s/cat
:openbracket #{\[}
:inner (s/+ letter)
:closebracket #{\]})))
:end (s/+ letter)))
(s/conform ::ips example-ips)q
;; => [{:ip {:beginning [{:outer [\a \b \b \a], :inner {:openbracket \[, :inner [\m \n \o \p], :closebracket \]}}], :end [\q \r \s \t]}, :newline \newline}
;; ... etc ...
;; {:ip {:beginning [{:outer [\i \o \x \x \o \j], :inner {:openbracket \[, :inner [\a \s \d \f \g \h], :closebracket \]}} {:outer [\z \x \c \v \b \n \i \o \x \x \o \j], :inner {:openbracket \[, :inner [\a \s \d \f \g \h], :closebracket \]}}], :end [\z \x \c \v \b \n]}, :newline \newline}]
;; By rewriting the regular expression without using the
;; optional predicate (s/? ..) the ips can be parsed again.
;; Sadly, now the structure of the conformed values is a bit
;; nested, while we only care about the :outer and :inner parts
;; of and ip. With a custom conformer this can be transformed
;; into a shape that is easier to use
(s/def ::ip
(s/& (s/cat :beginning
(s/* (s/cat :outer (s/+ letter)
:inner (s/cat
:openbracket #{\[}
:inner (s/+ letter)
:closebracket #{\]})))
:end (s/+ letter))
(fn [parsed]
{:inners (mapv (comp :inner :inner) (:beginning parsed))
:outers (-> []
(into (map :outer (:beginning parsed)))
(conj (:end parsed)))}))))
(s/conform ::ips example-ips)
;; => [{:ip {:inners [[\m \n \o \p]], :outers [[\a \b \b \a] [\q \r \s \t]]}, :newline \newline}
;; {:ip {:inners [[\b \d \d \b]], :outers [[\a \b \c \d] [\x \y \y \x]]}, :newline \newline}
;; {:ip {:inners [[\q \w \e \r]], :outers [[\a \a \a \a] [\t \y \u \i]]}, :newline \newline}
;; {:ip {:inners [[\a \s \d \f \g \h]], :outers [[\i \o \x \x \o \j] [\z \x \c \v \b \n]]}, :newline \newline}
;; {:ip {:inners [[\a \s \d \f \g \h] [\a \s \d \f \g \h]], :outers [[\i \o \x \x \o \j] [\z \x \c \v \b \n \i \o \x \x \o \j] [\z \x \c \v \b \n]]}, :newline \newline}]
;; And now the input is in a nice shape to solve the
;; actual challenge with.
;; Clojure specs can work both ways. From a conformed
;; parsing result you can go back to the original input:
(s/unform ::ip {:inners [[\m \n \o \p]], :outers [[\a \b \b \a] [\q \r \s \t]]})
;; => Throws Exception: IllegalStateException no unform fn for conformer clojure.spec/spec-impl/reify--13832 (spec.clj:870)
;; But that does require that every step is defined to both
;; conform and unform. In the ::ip example there is a
;; conformer, but not an unformer that works the other way.
;; Lets add that one:
(s/def ::ip
(s/& (s/cat :beginning
(s/* (s/cat :outer (s/+ letter)
:inner (s/cat
:openbracket #{\[}
:inner (s/+ letter)
:closebracket #{\]})))
:end (s/+ letter))
(fn [parsed]
{:inners (mapv
(comp :inner :inner) (:beginning parsed))
:outers (-> []
(into (map :outer (:beginning parsed)))
(conj (:end parsed)))})
(fn [out]
{:beginning (for [[outer inner] (->> (interleave (butlast (:outers out)) (:inners out))
(partition 2))]
{:outer outer
:inner {:openbracket \[
:inner inner
:closebracket \]}})
:end (last (:outers out))}))))
(s/unform ::ip {:inners [[\m \n \o \p]], :outers [[\a \b \b \a] [\q \r \s \t]]})
;; => (\a \b \b \a \[ \m \n \o \p \] \q \r \s \t)
;; And adding an unformer to the ::ips spec:
(s/def ::ips (s/and string?
(s/conformer seq #(apply str %))
(s/+ (s/cat
:ip ::ip
:newline #{\newline}))))
(s/unform ::ips [{:ip {:inners [[\m \n \o \p]], :outers [[\a \b \b \a] [\q \r \s \t]]}}]) ;; => "abba[mnop]qrst"
(= (s/unform ::ips (s/conform ::ips example-ips)) example-ips) ;; => true!
;; With specs you can also generate data:
(gen/generate (s/gen ::ip)) ;;=> (\h \r \e \h \[ \v \r \x \g \x \] \k \q \v \y \o \i \y \g \i \s \n \j ... a probably very long generated sample ...)
;; You can also generate your own input for the Advent
;; of Code challenge:
(gen/generate (s/gen ::ips)) ;; => Exception "Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries."
;; What is happening here is that (s/gen ::ips) will
;; generate random strings and not strings that conform
;; to our ::ip spec, because (s/and ...) will use the
;; first spec as its generator, our conformer and :ip and
;; :newline definition are not used. This can be fixed:
(s/def ::many-ips (s/+ (s/cat
:ip ::ip
:newline #{\newline})))
(s/def ::ips (s/with-gen
(s/and string?
