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Created January 10, 2014 14:06
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4clojure in an editor
;; 1. Common test utility
(require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
(defmacro to-test [name & source]
`(defn ~(symbol (str name "-test")) [] ~@(for [case (filter list? source)]
`(assert ~(walk/postwalk-replace {'__ name} case)))))
;; 2. for each problem I write:
(def pNN
(fn ...solution here...))
;; 3. type (to-test solution-fn-name )
;; 4. copy paste the problem test cases from 4clojure into the to-test
;; form (the text will include "test not run")
;; example problem 21:
(to-test pNN
(= (__ 2 [1 2 3 4 5]) '(3 4 5 1 2))
test not run
(= (__ -2 [1 2 3 4 5]) '(4 5 1 2 3))
test not run
(= (__ 6 [1 2 3 4 5]) '(2 3 4 5 1))
test not run
(= (__ 1 '(:a :b :c)) '(:b :c :a))
test not run
(= (__ -4 '(:a :b :c)) '(:c :a :b))
;; 5. run (pNN-test) to run all the created assertions of the test
;; case
;; 6. edit pNN and test again
;; 7. (pNN-test) returns nil for succes!
;; 8. copy the (fn ...) body from pNN into 4clojure
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