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Created July 19, 2016 18:39
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match for spec
(ns adt
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]))
(defmacro match [spec x & cases]
(let [fr (s/form spec)
[ffr & frcases] fr
_ (assert (= `s/or ffr)
"match only works on clojure.spec/or specs")
expected-cases (set (take-nth 2 frcases))
found-cases (set (map first cases))
_ (assert (= expected-cases found-cases)
(str "match missing case: expected: " expected-cases
" found: " found-cases))
spec-name-s (gensym "spec-name")
spec-children-s (gensym "spec-children")]
`(let [[~spec-name-s ~spec-children-s] (s/conform ~spec ~x)]
(case ~spec-name-s
~@(reduce into
(for [[kw# binding# body#] cases]
[kw# `(let [~binding# ~spec-children-s]
(s/def ::body string?)
(s/def ::status number?)
(s/def ::reply (s/keys :req [::body
(s/def ::error string?)
(s/def ::retry number?)
(s/def ::response (s/or :reply ::reply
:error ::error
:retry ::retry))
(defn doit [a]
(match ::response a
(:reply {:keys [::body ::status]}
(println "reply" body status))
(:error message
(println "error" message))
(:retry n
(println "retry" n))))
(def b {::body "Hello world"
::status 200})
(def e "Error message")
(doit b)
;; => reply Hello world 200
;; nil
(doit e)
;; => error Error message
;; nil
(doit 103)
;; => retry 103
;; nil
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