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Last active January 20, 2023 22:01
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Rheem Water Heater Energy Usage Calculator
import asyncio
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import date, timedelta
import logging
from typing import Dict
from pprint import pprint
from pyeconet import EcoNetApiInterface
from import EquipmentType
from import UsageFormat
_client_id = ''
_client_secret = 'MjQ3Mjc5MjEtYTNjMC00NDJiLTg2YjUtM2NiZWRhZDU4NjMx'
# TODO: get this from PGE
# prices are NEM + generation (nem is refundable with solar)
# EV2-A
_PGE_PEAK = 0.43 + 0.11107 # 0.671
_PGE_PARTIAL_PEAK = 0.42901 + 0.15180 # 0.601
_PGE_OFF_PEAK = 0.24699 + 0.19606 # 0.443
def _get_pge_rate(hour: int):
if 4 <= hour < 9:
return _PGE_PEAK
if 3 <= hour < 4 or 9 <= hour < 24:
return _PGE_OFF_PEAK
async def main():
To use you must install pip3 install and have the patches from my PR:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-email', required=True, help="Rheem account email address")
parser.add_argument('-password', required=True, help="Rheem account password")
# TODO: better support for 1 month delta
parser.add_argument('-start', type=date.fromisoformat, - timedelta(days=30), help='ISO Start date')
parser.add_argument('-end', type=date.fromisoformat,, help='ISO Start date')
app_args = parser.parse_args()
api = await EcoNetApiInterface.login(, password=app_args.password)
all_equipment = await api.get_equipment_by_type([EquipmentType.WATER_HEATER, EquipmentType.THERMOSTAT])
kwh_by_hour: Dict[int, float] = defaultdict(float)
kwh_by_day: Dict[date, float] = defaultdict(float)
for equip_list in all_equipment.values():
for equipment in equip_list:
print(f"Name: {equipment.device_name}")
day: date = app_args.start
while day <= app_args.end:
print(f"Getting usage for {day} - {day + timedelta(days=1)}")
await equipment.get_energy_usage(UsageFormat.DAILY, year=day.year, month=day.month,
for hour, amount in equipment.historical_energy_usage.items():
kwh_by_hour[hour] += amount
kwh_by_day[day - timedelta(days=1)] += amount
for hour, amount in equipment.energy_usage.items():
kwh_by_hour[hour] += amount
kwh_by_day[day] += amount
day += timedelta(days=2)
print("kwh/$ by hour:")
pprint({hour: f'{amount} KWH (${amount * _get_pge_rate(hour)})' for hour, amount in kwh_by_hour.items()}, width=200)
print("kwh by day:")
pprint(kwh_by_day, width=200)
total_cost = 0
for hour, amount in kwh_by_hour.items():
total_cost += _get_pge_rate(hour) * amount
print(f"total cost: ${total_cost}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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