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Created June 2, 2021 19:40
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OpenSCAD NURBS quad surface test
function vsum(v,i=0) = len(v)-1 > i ? v[i] + vsum(v, i+1) : v[i];
function N(p, i, U, u) = p == 0 ?
U[i] <= u && u <= U[i+1] ? 1 : 0 :
(b==0?0:a/b*N(p-1,i,U,u)) + (d==0?0:c/d*N(p-1,i+1,U,u));
module nurbs_circle() {
step = 0.0001;
// degree of curve
p = 2;
// control points, weights
P = [[1,0],[0,0],[0.5,sqrt(3)/2],[1,sqrt(3)],[1.5,sqrt(3)/2],[2,0],[1,0]];
W = [ 1 , 1/2 , 1 , 1/2 , 1 , 1/2 , 1 ];
// knot vector
U = [0, 0, 0, 1/3, 1/3, 2/3, 2/3, 1, 1, 1];
points = [for(u=[step:step:U[len(U)-1]])
let(nv=[for(i=[0:1:len(P)-1]) N(p,i,U,u)*W[i]])
vsum([for(i=[0:1:len(P)-1]) nv[i]*P[i] ]) /
vsum([for(i=[0:1:len(P)-1]) nv[i] ])
module nurbs_quad_patch() {
step = 0.1;
p = 3;
P = [
[[-5, 5, 0],[-3, 5, 0],[-1, 5, 0],[1, 5, 0],[3, 5, 0],[5, 5, 0]],
[[-5, 3, 0],[-3, 3,-3],[-1, 3,-3],[1, 3,-3],[3, 3,-3],[5, 3, 0]],
[[-5, 1, 0],[-3, 1,-3],[-1, 1, 3],[1, 1, 3],[3, 1,-3],[5, 1, 0]],
[[-5,-1, 0],[-3,-1,-3],[-1,-1, 3],[1,-1, 3],[3,-1,-3],[5,-1, 0]],
[[-5,-3, 0],[-3,-3,-3],[-1,-3,-3],[1,-3,-3],[3,-3,-3],[5,-3, 0]],
[[-5,-5, 0],[-3,-5, 0],[-1,-5, 0],[1,-5, 0],[3,-5, 0],[5,-5, 0]]
W = [
U = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
V = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
points = [
for(u=[U[0]+step:step:U[len(U)-1]-step]) let(ni=[for(i=[0:1:len(P)-1]) N(p,i,U,u)])
[for(v=[V[0]+step:step:V[len(V)-1]-step]) let(nj=[for(j=[0:1:len(P[0])-1]) N(p,j,V,v) ])
vsum([for(i=[0:1:len(P)-1],j=[0:1:len(P[0])-1]) ni[i]*nj[j]*W[i][j]*P[i][j] ]) /
vsum([for(i=[0:1:len(P)-1],j=[0:1:len(P[0])-1]) ni[i]*nj[j]*W[i][j] ])
points=[for(row=points) each row],
faces=[let(l=len(points[0])) for(u=[0:1:len(points)-2], v=[0:1:l-2])
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