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Last active October 8, 2020 22:00
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# !/usr/bin/env ruby
# This script is designed to loop through all dependencies in an AWS CodeCommit
# project, creating PRs where necessary.
require 'dependabot/file_fetchers'
require 'dependabot/file_parsers'
require 'dependabot/update_checkers'
require 'dependabot/file_updaters'
require 'dependabot/pull_request_creator'
# dependabot/omnibus provides support for all languages
require 'dependabot/omnibus'
require 'aws-sdk-codecommit'
require 'optimist'
ENV['DEPENDABOT_NATIVE_HELPERS_PATH'] = "#{Dir.pwd}/native-helpers"
bundler pip npm_and_yarn maven gradle cargo hex composer nuget dep \
go_modules elm submodules docker terraform github_actions
opts = Optimist.options do
opt :package_manager_list, 'space-delimited Package Manager(s) to run ' \
"against from this list:\n#{PACKAGE_MANAGERS}\n\nCANNOT be used with" \
" --all-package-managers\n\nExample: --package-manager-list bundler " \
"docker\n ", type: 'strings'
opt :all_package_managers, 'run against all package managers in ' \
"#{PACKAGE_MANAGERS}\n\nCANNOT be used with " \
"--package-manager-list\n ", default: false
opt :project_path, "name of the AWS CodeCommit repository\n ", type: 'string'
opt :directory_path, "location of the base dependency files\n ", \
type: 'string', default: '/'
opt :codecommit_branch, 'branch of the AWS CodeCommit repository to ' \
"check against\n ", type: 'string', default: 'master'
conflicts :package_manager_list, :all_package_managers
Optimist.die :package_manager_list, 'must be a space-delimited list from' \
"#{PACKAGE_MANAGERS}" unless opts[:all_package_managers] || \
(!opts[:package_manager_list].nil? && \
(opts[:package_manager_list] - PACKAGE_MANAGERS).empty?)
package_managers = if opts[:all_package_managers]
# Communicate to dependabot-core GitHub repo
credentials = [
'type' => 'git_source',
'host' => '',
'username' => 'x-access-token',
'password' => ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] # read access to repos
# Full name of the repo you want to create pull requests for.
repo_name = opts[:project_path]
# Directory where the base dependency files are.
directory = opts[:directory_path]
# Branch of CodeCommit to check
codecommit_branch = opts[:codecommit_branch]
source =
provider: 'codecommit',
hostname: ENV['AWS_REGION'],
repo: repo_name,
directory: directory,
branch: codecommit_branch
package_managers.each do |package_manager|
# Fetch the dependency files #
puts "Fetching #{package_manager} dependency files for #{repo_name}"
fetcher = Dependabot::FileFetchers.for_package_manager(package_manager).new(
source: source,
credentials: credentials
files = fetcher.files
commit = fetcher.commit
# Parse the dependency files #
puts 'Parsing dependencies information'
parser = Dependabot::FileParsers.for_package_manager(package_manager).new(
dependency_files: files,
source: source,
credentials: credentials
dependencies = parser.parse do |dep|
# Get update details for the dependency #
checker = Dependabot::UpdateCheckers.for_package_manager(package_manager).new(
dependency: dep,
dependency_files: files,
credentials: credentials
next if checker.up_to_date?
requirements_to_unlock =
if !checker.requirements_unlocked_or_can_be?
if checker.can_update?(requirements_to_unlock: :none) then :none
else :update_not_possible
elsif checker.can_update?(requirements_to_unlock: :own) then :own
elsif checker.can_update?(requirements_to_unlock: :all) then :all
else :update_not_possible
next if requirements_to_unlock == :update_not_possible
updated_deps = checker.updated_dependencies(
requirements_to_unlock: requirements_to_unlock
# Generate updated dependency files #
print " - Updating #{} (from #{dep.version})…"
updater = Dependabot::FileUpdaters.for_package_manager(package_manager).new(
dependencies: updated_deps,
dependency_files: files,
credentials: credentials
updated_files = updater.updated_dependency_files
# Create a pull request for the update #
pr_creator =
source: source,
base_commit: commit,
dependencies: updated_deps,
files: updated_files,
credentials: credentials
pull_request = pr_creator.create
puts ' submitted'
next unless pull_request
puts 'Done'
ruby aws_codecommit_update_script.rb --package-manager-list bundler --project-path my-codecommit-repo --directory-path /dependencies --codecommit-branch my-feature-branch
ruby aws_codecommit_update_script.rb --package-manager-list composer pip docker --project-path my-codecommit-repo
ruby aws_codecommit_update_script.rb --all-package-managers --project-path my-codecommit-repo
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