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Created September 11, 2021 00:02
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Bicubic interpolation of value noise for OpenSCAD
// Bicubic interpolation of value noise
// by Hans Loeblich
// Reference:
dims = [4,4];
min = 0;
max = 2;
seed = 0;
bicubic = create_bicubic_interp(dims, min, max, seed);
step = 1/32;
translate([x,y, bicubic(x,y)])
function mod(x,y) = let(r=x%y) r<0 ? r+y : r;
function fract(x) = x-floor(x);
function create_2Dlookup(dims, min=0, max=1, seed=0) =
function(x,y) rands(min, max, 1, seed + dims[1]*mod(x,dims[0]) + mod(y,dims[1]))[0];
function create_get_bicubic_coefs(dims, min, max, seed) = let(
m0 =
[[ 1, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[-3, 3,-2,-1],
[ 2,-2, 1, 1]],
m1 =
[[ 1, 0,-3, 2],
[ 0, 0, 3,-2],
[ 0, 1,-2, 1],
[ 0, 0,-1, 1]],
f = create_2Dlookup(dims, min,max,seed),
fx = function(x,y) ( f(x+1,y) - f(x-1,y))/2,
fy = function(x,y) ( f(x,y+1) - f(x,y-1))/2,
fxy = function(x,y) (fx(x,y+1) - fx(x,y-1))/2,
) function(x,y) let(
mf = [
[f (x ,y ),f (x ,y+1), fy(x ,y ), fy(x ,y+1)],
[f (x+1,y ),f (x+1,y+1), fy(x+1,y ), fy(x+1,y+1)],
[fx(x ,y ),fx(x ,y+1),fxy(x ,y ),fxy(x ,y+1)],
[fx(x+1,y ),fx(x+1,y+1),fxy(x+1,y ),fxy(x+1,y+1)],
) m0*mf*m1;
function create_bicubic_interp(dims, min, max, seed) = let(
get_bicubic_coefs = create_get_bicubic_coefs(dims, min, max, seed),
coef_lut = [ for(x=[0:1:dims[0]-1]) [ for(y=[0:1:dims[1]-1]) get_bicubic_coefs(x,y) ] ],
dx = dims[0], dy = dims[1],
) function(x,y) let(
xi = mod(floor(x),dx), yi = mod(floor(y),dy),
tx = fract(x), ty = fract(y),
mx = [1,tx,tx*tx,tx*tx*tx], my=[1,ty,ty*ty,ty*ty*ty], mc = coef_lut[xi][yi]
) mx * mc * my;
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