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Last active December 11, 2019 15:08
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Advent of code 2019 day 9
This starts again with the interpreter from day 5.
This runs both of the day 9 problems (after running the test data).
Computing data
please enter a number: 1
Output: 2427443564
Computing data
please enter a number: 2
Output: 87221
DE - two-digit opcode, 02 == opcode 2
C - mode of 1st parameter, 0 == position mode
B - mode of 2nd parameter, 1 == immediate mode
A - mode of 3rd parameter, 0 == position mode,
omitted due to being a leading zero
import copy
import operator
def compute(program):
Program is a sequence of integers.
This deep-copies it, so the original program is unchanged.
Returns the last number output, and final status of the program.
ip = 0 # instruction pointer
rp_base = 0 # relative parameter base
my_program = copy.deepcopy(program)
def magic_read(alist, pos, default=0):
Read from "infinite" list. If the position is past the end,
return the default value.
if pos < 0:
raise IndexError("Index cannot be negative")
return alist[pos]
except IndexError:
return default
def magic_write(alist, pos, newval, default=0):
Write to "infinite" list. If the position is past the end,
extend list with the default value.
if pos < 0:
raise IndexError("Index cannot be negative")
alist[pos] = newval
except IndexError:
alist.extend((pos + 1 - len(alist)) * [default])
alist[pos] = newval
def get_input(alist, pos, mode):
nonlocal rp_base
n = magic_read(alist, pos)
if mode == 0:
return magic_read(alist, n)
elif mode == 1:
return n
elif mode == 2:
return magic_read(alist, n + rp_base)
raise ValueError("Invalid mode: {}".format(mode))
def store(alist, pointer, value, mode):
if mode == 1:
raise ValueError("store mode cannot be 1")
elif mode == 2:
pointer += rp_base
magic_write(alist, pointer, value)
while True:
output = None
# modes: 0 = position, 1 = immediate, 2 = relative position
rawcode = magic_read(my_program, ip)
opcode = rawcode % 100
mode1 = rawcode // 100 % 10
mode2 = rawcode // 1000 % 10
mode3 = rawcode // 10000 % 10
# print(opcode, mode1, mode2, mode3)
if (opcode == 1) or (opcode == 2):
# add or multiply
input1 = get_input(my_program, ip + 1, mode1)
input2 = get_input(my_program, ip + 2, mode2)
out_pos = magic_read(my_program, ip + 3)
functor = operator.add if opcode == 1 else operator.mul
output = functor(input1, input2)
store(my_program, out_pos, output, mode3)
ip += 4
elif opcode == 3:
# input
input1 = int(input("please enter a number: "))
# out_pos = get_input(my_program, ip + 1, mode1)
out_pos = magic_read(my_program, ip + 1)
store(my_program, out_pos, input1, mode1)
ip += 2
elif opcode == 4:
# output
input1 = get_input(my_program, ip + 1, mode1)
print("Output: {}".format(input1))
ip += 2
elif (opcode == 5) or (opcode == 6):
# jump if true, jump if false
input1 = get_input(my_program, ip + 1, mode1)
input2 = get_input(my_program, ip + 2, mode2)
if (opcode == 5) and (input1 != 0):
ip = input2
elif (opcode == 6) and (input1 == 0):
ip = input2
ip += 3
elif (opcode == 7) or (opcode == 8):
# less-then or equal
input1 = get_input(my_program, ip + 1, mode1)
input2 = get_input(my_program, ip + 2, mode2)
comparator = if opcode == 7 else operator.eq
# int(True) == 1, int(False) == 0
out_pos = magic_read(my_program, ip + 3)
output = int(comparator(input1, input2))
store(my_program, out_pos, output, mode3)
ip += 4
elif opcode == 9:
input1 = get_input(my_program, ip + 1, mode1)
rp_base += input1
ip += 2
elif opcode == 99:
# halt
break # the end
raise Exception("Invalid opcode: {}".format(opcode))
return (output, my_program)
def read_data(filename):
Each line is a "program":
alldata = {}
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
(name, prog) = line.rstrip().split(':')
alldata[name] = [int(x) for x in prog.split(',')]
return alldata
def main():
data = read_data('zzz-day9-data.txt')
for pname in ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'data']:
print("Computing {}".format(pname))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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