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Last active April 4, 2018 07:08
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S3 Latency Limiter, parallel get_object wrapper
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import List
def _ignore_task_exception(task: asyncio.Future, logger: logging.Logger):
# noinspection PyBroadException
except BaseException:
# These may be things like boto 404s
#"Ignoring exception", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
async def _wait_task_cancellations(cancelled_tasks: List[asyncio.Task], logger: logging.Logger, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop=None, log_cancellation: bool=False, log_exceptions: bool=True):
if not len(cancelled_tasks):
# now wait for cancelled tasks to finish and log exceptions encountered
done_futures, _ = await asyncio.wait(cancelled_tasks, loop=loop)
for fut in done_futures:
except asyncio.CancelledError:
if log_cancellation:
logger.exception('Task was cancelled')
if log_exceptions:
logger.exception("Task raised unexpected exception during cancellation")
def relay_wrapper(func: _async_method, num_parallel: int, logger: logging.Logger):
Will wrap `func` and run `num_parallel` in parallel, returning result from first
that completes, cancelling others.
:param func: async method to call
:param num_parallel: number of calls to run in parallel
:param logger: logger to use
async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
done, pending = await asyncio.wait([func(*args, **kwargs) for _ in range(num_parallel)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
# Find first non-exception result
# NOTE: we need to retrieve the exceptions or else we'll get errors about "Task exception was never retrieved"
exception_tasks: List[asyncio.Task] = list()
result_task: asyncio.Task = _sentinel
for task in done:
if task.cancelled() or task.exception():
elif result_task is _sentinel:
result_task = task
# otherwise return first result
if result_task is _sentinel:
result_task = exception_tasks.pop(0)
return result_task.result()
# NOTE: in waiting for the tasks to get cancelled, some may finish with an exception so we want to ignore those
await _wait_task_cancellations(pending, logger, None, False, False)
for task in exception_tasks:
_ignore_task_exception(task, logger)
return wrapper
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We had a lot of issues trying to get our S3 latency consistently < 5s, so after guidance from Amazon we came up with this gist.

to use, do something like:

import aiobotocore
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()
session = aiobotocore.get_session()
async with session.create_client('s3') as s3_client:
    get_object = relay_wrapper(s3_client.get_object, 3, logger)
    response = await get_object(Bucket='bucket', key='key')

this way it will do 3 in parallel, and the fastest one wins, with the others getting cancelled if they didn't finish.

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