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Created February 20, 2021 13:57
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Menger Sponge
// Menger Sponge by Hans Loeblich
// The 3d shape is created by the intersection of 3 orthogonal linear_extruded sierpinski carpets.
// Optimized for smaller ASCII STL file sizes. Object size is scaled so that points fall on whole number coordinates only.
// These file size savings are negligible if you convert to binary STL format anyways (not supported in OpenSCAD, but can be converted after saving)
// This technique is also not applicable to diagonally cut menger sponge
module optimized_menger(n) {
translate([s/2,s/2,s/2]) menger(s,n);
// cube cut along diagonal for ease of printing, two prints will form the whole shape
module menger_cut(size, n) {
difference() {
rotate([45,atan(1/sqrt(2)),0]) menger(size,n);
translate([0,0,-size]) cube(size*2, center=true);
module menger(s, n) {
intersection() {
rotate([ 0,90,0]) translate([0,0,-s/2-1]) linear_extrude(s+2, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
rotate([90, 0,0]) translate([0,0,-s/2-1]) linear_extrude(s+2, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
rotate([ 0, 0,0]) translate([0,0,-s/2-1]) linear_extrude(s+2, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
module sierpinski(s, n) {
difference() {
square(s, center=true);
module _sierpinski(x, y, s, n) {
translate([x,y]) {
if (n>0) {
i = n-1;
scale([1/3,1/3]) {
square(s, center=true);
if (i>0) {
_sierpinski(-s,-s, s, i);
_sierpinski(-s, 0, s, i);
_sierpinski(-s, s, s, i);
_sierpinski( 0,-s, s, i);
//_sierpinski( 0, 0, s, i);
_sierpinski( 0, s, s, i);
_sierpinski( s,-s, s, i);
_sierpinski( s, 0, s, i);
_sierpinski( s, s, s, i);
module animated_menger(s, n) {
t0 = get_step_t(0, 6);
t1 = get_step_t(1, 6);
t2 = get_step_t(2, 6);
t3 = get_step_t(3, 6);
t4 = get_step_t(4, 6);
t5 = get_step_t(5, 6);
if (t0 > 0) color([1,0,0,0.8]) scale([1.01,1,0.99]) rotate([ 0,90, 0]) translate([0,0,-3*s/2]) linear_extrude(s*t0, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
if (t2 > 0) color([0,1,0,0.8]) scale([0.99,1.01,1]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([0,0,-3*s/2]) linear_extrude(s*t2, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
if (t4 > 0) color([0,0,1,0.8]) scale([1,0.99,1.01]) rotate([ 0, 0, 0]) translate([0,0,-3*s/2]) linear_extrude(s*t4, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
intersection() {
if (t1 > 0) color([1,0,0,0.8]) scale([1.01,1,0.99]) rotate([ 0,90, 0]) translate([0,0,-s/2]) linear_extrude(s*t1, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
if (t3 > 0) color([0,1,0,0.8]) scale([0.99,1.01,1]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) translate([0,0,-s/2]) linear_extrude(s*t3, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
if (t5 > 0) color([0,0,1,0.8]) scale([1,0.99,1.01]) rotate([ 0, 0, 0]) translate([0,0,-s/2]) linear_extrude(s*t5, convexity=pow(2,n)) sierpinski(s,n);
function get_step_t(step, total) = let(t = $t*total - step) min(1,t);
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