(s/conformer seq #(apply str %))
(fn []
(fn [char-seq]
(apply str char-seq))
(s/gen ::many-ips)))))
;; now this works:
(gen/generate (s/gen ::ips)) ;;=> "btpmlpdo[nhchrwg]anbqb[qrnb]ico\njwgrxdb[vbo]grqy.... a very long string of long ips .... "
;; The challenge for day 8 in the Advent of Code is to
;; use some instruction for a LED screen to find a
;; password. Again the input is a string with on each
;; line some useful input:
(def example-instructions
"rect 31x24
rotate column x=11 by 1
rotate row y=23 by 30
rotate column x=1 by 1
;; To use these actions it would be helpful to have
;; them in the shape of [[:rect {:wide 31 :tall 24}] ...etc...]
;; Some helpers again:
(def numbers "0123456789")
(def number (set numbers))
(def alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
(def letter (set alphabet))
(s/def ::action (s/alt :rect (s/cat :char-r #{\r}
:char-e #{\e}
:char-c #{\c}
:char-t #{\t}
:space #{\space}
:wide (s/+ number)
:char-x #{\x}
:tall (s/+ number))))
(s/conform ::action (seq "rect 31x24"))
;;=> [:rect {:char-r \r, :char-e \e, :char-c \c, :char-t \t, :space \space, :wide [\3 \1], :char-x \x, :tall [\2 \4]}]
;; Two things are not so nice about this. It is a
;; bit tedious to spell out all the characters of
;; the "rect " string and it would be nice if the
;; numbers for :wide and :tall were actual numbers.
;; To make :wide and :tall a number:
(s/def ::number (s/with-gen
(s/& (s/+ number)
(fn [parsed]
(Long/parseLong (apply str parsed)))
(fn [out]
(seq (str out)))))
(fn []
(fn [l]
(seq (str l)))
(s/def ::action (s/alt :rect (s/cat :char-r #{\r}
:char-e #{\e}
:char-c #{\c}
:char-t #{\t}
:space #{\space}
:wide ::number
:char-x #{\x}
:tall ::number)))
(s/conform ::action (seq "rect 31x24"))
;;=> [:rect {:char-r \r, :char-e \e, :char-c \c, :char-t \t, :space \space, :wide 31, :char-x \x, :tall 24}]
(let [in (seq "rect 31x24")]
(= (s/unform ::action (s/conform ::action in)) in)) ;;=> true!
;; The tedious specification of string matching
;; can be solved with a helper:
(defmacro match-seq [c]
(let [ks (mapv keyword (repeatedly (count c) gensym))
cat-kvs (mapcat vector ks (map hash-set c))]
(s/cat ~@cat-kvs)
(juxt ~@ks)
(fn [out#]
(zipmap ~ks out#))))
(fn []
(s/gen #{~c})))))
(s/def ::action (s/alt :rect (s/cat :text (match-seq "rect ")
:wide ::number
:x #{\x}
:tall ::number)
:column (s/cat :text (match-seq "rotate column x=")
:index ::number
:by (match-seq " by ")
:shift ::number)
:row (s/cat :text (match-seq "rotate row y=")
:index ::number
:by (match-seq " by ")
:shift ::number)))
(s/def ::action-many (s/* (s/cat
:action ::action
:newline #{\newline})))
(s/def ::instructions (s/with-gen
(s/and string?
(s/conformer seq)
(fn []
(fn [char-seq]
(apply str char-seq))
(s/gen ::action-many)))))
(s/conform ::instructions example-instructions)
;;=> [{:action [:rect {:text [\r \e \c \t \space], :wide 31, :x \x, :tall 24}], :newline \newline}
;; {:action [:column {:text [\r \o \t \a \t \e \space \c \o \l \u \m \n \space \x \=], :index 11, :by [\space \b \y \space], :shift 1}], :newline \newline}
;; {:action [:row {:text [\r \o \t \a \t \e \space \r \o \w \space \y \=], :index 23, :by [\space \b \y \space], :shift 30}], :newline \newline}
;; {:action [:column {:text [\r \o \t \a \t \e \space \c \o \l \u \m \n \space \x \=], :index 1, :by [\space \b \y \space], :shift 1}], :newline \newline}]
;; And again you can also generate some
;; instructions from the specs:
(gen/generate (s/gen ::instructions))
;;=> "rect 10x23\nrotate column x=11 by 8\nrotate column x=16 by 7\nrect 28x10\nrotate row y=8 by 20\nrotate column x=8 by 21\nrotate column x=19 by 27\nrect 4x0\nrotate column x=18 by 18\nrotate row y=27 by 13\nrect 10x21\nrotate column x=0 by 17\nrect 5x3\nrotate row y=13 by 14\nrotate row y=17 by 29\nrotate row y=5 by 17\nrect 25x18\nrect 20x4\nrotate column x=8 by 25\nrect 1x28\nrotate column x=3 by 4\nrect 1x24\nrect 28x3\n"
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