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Created November 13, 2011 05:23
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FreeCAD script for generating parametric project enclosures
from __future__ import division # allows floating point division from integers
from FreeCAD import Base
import Part
import math
# Run this macro to create a generic project enclosure box
# You can change all the parameters by selecting the object in the tree view and tweaking values in the "Data" tab
# Possible additions/improvements
# counterbore bridging .4mm
# screwpost corner ribbing on/off
# screwpost edgeNormal ribbing on/off
# lid:
# make lid lip more like a border?
# alternatively inset lid in body, have tabs to make it grabbable
# rewrite to accept any polygon (not just rectangles) for box shape, when viewed from top.
# tabbed enclosures? (ex )
# extra standoffs for boards?
# sanity checks:
# SideRadius < width / 2 and < length / 2
# ScrewpostInset > ScrewpostOD / 2?
class BoxEnclosure:
def __init__(self, obj,
OuterWidth=100, OuterLength=150, OuterHeight=50, Thickness=3,
SideRadius=10, TopAndBottomRadius = 2,
ScrewpostInset = 8, ScrewpostID = 4, ScrewpostOD = 10,
BoreDiameter=0, BoreDepth=0,
CountersinkAngle=90, CountersinkDiameter=8,
LipHeight = 1, LidFlip=False):
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","OuterWidth","BoxBody","Outer width of box enclosure.\nIf inner width is set, this will automatically update accordingly.").OuterWidth = OuterWidth
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","OuterLength","BoxBody","Outer length of box enclosure.\nIf inner length is set, this will automatically update accordingly.").OuterLength = OuterLength
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","OuterHeight","BoxBody","Outer height of box enclosure.\nIf inner height is set, this will automatically update accordingly.").OuterHeight = OuterHeight
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","InnerWidth","BoxBody","Inner width of box enclosure.\nIf outer width is set, this will automatically update accordingly.").InnerWidth = OuterWidth - 2 * Thickness
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","InnerLength","BoxBody","Inner length of box enclosure.\nIf outer length is set, this will automatically update accordingly.").InnerLength = OuterLength - 2 * Thickness
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","InnerHeight","BoxBody","Inner height of box enclosure.\nIf outer height is set, this will automatically update accordingly.").InnerHeight = OuterHeight - 2 * Thickness
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Thickness","BoxBody","Thickness of the box walls").Thickness = Thickness
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","SideRadius","Fillets","Radius for the curves around the sides of the box").SideRadius = SideRadius
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","TopAndBottomRadius","Fillets","Radius for the curves on the top and bottom edges of the box").TopAndBottomRadius = TopAndBottomRadius
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","ScrewpostInset","Screwposts","How far in from the edges the screwposts should be place").ScrewpostInset = ScrewpostInset
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","ScrewpostID","Screwposts","Inner Diameter of the screwpost holes, should be roughly screw diameter not including threads").ScrewpostID = ScrewpostID
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","ScrewpostOD","Screwposts","Outer Diameter of the screwposts.\nDetermines overall thickness of the posts.\nMust be larger than the ScrewpostID!").ScrewpostOD = ScrewpostOD
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","BoreDiameter","Counterbore","Diameter of the counterbore hole, if any").BoreDiameter = BoreDiameter
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","BoreDepth","Counterbore","Depth of the counterbore hole, if any").BoreDepth = BoreDepth
