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Created April 26, 2018 18:32
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Thrust bearing by Hans Loeblich
License CC BY-SA
/* [Hidden] */
// constants
in = 25.4;
$fa = 0.1;
$fs = 0.25;
LOWER = 0;
UPPER = 1;
/* [Parameters] */
ID = 80;
OD = 100;
dBB = 4.5; // Nominal BB diameter
// Clearance added to diameter of bearing race channel
bbClearance = 0.2;
// Angle between vertical and the split between upper/lower bearing races
offsetAngle = 30;
// Gap between upper and lower race after assembled and collapsed
gapWidth = 0.3;
// Thickness of flange on top race.
topTh = 2;
// Thickness of flange bottom race.
bottomTh = 2;
// Minimum thickness above/below BB, in addition to flange thickness (topTh, bottomTh)
verticalPadding = 0.0;
// Added to dBB for filler hole only, (bbClearance not used for filler)
fillerClearance = 0.0;
rFlange = 5;
boltFlange = false;
boltD = 20*sqrt(2);
/* [Special Views] */
// View the 2d section of bearing before rotate extrude
view2d = false;
// render balls for preview/mockup (printing not recommended)
displayBBs = 0; // [0:none, 1:single, 2:all]
// remove bbClearance separation from upper and lower race
displayCollapsed = false;
// cut 90 degree section away to view inside part
cutaway = false;
if (topTh + verticalPadding <= 0) echo("WARNING: topTh + verticalPadding <= 0 Upper race is not whole.");
if (bottomTh + verticalPadding <= 0) echo("WARNING: bottomTh + verticalPadding <= 0 Lower race is not whole.");
// calculated values
dRace = (OD+ID)/2; // centered between OD and ID by default, rewrite this line for custom
rBB = dBB/2;
rRace = dRace/2;
minAngle = 2*atan(rBB/rRace);
collapsed_height = dBB + verticalPadding*2 + topTh + bottomTh;
section_width = (OD-ID)/2;
echo(ID=ID, OD=OD, section_width=section_width, collapsed_height=collapsed_height);
echo(str("bearing", ID, "x", OD, "x", collapsed_height, "_", dBB, "mm", bbClearance*100, "clr", offsetAngle, "deg", , gapWidth*100, "gap_", topTh, "_", bottomTh, "_", verticalPadding, "_", fillerClearance, ".stl"));
echo(str("Max BBs: ", 360/minAngle));
// Scene
//translate([0,0,-1]) // make axis labels visible from overhead in 2d view
translate((displayCollapsed ? bbClearance : 0) * (view2d ? [0,-1] : [0,0,-1]))
if (displayBBs) {
if (view2d)
// return the 2d point where the line equation f(x) = m*x + b intersects the given y value
function line2D(m, b, y=0) = let(x = (y-b)/m) [x,y];
// return array containing both solutions of quadratic equation
function quadratic(a,b,c) = let(D=b*b-4*a*c,d=sqrt(D)) [(-b+d)/(2*a),(-b-d)/(2*a)];
module bearingRace3(side=0) {
xInner = -rRace + ID/2;
xOuter = OD/2 - rRace;
yOffset = gapWidth/2 * sin(offsetAngle);
// y = m*x + b;
m = tan(90 - offsetAngle);
b = -m * gapWidth/2 - bbClearance/2;
// r*r = x*x + y*y
// r*r = x*x + (m*x+b)*(m*x+b)
// 0 = (m*m+1)*x*x + (2*m*b)*x + (b*b-r*r)
// a = m*m+1
// b = 2*m*b;
// c = b*b-r*r;
r = (dBB + bbClearance)/2;
x0 = quadratic(a=m*m+1, b=2*m*b, c=b*b-r*r)[0];
y3 = -r - verticalPadding;
y2 = y3 - (side==LOWER ? bottomTh : topTh);
y1 = -y3 - gapWidth - bbClearance;
points = [line2D(m,b,y1), [xOuter,y1], [xOuter,y2], [xInner,y2], [xInner, y3], line2D(m,b,y3)];
//echo("line parameters (y=mx+b): ", m=m, b=b);
//echo("quadratic parameters: ", a=m*m+1, b=2*m*b, c=b*b-r*r);
if (view2d) {
translate([rRace, 0])
difference() {
if (side==LOWER) color([0,1,0]) polygon(points);
else color([1,0,0]) scale(-1) polygon(points);
circle(d=dBB+bbClearance, $fs=0.2);
} else {
union() {
difference() {
// ring, bearing race
rotate_extrude(convexity=6, angle=cutaway ? 270 : 360)
translate([rRace, 0]) difference() {
if (side==LOWER) color([0,1,0]) polygon(points);
else color([1,0,0]) scale(-1) polygon(points);
circle(d=dBB+bbClearance, $fs=0.2);
// filler hole
h = rRace - ID/2+1;
if (!view2d && side==UPPER) translate([rRace,0])
translate([0,0,-gapWidth-fillerClearance/2]) rotate([0,-90]) translate([0,0,-bbClearance/2])
cylinder(d=dBB+fillerClearance, h=h, $fs=0.1);
if (boltFlange) {
// bolt flange
flangeOffset = side ?
r + verticalPadding:
-r - verticalPadding - bottomTh;
linear_extrude(side ? topTh : bottomTh)
difference() {
poly2d(square(40, r=rFlange, center=true));
// TODO, create ledge for plug to sit at correct depth, complete the design
module plug() {
// ??h = r+inner Th+1;
entryAngle = 5;
// maxClearance =
if (side) translate([rRace-bbClearance/2,0]) rotate([0,-90])
cylinder(d1=dBB, d2=dBB+2*h*tan(entryAngle), h=h, $fs=0.1);
module displayBall2D() {
$fs = 0.1;
// visualize bb off to one side of race, in any direction
//bbAngle = -90;
//bbOffset = bbClearance/2*[cos(bbAngle), sin(bbAngle),0];
bbOffset = displayCollapsed ? [rRace,-bbClearance/2] : [rRace,0];
color("blue") translate(bbOffset) circle(d=dBB);
module displayBalls() {
fillRatio = 1;
minAngle = 2*atan(rBB/rRace);
maxSteps = floor(fillRatio*360/minAngle);
echo(str("BBs for ", fillRatio, " fill ratio: ", maxSteps));
bbAngle = 90;
bbOffset = bbClearance/2*[cos(bbAngle), 0, -sin(bbAngle)];
color([0.8,0.8,0.8]) for(i=[single?maxSteps:1:1:maxSteps]) let(a=i*360/maxSteps)
rotate(a) translate([rRace-dBB*$t,0,0]+bbOffset)
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