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","CountersinkDiameter","Countersink","Outer diameter of countersink. Should roughly match the outer diameter of the screw head").CountersinkDiameter = CountersinkDiameter
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyAngle","CountersinkAngle","Countersink","Countersink angle (complete angle between opposite sides, not from center to one side)").CountersinkAngle = CountersinkAngle
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","LidFlip","BoxLid","Whether to place the lid with the top facing down or not.\nDoes not affect the part shape at all").LidFlip = LidFlip
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","LipHeight","BoxLid","Height of lip on the underside of the lid.\nSits inside the box body for a snug fit.").LipHeight = LipHeight
# used in error handling, to revert to last good value upon error
self.oldValues = {
"OuterWidth": obj.OuterWidth,
"OuterLength": obj.OuterLength,
"OuterHeight": obj.OuterHeight,
"InnerWidth": obj.InnerWidth,
"InnerLength": obj.InnerLength,
"InnerHeight": obj.InnerHeight,
"Thickness": obj.Thickness,
"SideRadius": obj.SideRadius,
"TopAndBottomRadius": obj.TopAndBottomRadius,
"ScrewpostInset": obj.ScrewpostInset,
"ScrewpostID": obj.ScrewpostID,
"ScrewpostOD": obj.ScrewpostOD,
"BoreDiameter": obj.BoreDiameter,
"BoreDepth": obj.BoreDepth,
"CountersinkDiameter": obj.CountersinkDiameter,
"CountersinkAngle": obj.CountersinkAngle,
"LidFlip": obj.LidFlip,
"LipHeight": obj.LipHeight,
obj.Proxy = self
def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
"Do something when a property has changed"
print "%s changed" % prop
if prop == "InnerWidth":
self.updateProperty(fp, "OuterWidth", fp.InnerWidth + 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "InnerLength":
self.updateProperty(fp, "OuterLength", fp.InnerLength + 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "InnerHeight":
self.updateProperty(fp, "OuterHeight", fp.InnerHeight + 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "OuterWidth":
self.updateProperty(fp, "InnerWidth", fp.OuterWidth - 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "OuterLength":
self.updateProperty(fp, "InnerLength", fp.OuterLength - 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "OuterHeight":
self.updateProperty(fp, "InnerHeight", fp.OuterHeight - 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "BoreDepth":
if fp.BoreDepth >= fp.Thickness:
fp.BoreDepth = self.oldValues[prop]
raise ValueError("Bore Depth must be less than Thickness" % prop)
elif prop == "ScrewpostID":
if fp.ScrewpostID >= fp.ScrewpostOD:
fp.ScrewpostID = self.oldValues[prop]
raise ValueError("Screwpost ID must be less than Screwpost OD" % prop)
elif prop == "ScrewpostOD":
if fp.ScrewpostOD <= fp.ScrewpostID:
fp.ScrewpostOD = self.oldValues[prop]
raise ValueError("Screwpost OD must be greater than Screwpost ID" % prop)
elif prop == "Thickness":
if fp.Thickness <= 0:
fp.Thickness = self.oldValues[prop]
raise ValueError("%s must be > 0" % prop)
elif fp.Thickness <= fp.BoreDepth:
fp.Thickness = self.oldValues[prop]
raise ValueError("Thickness must be greater than Bore Depth " % prop)
self.updateProperty(fp, "OuterWidth", fp.InnerWidth + 2 * fp.Thickness)
self.updateProperty(fp, "OuterLength", fp.InnerLength + 2 * fp.Thickness)
self.updateProperty(fp, "OuterHeight", fp.InnerHeight + 2 * fp.Thickness)
elif prop == "Shape":
for k in self.oldValues.keys():
self.oldValues[k] = getattr(fp, k)
print self.oldValues
def updateProperty(self, fp, prop, value):
epsilon = 0.0001
if abs(getattr(fp, prop) - value) > epsilon:
setattr(fp, prop, value)
def execute(self, fp):
box = Part.makeBox(fp.OuterWidth, fp.OuterLength, fp.OuterHeight + fp.LipHeight)
hollow = Part.makeBox(fp.InnerWidth, fp.InnerLength, fp.InnerHeight, Base.Vector(fp.Thickness, fp.Thickness, fp.Thickness))
if fp.SideRadius > fp.TopAndBottomRadius:
box = self.filletBox(box, fp.SideRadius)
box = self.filletBox(box, fp.TopAndBottomRadius, filletZ=True)
hollow = self.filletBox(hollow, fp.SideRadius - fp.Thickness)
hollow = self.filletBox(hollow, fp.TopAndBottomRadius - fp.Thickness, filletZ=True)
box = self.filletBox(box, fp.TopAndBottomRadius, filletZ=True)
box = self.filletBox(box, fp.SideRadius)
hollow = self.filletBox(hollow, fp.TopAndBottomRadius - fp.Thickness, filletZ=True)
hollow = self.filletBox(hollow, fp.SideRadius - fp.Thickness)
box = box.cut(hollow)
points = (
(fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.Thickness),
(fp.OuterWidth - fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.Thickness),
(fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.OuterLength - fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.Thickness),
(fp.OuterWidth - fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.OuterLength - fp.ScrewpostInset, fp.Thickness)
box = self.addStandoffs(box, fp.OuterHeight + fp.LipHeight - fp.Thickness, fp.ScrewpostID, fp.ScrewpostOD, points)
(body, lid) = self.cleaveZ(box, fp.OuterHeight - fp.Thickness)
# create lip on lid
lid.translate(Base.Vector(0, 0, -fp.LipHeight))
lid = lid.cut(body)
# drop lid down so that top is at thickness height
lid.translate(Base.Vector(0, 0, fp.Thickness - fp.OuterHeight))
# counterbore and/or countersink
if fp.BoreDiameter > 0 and fp.BoreDepth > 0:
lid = self.counterBore(lid, fp.BoreDiameter, fp.BoreDepth, points)
if fp.CountersinkDiameter > 0 and fp.CountersinkAngle > 0:
lid = self.counterSink(lid, fp.CountersinkDiameter, fp.CountersinkAngle, points, fp.BoreDepth)
# compensate for lip height
lid.translate(Base.Vector(0, 0, fp.LipHeight))
# orient the lid upside down or not
if fp.LidFlip:
lid.rotate(Base.Vector(fp.OuterWidth/2, fp.OuterLength/2, (fp.Thickness + fp.LipHeight) / 2), Base.Vector(0,1,0), 180)
# slide lid over to the side of box body
lid.translate(Base.Vector(fp.OuterWidth + fp.Thickness, 0, 0))
fp.Shape = body.fuse(lid)
def counterBore(self, part, diameter, depth, points):
for point in points:
if type(point) is tuple or type(point) is list:
point = Base.Vector(point[0], point[1], point[2])
bore = Part.makeCylinder(diameter/2.0, depth, point)
part = part.cut(bore)
return part
def counterSink(self, part, diameter, angle, points, boreDepth=0):
if boreDepth < 0:
boreDepth = 0
r = diameter / 2.0
h = r / math.tan(math.radians(angle / 2.0))
for point in points:
if type(point) is tuple or type(point) is list:
point = Base.Vector(point[0], point[1], point[2])
sink = Part.makeCone(0,r, h, point)
part = part.cut(sink)
return part
def addStandoffs(self, part, height, ID, OD, points):
for point in points:
if type(point) is tuple or type(point) is list:
point = Base.Vector(point[0], point[1], point[2])
post = Part.makeCylinder(OD/2.0, height, point)
part = part.fuse(post)
screwhole = Part.makeCylinder(ID/2.0, height, point)
part = part.cut(screwhole)
return part
def cleaveZ(self, part, z):
b = part.BoundBox
topBox = Part.makeBox(b.XLength, b.YLength, b.ZMax - z, Base.Vector(b.XMin, b.YMin, z))
bottomBox = Part.makeBox(b.XLength, b.YLength, z - b.ZMin, Base.Vector(b.XMin, b.YMin, b.ZMin))
return part.cut(topBox), part.cut(bottomBox)
# fillets only edges restricted to X and Y, or just along Z
def filletBox(self, part, radius, filletZ=False):
if (radius > 0):
return part.makeFillet(radius, self.filterZEdges(part.Edges, filletZ))
return part
def filterZEdges(self, edges, invert=False):
result = []
for e in edges:
if (e.Vertexes[0].Z == e.Vertexes[1].Z) == invert:
return result
def makeBoxEnclosure():
if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument is None:
a.ViewObject.Proxy=0 # just set it to something different from None (this assignment is needed to run an internal notification)
return a
if __name__ == "__main__":
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thehans commented Sep 14, 2021

Sorry, the script is quite outdated at this point, and I haven't worked on it in ages. There is a thread on freecad forums where some other users provided some potential fixes between freecad versions.
Although even those fixes may be out of date at this point, I would recommend at least starting there.

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